  • Koala
  • Koala
  • Koala
  • Koala
  • Koala
  • Koala
  • Koala
  • Koala è la vicemaestra di karate degli uomini-pesce nell'armata rivoluzionaria. Da bambina è stata una schiava dei nobili mondiali finché non fu liberata da Fisher Tiger.
  • Koalas are a seemingly harmless species of bears that are cute and cuddly - until they start walking toward you. They do not like shiny objects (including camera lenses) and will attack anyone having such things. They also don't like making eye contact with anyone. Anyone. At all. Do you want to end up like Steve Irwin? If you don't, stay away from the koalas. If you do... I suggest you visit this nice place, called the 'asylum'...
  • The Koala was part of the series Around The World and was released in late 2010. It was the 5th item brought in the series. File:Ausign article 265x265 001.gif
  • The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is a species of marsupial native to Australia. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species. The koala is commonly referred to as the "koala bear" because of the way its physiology resembles a bear. This name is misleading, however, because whereas bears are placental mammals, koalas are marsupials.
  • Koala was a member of Blue Guardians' Six Guards.
  • Koalas are small marsupials from Australia.
  • The Koala will increase the following Chao stats
  • Koala (コアラ, Koara) est une ancienne esclave qui a été libérée par Fisher Tiger sur Marie-Joie. Fisher Tiger est mort après l'avoir ramené chez elle. Elle a également la marque des Pirates du Soleil avec qui elle a voyagé. Elle est actuellement entraîneuse temporaire en Karaté Amphibien de l'Armée Révolutionnaire.
  • qui sont: * Tina * Gonzo * Koaline * Koko * Kolette * Calypso * Alice (AC: WW) * Melba (AC: WW) * Jamy (AC: NL) * Kolala (AC: NL) * Kalyptus (AC: NL) Tina, Gonzo et Kolette n'apparaissent que dans Animal Crossing sur GameCube. Koko n'est apparu que dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+, Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Koaline apparaît dans toute la série sauf dans Animal Crossing: Wild World. Seule Calypso apparaît dans toute la série.
  • Récompense spéciale du Festival du Commerce du 7 au 14 Juin 2016. Disponible aussi à la Réserve animalière pour 10 autocollants 32px
  • Hier entsteht eine Liste aller Koala-Dorfbewohner. suppresserrors = true category = Dorfbewohner linksto = Koala
  • Gli ultimi studi etologici hanno rivelato che il marsupiale, a un certo punto della sua vita, senza conoscerne la ragione, si lascia cadere dall’albero che lo sostiene, semplicemente smettendo di fare presa con gli artigli, in silenzio e con dignità. Gli stessi etologi poi, stupefatti e folgorati dal fenomeno osservato, si sono uccisi posizionandosi sulla traiettoria dei koala in caduta libera.
  • The Koala Webkinz pet was released in February 2007. It has a Lil' Kinz version, isn't retired, and was Pet of the Month for December 2009. It was featured in the video Koala Holiday. Its pet specific food is Tasty Eucalyptus Pastries and its pet specific item is a Wacky Ecalyptus Television. There is a Koala Figurine the Koala Archaeologist. It is an Adventure Park Pet.
  • "Koala" (Japanese: コアラ) is an anime-only archetype of Beast monsters. They are usually played alongside monsters with "Kangaroo" in their name, creating a defense-specific Deck with a powerful Fusion Monster as its finisher. Chumley Huffington from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime plays a Koala-themed Deck.
  • Le koala est une entité biologique extraterrestre venue sur Terre il y a plusieurs milliards de milliards d'années avant même que celle-ci existe. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une espèce très ancienne, on ne sait que très peu de choses sur eux si ce n'est qu'ils ont joué un rôle essentiel dans l'histoire de l'univers, on se demande même aujourd'hui s'ils ne seraient pas à l'origine de ce que nous appelons communément Dieu ou, à tout le moins, de la création des pastèques. Nous rapportons ici la plupart des connaissances que nous avons sur les koalas.
