  • Tower of Babel
  • The Bronze Age Tower of Babel was a serious threat to Jahweh.
  • The Tower of Babel is a tower that is referred to in Genesis 11. For a time after the flood when the Earth's population began to grow the people all lived close together. At that time they all spoke the same language. The decided to live in Shinar. They did not want to be scattered, so they decided to build a city and a tower. They desired for the top of the tower to reach up into heaven.
  • The endeavor was in violation of God's command given to Noah and his family to fill the earth. As a result, He judged the descendants of Noah, still speaking his original language, by confusing the languages between the different family groups to make cooperation impossible. Nearby Ur would be the home of some of the descendants of Shem, probably including his son Arphaxad (spelling suggest Ur-phaxad). It was there that Abram (later named Abraham) would be born.
  • The Tower of Babel may have referred to the Great Ziggurat of Babylon. It was 91 metres (300 ft) tall, though wise men did not take the elevators all the way up to the seventh story, as the slaves pulling the ropes all had an attitude, and God help you if their palms got sweaty. Alexander the Great tore it down in 331 BCE and was going to rebuild it but died first, resulting in a situation comparable to Urban Renewal in Flint, Michigan.
  • Babel is driven by five Ruins base by Aria (when she was held captive), and the Cosmos of all those who had the misfortune to rebel against the new regime in Mars (mainly students and teachers of the Palestra, among them Geki , Komachi and Arne). These "rebels" were held in stasis in a huge light pillar in the center of the tower, and pumped gradually of their Cosmos. 5 hearts destroy elementary sends the Cosmos to the Earth is round, according to Aria, a prerequisite before destroying it.
  • Dilbert takes a sick to from work, much to the annoyance of Dogbert, who thinks a cold means he can still go to work. He gives Dilbert a placebo, but Dilbert refuses, saying he's close to curing the common cold. However, his machine explodes, and he opts for the placebo instead. At work, he, Alice, and Wally are working on The Gruntmaster 6000, but Alice and Wally are to sick to work, and Dilbert keeps spraying air freshener and anti-bacteriants to of a can.
  • The Tower of Babel was the fortress of a powerful Cyberdemon Lord who was the apparent new ruler of Deimos, former moon of Mars, after it disappeared into Hell. The tower could be seen under construction on the surface of the moon by demonic forces as a lone space marine fought his way through the infested UAC Deimos Base. Eventually he discovered the finished Tower and defeated the Cyberdemon Lord.
  • They don't like to describe it's height, pictures indicate that is tops the lower clouds (perhaps about a mile high) no one accounts for the effects of high altitude, so it isn't as tall as some natural mountains. Technology got people to the moon, and God must have known this, as God is omniscient. SInce the moon is substantially higher than a few miles (the tower's limit as the builders lacked high altitude equipment), God's stopping action didn't do all that much.
  • Tower of Babel is the first fortress level in the Demon Realm. The player must make their way up the tower before fighting the Cyberdemon at the top. The level consists of four distinct areas. The first area is the tower's exterior, where you must navigate past enemies and around the structure to find a pipe that leads in. The second is a blood pool that leads into the tower, filled by demonic creatures. The third, and arguably most difficult, is the climb up the tower, which is riddled with instant-death lava and spike-laden walls while riding moving platforms. Last is the boss fight against the Cyberdemon.
  • The Tower of Babel (Hebrew: מגדל בבל‎ Migdal Bavel Arabic: برج بابل‎ Burj Babil), according to the Book of Genesis, was an enormous tower built in the plain of Shinar, a tower so tall it offended God. According to the biblical account, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar, where they resolved to build a city with a tower "with its top in the heavens...lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the Earth." God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So God said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and c
  • The Rigelians are being considered for Federation membership, even though there is still dispute among Federation members over the validity of the organisation. Archer and the Endeavour accompany a delegation from both powers to Babel, where the Federation will debate whether or not to accept Rigel as a member. Meanwhile, the Pioneer is sent to the Rigel system to learn more about their culture.
  • However, the Tower of Babel was not built for the worship and praise of God, but was instead dedicated to the glory of man, to "make a name" for the builders: "Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.'" (Genesis 11:4). The Book of Genesis then relates how God, displeased with the builders' intent, came down and confused their languages and scattered the people throughout the earth.
fr name
  • Tour de Babel
es lore
  • Cada vez que tú o tu adversario activen una Carta Mágica, pon 1 Contador Mágico en esta carta. Cuando se pone el 4º Contador Mágico en esta carta, destruye esta carta e inflige 3000 puntos de daño al jugador que activó la Carta Mágica en ese momento.
el name
  • Πύργος της Βαβέλ
Romaji Name
  • Baberu Tawā
hr name
  • Kula Babilonska
ja lore
  • このカードがフィールド上に存在する限り、自分または相手が魔法カードを発動する度に、このカードに魔力カウンターを1つ置く。このカードに4つ目の魔力カウンターが乗った時にこのカードを破壊し、その時に魔法カードを発動したプレイヤーは3000ポイントダメージを受ける。
it lore
  • Ogni volta che una Carta Magia viene attivata, metti 1 Segnalino Magia su questa carta. Quando viene messo il quarto Segnalino Magia su questa carta, distruggi questa carta e infliggi 3000 danni al giocatore che ha attivato quella Carta Magia.