  • Koala (コアラ, Koara) is a former Chimera Ant Soldier in Meleoron's Squadron, and is now a companion for Kite.
  • Se desconose como se creo Koala,pero se save que el fue el que creo el universo. El Nombre verdadero nombre de Koala es:Cristobal Hitler Townsend Gaylex. Ese weon fundo el KluKlux Clan y de la organizacion razista Este weon tambien dicen que es el padre de motumbo,cristumbo. Ese weon ha inventado la pose "contra el computador" Su sexualidad es multiasexual,ya que le gusta todo,hasta las plantas,como crees que hay tantas plantas en el mundo,pero se desconosepor donde el las penetro,ya que las plantas son asexuales
  • The Koala is a playable mascot in Crossy Road that was added in the Australian Update.
  • This Limited Edition Pet is June 7th to 14th, 2016 TradeFest's Tier 7 Reward.
  • Koala is a former slave who was set free by Fisher Tiger's rampage on Mariejois. She sailed along with the Sun Pirates to reach her home town. At some point later, she became the Fishman Karate assistant instructor of the Revolutionary Army, where she now works with Sabo, making an appearance in the Dressrosa Arc.
  • Koalas (コアラ, Koara) are a species of villager in Animal Crossing series. Koalas originate in Australia, lending a theme to some of the villagers' names. Koalas are one of two groups of marsupials that appear in the series, the other being kangaroos. There are only eleven koala villagers so far. Yuka is the only koala to have appeared in every game to date.
  • Koalas are not a type of bear, dispite peoples opinions. The eyes of the Koala can paralyze a victim if he/she looks into them directly. Their small size makes them the perfect choice to infiltrate our schools and abduct our children for testing. Koalas are the bears' most ruthless tacticians, formulating more than half of the bears' military operations as well as most of the plays for the Chicago Bears. They are also credited with the creation of Zombie Bears, all while secretly working alongside the council of doom to remove all true bears from existance. These furry little monstrosities are bound to play a crucial role in the Bear Uprising of 2012. They will also deploy their special-ops rhino forces during the responding strike of the Great Bear Uprising
  • "This "eucalyptophile" would never be called very active. Koalas spend most of their time sitting motionless, occasionally eating a leaf or two. They often fall asleep on branches without even changing their position."Koala Map File:Koala map.png You can have a family of 4 koalas at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Koalas The first male and female koalas are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby koalas are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward.Koala Zoo Book Page Koala Family Video
  • The Koala (from 'Hoalus' , the Greek verb 'To unexpectedly have both your arms ripped off' )is a small notanythinglikeabear-like animal which lives in most parts of Australia, as well as some other parts of the Universe and traces in china. They can also be found in Koalawalla land. the small weiner of the thousands of koalas spend their lives sitting at the tops of tall trees in bushland sleeping or taking drugs. But most koalas are incredibly aggressive and will attack any unfortunate person who happens to get in their way. They are also the main contributor of drug labs and materials for drug lords and dealers. Koalas love to watch TV almost as much as they love hanging out in eucalyptus trees.
  • Koala (no real name known) looks like an elf and doesn't get along with the other elf types on campus. She also doesn't like her code name, and prefers to be called Spider. She's probably a devisor. “Spider?” Caitlin ransacked her brains for a few moments, and brought the image of a dark-haired Australian girl with the lithe frame of an elf of fantasy novel fame. “Oh you mean Koala?” “Don’t let her hear you call her that. She despises the fact that she got stuck with that codename.” Jimmy chuckled. “She doesn’t get on well with the other elfy types on campus. Hell, the last time one of ‘em tried to claim she was a Baroness and that Spider needed to recognize her nobility, Spider had a full-on Diedrick's moment, only with less screaming and more throwing of pulse charges and Electron-acc
  • Ketika dia muncul dua belas tahun yang lalu, Koala adalah seorang gadis yang kurus dengan rambut panjang coklat acak-acakan. Dia juga memiliki mata khas yang besar dan bulat, mirip dengan Koala, dan selalu tersenyum. Dia sedikit kotor, memakai kemeja lengan pendek dengan celana berwarna hitam dan noda dipipinya. Dia memiliki tanda dari Bangsawan Dunia di punggungnya, terlihat dari cara Fisher Tiger mencap punggungnya, yang digantikan oleh tanda dari Bajak Laut Sun. Setelah beberapa minggu dia memakai pakaian rapi,dengan rambut sebahu,dan gaun berwarna cerah dan sepasang sepatu.
  • The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus, or, inaccurately, koala bear) is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is the only extantrepresentative of the family Phascolarctidae and its closest living relatives are the wombats. The koala is found in coastal areas of the mainland's eastern and southern regions, inhabiting Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. It is easily recognisable by its stout, tailless body and large head with round, fluffy ears and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm (24–33 in) and weighs 4–15 kg (9–33 lb). Pelagecolour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than their counterparts further south. These populations possibl
  • 3
  • F
  • 10
  • コアラ
  • 9
  • Hari Ulang Tahun
  • vačnatci
  • Koala_map.png
  • Usia
fr name
  • Koala
  • *Ayers Rock Sunrise *Closed Forest *Obedience Schooled *Polymerization *Solidarity *Spiritual Forest *Wild Nature's Release
  • Koara
  • Lo evita, le coperte servono
  • 120.0
  • In saccoccia
  • コアラ
  • Koala medvídkovitý
pt name
  • Coala
  • 80
  • 23
  • コアラ
  • *Horn of the Phantom Beast *Rivalry of Warlords *Super Rush Recklessly
  • Limited Edition
  • Edition Limité
  • コアラ
  • yes
  • RevolucionariosColores
  • RevolutionariesColors
  • LC
  • 160.0
  • Koala02.jpeg
  • Rivoluzionari
  • * Francesca Bielli * Jolanda Granato
  • コアラ
  • * Rivoluzionari; * nobili mondiali
  • Granducato di Australia
ko name
  • 코알라
  • Koara
  • Rivoluzionaria; schiava
  • --10-25
fusion monsters
  • *Koalo-Koala *Master of Oz
  • Koala
  • *Big Koala *Des Koala *Sea Koala *Tree Otter *Vampire Koala *Bujingi Wolf *Des Kangaroo *Enraged Battle Ox *Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest *King of the Swamp *The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion *Uniflora, Mystical Beast of the Forest
Image Gallery
  • yes
  • 7
  • 6
es name
  • Koala
  • 11
  • 23
xyz monsters
  • *Diamond Dire Wolf *Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu
ko romanized
  • Koalla
  • Koara
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! GX * Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
  • Koala
Japanese Voice
  • Kenyuu Horiuchi
Manga Debut
  • 623
  • 735
  • 737
  • 743
  • 744
  • 745
  • 746
  • 747
  • 760
  • 792
  • 794
  • 801
  • 803
  • 823
  • 824
  • No, non è un pupazzo. O sì?
  • Koara
  • Sempre peggio, finché continuerà a scendere dagli alberi a testa in giù...
  • {{:Réserve animalière
  • June 2016 20px
  • TradeFest
  • Koala
  • N
Anime Debut
  • 16
  • yes
  • F-2836
  • #B22222
  • Koala
  • koala
  • 9
  • Koara
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Australian terrain appears when playing as the Koala.