pt name
  • Torre de Babel
  • Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card when that Spell Card resolves. If the 4th Spell Counter is placed on this card: Destroy this card, and if you do, the player who activated the Spell Card at that time takes 3000 damage.
pt lore
  • Cada vez que uma Carta Mágica é ativada, coloque 1 Contador Magico nesta carta. Quando o 4º Contador Magico é colocado nesta carta, destrua-a e inflija 3000 de dano ao jogador que ativou a Carta Mágica naquele momento.
it name
  • Torre di Babele
trans name
  • Babel Tower
  • Destroys itself
  • 94256039
ko lore
  • 자신 또는 상대가 마법 카드를 발동할 때마다, 이 카드에 마력 카운터를 1개 얹는다. 4개째 마력 카운터가 얹혔을 때 이 카드를 파괴하고, 그 때 마법 카드를 발동한 플레이어는 3000 포인트 데미지를 받는다.
de lore
  • Jedes Mal, wenn eine Zauberkarte aktiviert wird, lege eine Zauberzählmarke auf diese Karte. Wenn die 4. Zauberzählmarke auf diese Karte gelegt wird, zerstöre diese Karte und füge dem Spieler, der die Zauberkarte zu der Zeit aktiviert hat, 3000 Punkte Schaden zu.
ko name
  • 바벨탑
  • Turm von Babel
es name
  • Torre de Babel
wc6 sets
  • Invasion of Chaos Continuous Spell/Trap B All Traps All at Random
fr lore
  • Chaque fois qu'une Carte Magie est activée, placez 1 Compteur Magie sur cette carte. Lorsque le 4ème Compteur Magie est placé sur cette carte, détruisez cette carte et infligez 3000 points de dommages au joueur qui a activé la Carte Magie à ce moment.
Life points
  • * Damages you * Damages your opponent
  • 2
ntr sets
  • Devised Tactics
card type
  • Trap
effect types
  • Continuous-like, Trigger-like
database id
  • 5854
  • October 2163 - November 2164
  • novel
th name
  • ทาวเวอร์ ออฟ บาเบล
  • Continuous
  • Enterprise novels
  • 304
  • 368
  • Tower of Babel
Cover Image
  • 240
  • eBook and paperback
  • A Choice of Futures
ar name
  • برج بابل
Ja Name
  • バベル・タワー
  • Spell Counter
  • 2014-03-25
  • --03-25
  • Uncertain Logic
  • October 2163 – November 2164
  • 1476749647
  • ISBN 10: 1476749647, ISBN 13: 978-1476749648
  • ISBN 9781476749662
  • The Bronze Age Tower of Babel was a serious threat to Jahweh.
  • The Tower of Babel is a tower that is referred to in Genesis 11. For a time after the flood when the Earth's population began to grow the people all lived close together. At that time they all spoke the same language. The decided to live in Shinar. They did not want to be scattered, so they decided to build a city and a tower. They desired for the top of the tower to reach up into heaven.
  • The endeavor was in violation of God's command given to Noah and his family to fill the earth. As a result, He judged the descendants of Noah, still speaking his original language, by confusing the languages between the different family groups to make cooperation impossible. Nearby Ur would be the home of some of the descendants of Shem, probably including his son Arphaxad (spelling suggest Ur-phaxad). It was there that Abram (later named Abraham) would be born.
  • The Tower of Babel may have referred to the Great Ziggurat of Babylon. It was 91 metres (300 ft) tall, though wise men did not take the elevators all the way up to the seventh story, as the slaves pulling the ropes all had an attitude, and God help you if their palms got sweaty. Alexander the Great tore it down in 331 BCE and was going to rebuild it but died first, resulting in a situation comparable to Urban Renewal in Flint, Michigan.
  • Babel is driven by five Ruins base by Aria (when she was held captive), and the Cosmos of all those who had the misfortune to rebel against the new regime in Mars (mainly students and teachers of the Palestra, among them Geki , Komachi and Arne). These "rebels" were held in stasis in a huge light pillar in the center of the tower, and pumped gradually of their Cosmos. 5 hearts destroy elementary sends the Cosmos to the Earth is round, according to Aria, a prerequisite before destroying it.