  • KoalaFam.png
  • Koala
  • Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species
  • 543
  • 667
  • 669
  • 678
  • 679
  • 681
  • 682
  • 699
  • 735
  • 737
  • 746
  • 752
  • K. O. Ala
  • 11
  • 23
  • 82
  • Vulnerable
  • Least Concern
  • ohrožený
  • Koala
Previous Occupation
  • Hitman
  • Chimera Ant Soldider
  • 6
  • Gray
  • Purplish Pink
  • Poliziesco
  • Satsuki Yukino
  • Koala
  • c794
  • FilmGold
  • Koala
  • SBS80
  • c623
  • c735
  • c743
  • c744
  • c745
  • c746
  • c760
  • c785
  • c794
  • c801
  • c803
  • c803
  • c818
  • c818
  • sbs80
  • Australia
  • Pet
  • Familier
  • Marsupial
  • Floor
  • Koara
  • Chumley Huffington with two "Des Koalas"
  • Chapter 622; Episode 541
  • TNS&SDS: Scooby Roo
zh pinyin
  • Shùxióng
zh jyutping
  • Syu6 hung4
  • Romanized
  • Inconnue
  • Pengisi Suara Jepang
  • Penampilan Awal
  • 738
  • 752
  • Pekerjaan
  • Afililasi
  • koalas
  • 1
  • 150
  • 100.0
  • 0
  • 3
  • #3CB371
  • 25
  • $0.99/£0.67 or 100 from the prize machine
  • Koara
  • 160.0
  • P. Cinereus
zh name
  • 樹熊
  • --10-25
  • 200
  • Koala Dressrosa.png
  • 49
  • 785
  • 794
  • 803
  • 818
  • No
  • Brown
  • Koala Bear
  • 160.0
  • Koala
  • Koala
  • 251
  • 5
  • * Controller of Chaos * Expert Edition Volume.1 * Expert Edition Volume.2 * Champion of Black Magic * Dark Revelation Volume 1 * Dark Revelation Volume 2 * Invasion of Chaos * Starter Deck 2007 * Phantom Darkness * Starter Deck 2009 * Jump Festa 2009 - Promotion Pack * Jump Festa 2010 - Promotion Pack * Tournament Pack 2010 Vol.2 * Promotion Pack * Raging Battle * Order of Chaos
  • 250
  • 818
  • Esclaves
  • Revolutionary; Fishman Karate assistant instructor; Slave
  • Invitée de L'Équipage des Pirates du Soleil
  • Kite's Companion
  • Membre de l'Armée Révolutionnaire
  • 2836
  • iconminirev
  • namediconmed
Ja Name
  • コアラ
  • Herbivore
  • November 2008
  • Male
  • 4
  • No
  • コアラ
  • This "eucalyptophile" would never be called very active. Koalas spend most of their time sitting motionless, occasionally eating a leaf or two. They often fall asleep on branches without even changing their position.
  • #B22222
  • E52B50
  • FF3800
  • --10-25
  • Australia
  • Esclava
  • Maestra Karate Gyojin
HM Number
  • HM113
Funi eva
  • Jeannie Tirado
  • 13
  • Satsuki Yukino
šířka obrázku
  • 275
  • strunatci
  • koalovití
  • 7.258248E8
  • 3.471336E8
  • pink
  • dvojitozubci
  • koala
binomické jméno
  • Phascolarctos cinereus
  • Koala è la vicemaestra di karate degli uomini-pesce nell'armata rivoluzionaria. Da bambina è stata una schiava dei nobili mondiali finché non fu liberata da Fisher Tiger.
  • Koalas are a seemingly harmless species of bears that are cute and cuddly - until they start walking toward you. They do not like shiny objects (including camera lenses) and will attack anyone having such things. They also don't like making eye contact with anyone. Anyone. At all. Do you want to end up like Steve Irwin? If you don't, stay away from the koalas. If you do... I suggest you visit this nice place, called the 'asylum'...
  • The Koala was part of the series Around The World and was released in late 2010. It was the 5th item brought in the series. File:Ausign article 265x265 001.gif
  • The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is a species of marsupial native to Australia. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species. The koala is commonly referred to as the "koala bear" because of the way its physiology resembles a bear. This name is misleading, however, because whereas bears are placental mammals, koalas are marsupials.
  • Koala was a member of Blue Guardians' Six Guards.
  • Koalas are small marsupials from Australia.
  • The Koala will increase the following Chao stats
  • Koala (コアラ, Koara) est une ancienne esclave qui a été libérée par Fisher Tiger sur Marie-Joie. Fisher Tiger est mort après l'avoir ramené chez elle. Elle a également la marque des Pirates du Soleil avec qui elle a voyagé. Elle est actuellement entraîneuse temporaire en Karaté Amphibien de l'Armée Révolutionnaire.
  • qui sont: * Tina * Gonzo * Koaline * Koko * Kolette * Calypso * Alice (AC: WW) * Melba (AC: WW) * Jamy (AC: NL) * Kolala (AC: NL) * Kalyptus (AC: NL) Tina, Gonzo et Kolette n'apparaissent que dans Animal Crossing sur GameCube. Koko n'est apparu que dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+, Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Koaline apparaît dans toute la série sauf dans Animal Crossing: Wild World. Seule Calypso apparaît dans toute la série.
  • The Koala (from 'Hoalus' , the Greek verb 'To unexpectedly have both your arms ripped off' )is a small notanythinglikeabear-like animal which lives in most parts of Australia, as well as some other parts of the Universe and traces in china. They can also be found in Koalawalla land. the small weiner of the thousands of koalas spend their lives sitting at the tops of tall trees in bushland sleeping or taking drugs. But most koalas are incredibly aggressive and will attack any unfortunate person who happens to get in their way. They are also the main contributor of drug labs and materials for drug lords and dealers. Koalas love to watch TV almost as much as they love hanging out in eucalyptus trees. During the first World War the ANZAC troops at Galipoli used a single Koala in a attempt to subdue the Turks. Unfortunately for the brave ANZAC's the Koala turned on them, causing a great many casualties. The British command shat themselves and ran away screaming into the sea. It was only after the brave efforts of both the combined ANZAC, and Turkish forces that the mighty animal was stunned that the Turkish forces where in fact turkeys and not fish as he had been informed little over two minutes before he ran past the Koala. Then everyone else buggered off and decided it wasn't worth fighting over. Koalas have been known to hide in the tops of trees in bushland, then jump down when they see hikers passing by, landing on top of them and ripping their brains out.The Koala lies on its tummy while eating so it won't get drunk from eucalyptus juice and so it won't fall out of it's tree and get dead. Koalas have also been known to poo a lot. Once they pooed on another Koala. Approximately the have pooed on 7,000,00 people and one of those people was George Bush. This year alone 90 hikers have been killed by koalas. Last year, in 2004, 220 people in total were killed. 180 were killed in 2003. Now in 2005 the death rate has at least tripled in Australia as well as in China and parts of New Mexico. Those stupid bastards need to be caught. It has been claimed that 12 people were killed in a Los Angeles zoo last year and the cover up has been likened to de moon landing fiasco . The aggression of koalas has been attributed to their diet. In particular, koalas are fond of eating mescaline containing eucalyptus leaves. This gives their coat a glossy sheen, but has the unfortunate side effect of causing paranoiac freak outs upon over indulgence. In the 1970's, the Australian government exploited the local population of mescaline addicted koalas to harvest mescaline for the Vietnam War effort - in addition, a side project formed to create "super koalas", today known as Drop Bears. Since this project ended, koalas have been exploited by the Gypsy Jokers; where harvested mescaline is now sold on the black market as speed. It has been advised by the Australian government that all hikers should carry a semi-automatic rifle or a similar projectile-firing device when hiking in bushland. But this idea may not necessarily be better. A few months ago, a large group of about fifteen koalas attacked a group of five hikers who were hiking in the bushland of Western Australia. The hikers had two shotguns between them. The koalas killed all of the hikers, then stole their guns. A few months later, the same koalas used the two shotguns to rob a bank in the city of Perth in Western Australia, near where the koalas had killed the hikers. They stole about $100 million Australian dollars. The koalas escaped before police arrived and were never found again. Two years later we are still trying to find those little bears. The Australian authorities say that they may have jumped on to a bus and driven across the ocean to get to China. In China the koalas were sighted and there have been rumours of attacks on pandas. "We really like panda and we no like koala killing panda" a local Chinese person said. "The other day I see panda running with koalas all over back" he stated, "at first me want to help panda but I know koala do much harm to me." This local has asked to remain anonymous but we don't care his name is Chung Wangeater. The United States has also had problems - which is strange since not many koalas live in the United States. Two koalas which were hanging around 5th Avenue in New York City attacked and killed thirty people, and injured a further ten. The police arrived and were able to shoot and kill the koalas before they attacked anyone else. The British have also had problems with koalas. Twenty koalas one day attacked passing cars on the M4 motorway leading out of London. They leapt off bridges and landed on top of the cars, before jumping in, killing the drivers and driving off. Fifty people were killed during this attack. There have also been many other problems, most of them in Australia. The Australian, US and British governments have come together to create an international koala hit squad. Consisting of about one hundred professionally-trained soldiers, this hit squad will be able to take out any koalas anywhere in the world within minutes. Much research has shown that koalas have infiltrated the world of video games; more specifically the World of Warcraft. The koalas have managed to form a frightfully strong guild, self-titled of course, bent on destroying the World as we know it. Blizzard employees are sending their best programmers into the game in a frantic attempt to halt The Koala's attempt to overthrow the game's mechanisms. If seen online, do your character a favor...and run. Until we find out more about how to destroy these evil koalas once and for all, watch out - you may be the next victim of a koala attack.