  • The Rigelians are being considered for Federation membership, even though there is still dispute among Federation members over the validity of the organisation. Archer and the Endeavour accompany a delegation from both powers to Babel, where the Federation will debate whether or not to accept Rigel as a member. Meanwhile, the Pioneer is sent to the Rigel system to learn more about their culture. However, the move is opposed by Garos and the Orions, especially since Rigel joining the Federation will affect the Orions' trade routes. To this end, they invite the First Families, a set of criminal organisations operating throughout the Rigel system, to join them and their allies. While Sam Kirk and Grev are examining the Rigelian archives, they are abducted by Garos' assistant Toric, who had murdered and assumed the identity of Rigelian director Rehlen Vons, and the First Families, who also steal records kept by the Rigelian Trade Commission, which will allow them to blackmail the Rigelian authorities. Archer spends the night with Rigelian delegate Sedra Hemnask but at the same time an assassin fires on Federation presidential candidate Anlenthoris ch'Vhendreni and Archer is framed. It is eventually revealed that Hemnask has blood ties to the First Families and was coerced into assisting them by threats to her father and half-siblings. However, she had no involvement in the assassination: Her assignment was simply to embarrass Archer by claiming he had seduced her to gain her support while convincing the delegation that Federation membership would provoke war in the Rigelian system. The assassination attempt was arranged by the Mazarites without their allies' permission and, furious that Garos' plan was ruined, the Orions have the Mazarites punished. The Endeavour and Pioneer crews begin a systematic search for Kirk and Grev. At one possible information site, Mayweather and Sangupta manage to convince an isolated group of Rigelians that the Malurians will betray them and enlist their help. Williams infiltrates a First Families stronghold but is captured after saving a servant girl from being raped. She is taken to Garos where she helps him realise the First Families intend to betray the Malurians and extend their influence. Toric is killed by his supposed allies but Garos escapes and not only gives Williams the necessary information to rescue Kirk and Grev but provides the Trade Commission with information that incites rebellions against the First Families and allows their members to be arrested and prosecuted. The Rigelians are accepted into the Federation. However, on Sauria things are proceeding less well. Outbreaks of plague in regions with alien miners allow Maltuvis to annex the areas without resistance in exchange for medical help: In reality, the Orions have provided him with both the plague and the cure. Tucker and Federation miner Toni Ruiz manage to steal the cure for the Global League, halting the plague and Maltuvis' expansion, but Maltuvis remains in control of most of the planet's mineral wealth. Tucker is discomforted when Section 31 are not only willing to leave Maltuvis in power so long as he continues to trade with the Federation but threaten Tucker with repercussions if he tries to bring Maltuvis down himself.
  • However, the Tower of Babel was not built for the worship and praise of God, but was instead dedicated to the glory of man, to "make a name" for the builders: "Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.'" (Genesis 11:4). The Book of Genesis then relates how God, displeased with the builders' intent, came down and confused their languages and scattered the people throughout the earth. The Tower of Babel has often been associated with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to Marduk by Nabopolassar (c. 610 BC). The Great Ziggurat of Babylon base was square (not round), 91m in height, but was finally demolished by Alexander the Great before his death in an attempt to rebuild it. A Sumerian story with some similar elements is preserved in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.
  • Dilbert takes a sick to from work, much to the annoyance of Dogbert, who thinks a cold means he can still go to work. He gives Dilbert a placebo, but Dilbert refuses, saying he's close to curing the common cold. However, his machine explodes, and he opts for the placebo instead. At work, he, Alice, and Wally are working on The Gruntmaster 6000, but Alice and Wally are to sick to work, and Dilbert keeps spraying air freshener and anti-bacteriants to of a can.
  • The Tower of Babel was the fortress of a powerful Cyberdemon Lord who was the apparent new ruler of Deimos, former moon of Mars, after it disappeared into Hell. The tower could be seen under construction on the surface of the moon by demonic forces as a lone space marine fought his way through the infested UAC Deimos Base. Eventually he discovered the finished Tower and defeated the Cyberdemon Lord.
  • They don't like to describe it's height, pictures indicate that is tops the lower clouds (perhaps about a mile high) no one accounts for the effects of high altitude, so it isn't as tall as some natural mountains. Technology got people to the moon, and God must have known this, as God is omniscient. SInce the moon is substantially higher than a few miles (the tower's limit as the builders lacked high altitude equipment), God's stopping action didn't do all that much.
  • The Tower of Babel (Hebrew: מגדל בבל‎ Migdal Bavel Arabic: برج بابل‎ Burj Babil), according to the Book of Genesis, was an enormous tower built in the plain of Shinar, a tower so tall it offended God. According to the biblical account, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar, where they resolved to build a city with a tower "with its top in the heavens...lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the Earth." God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So God said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth."(Genesis 11:5-8). The Tower of Babel has often been associated with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to Marduk by Nabopolassar (c. 610 BC). The Great Ziggurat of Babylon base was square (not round), 91 metres (300 ft) in height, but demolished by Alexander the Great before his death in an attempt to rebuild it. A Sumerian story with some similar elements is preserved in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta. This page is for allusions and references to the legend; for the trope about ominously imposing skyscrapers in general, see The Tower. See also Curse of Babel for the language mix-up and Space Elevator for the Sci Fi version. As to whether the successful completion of one will lead to God confounding our tongues even more, stay tuned!
  • Tower of Babel is the first fortress level in the Demon Realm. The player must make their way up the tower before fighting the Cyberdemon at the top. The level consists of four distinct areas. The first area is the tower's exterior, where you must navigate past enemies and around the structure to find a pipe that leads in. The second is a blood pool that leads into the tower, filled by demonic creatures. The third, and arguably most difficult, is the climb up the tower, which is riddled with instant-death lava and spike-laden walls while riding moving platforms. Last is the boss fight against the Cyberdemon.
is Before of
is After of