  • Récompense spéciale du Festival du Commerce du 7 au 14 Juin 2016. Disponible aussi à la Réserve animalière pour 10 autocollants 32px
  • Hier entsteht eine Liste aller Koala-Dorfbewohner. suppresserrors = true category = Dorfbewohner linksto = Koala
  • Gli ultimi studi etologici hanno rivelato che il marsupiale, a un certo punto della sua vita, senza conoscerne la ragione, si lascia cadere dall’albero che lo sostiene, semplicemente smettendo di fare presa con gli artigli, in silenzio e con dignità. Gli stessi etologi poi, stupefatti e folgorati dal fenomeno osservato, si sono uccisi posizionandosi sulla traiettoria dei koala in caduta libera.
  • Koala (no real name known) looks like an elf and doesn't get along with the other elf types on campus. She also doesn't like her code name, and prefers to be called Spider. She's probably a devisor. “Spider?” Caitlin ransacked her brains for a few moments, and brought the image of a dark-haired Australian girl with the lithe frame of an elf of fantasy novel fame. “Oh you mean Koala?” “Don’t let her hear you call her that. She despises the fact that she got stuck with that codename.” Jimmy chuckled. “She doesn’t get on well with the other elfy types on campus. Hell, the last time one of ‘em tried to claim she was a Baroness and that Spider needed to recognize her nobility, Spider had a full-on Diedrick's moment, only with less screaming and more throwing of pulse charges and Electron-accelerator cannon shooting.”
  • "This "eucalyptophile" would never be called very active. Koalas spend most of their time sitting motionless, occasionally eating a leaf or two. They often fall asleep on branches without even changing their position."Koala Map File:Koala map.png You can have a family of 4 koalas at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Koalas The first male and female koalas are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby koalas are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward. You have a Zoo Book in which you can see how many of the 168 animals available you have in your Zoo. When you get a koala it is given a random name, but you can rename it if you want.Koala Zoo Book Page Koala Family Video
  • The Koala Webkinz pet was released in February 2007. It has a Lil' Kinz version, isn't retired, and was Pet of the Month for December 2009. It was featured in the video Koala Holiday. Its pet specific food is Tasty Eucalyptus Pastries and its pet specific item is a Wacky Ecalyptus Television. There is a Koala Figurine the Koala Archaeologist. It is an Adventure Park Pet.
  • "Koala" (Japanese: コアラ) is an anime-only archetype of Beast monsters. They are usually played alongside monsters with "Kangaroo" in their name, creating a defense-specific Deck with a powerful Fusion Monster as its finisher. Chumley Huffington from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime plays a Koala-themed Deck.
  • Le koala est une entité biologique extraterrestre venue sur Terre il y a plusieurs milliards de milliards d'années avant même que celle-ci existe. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une espèce très ancienne, on ne sait que très peu de choses sur eux si ce n'est qu'ils ont joué un rôle essentiel dans l'histoire de l'univers, on se demande même aujourd'hui s'ils ne seraient pas à l'origine de ce que nous appelons communément Dieu ou, à tout le moins, de la création des pastèques. Nous rapportons ici la plupart des connaissances que nous avons sur les koalas.
  • Koala (コアラ, Koara) is a former Chimera Ant Soldier in Meleoron's Squadron, and is now a companion for Kite.
  • Ketika dia muncul dua belas tahun yang lalu, Koala adalah seorang gadis yang kurus dengan rambut panjang coklat acak-acakan. Dia juga memiliki mata khas yang besar dan bulat, mirip dengan Koala, dan selalu tersenyum. Dia sedikit kotor, memakai kemeja lengan pendek dengan celana berwarna hitam dan noda dipipinya. Dia memiliki tanda dari Bangsawan Dunia di punggungnya, terlihat dari cara Fisher Tiger mencap punggungnya, yang digantikan oleh tanda dari Bajak Laut Sun. Setelah beberapa minggu dia memakai pakaian rapi,dengan rambut sebahu,dan gaun berwarna cerah dan sepasang sepatu. Pada usia 23 tahun, ia bernampilan rapi,dan memakai topi baret dengan kacamata, kemeja dengan kerah berenda, rok pendek dan stocking hingga lutut.
  • Se desconose como se creo Koala,pero se save que el fue el que creo el universo. El Nombre verdadero nombre de Koala es:Cristobal Hitler Townsend Gaylex. Ese weon fundo el KluKlux Clan y de la organizacion razista Este weon tambien dicen que es el padre de motumbo,cristumbo. Ese weon ha inventado la pose "contra el computador" Su sexualidad es multiasexual,ya que le gusta todo,hasta las plantas,como crees que hay tantas plantas en el mundo,pero se desconosepor donde el las penetro,ya que las plantas son asexuales
  • The Koala is a playable mascot in Crossy Road that was added in the Australian Update.
  • This Limited Edition Pet is June 7th to 14th, 2016 TradeFest's Tier 7 Reward.
  • Koala is a former slave who was set free by Fisher Tiger's rampage on Mariejois. She sailed along with the Sun Pirates to reach her home town. At some point later, she became the Fishman Karate assistant instructor of the Revolutionary Army, where she now works with Sabo, making an appearance in the Dressrosa Arc.
  • Koalas (コアラ, Koara) are a species of villager in Animal Crossing series. Koalas originate in Australia, lending a theme to some of the villagers' names. Koalas are one of two groups of marsupials that appear in the series, the other being kangaroos. There are only eleven koala villagers so far. Yuka is the only koala to have appeared in every game to date.
  • The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus, or, inaccurately, koala bear) is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is the only extantrepresentative of the family Phascolarctidae and its closest living relatives are the wombats. The koala is found in coastal areas of the mainland's eastern and southern regions, inhabiting Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. It is easily recognisable by its stout, tailless body and large head with round, fluffy ears and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm (24–33 in) and weighs 4–15 kg (9–33 lb). Pelagecolour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than their counterparts further south. These populations possibly are separate subspecies, but this is disputed. Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make up most of their diet. Because this eucalypt diet has limited nutritional and caloric content, koalas are largely sedentary and sleep up to 20 hours a day. They are asocial animals, and bonding exists only between mothers and dependent offspring. Adult males communicate with loud bellows that intimidate rivals and attract mates. Males mark their presence with secretions from scent glands located on their chests. Being marsupials, koalas give birth to underdeveloped young that crawl into their mothers' pouches, where they stay for the first six to seven months of their lives. These young koalas, known as joeys, are fully weaned around a year old. Koalas have few natural predators and parasites, but are threatened by various pathogens, such as Chlamydiaceae bacteria and the koala retrovirus, as well as by bushfires and droughts. Koalas were hunted by indigenous Australians and depicted in myths and cave art for millennia. The first recorded encounter between a European and a koala was in 1798, and an image of the animal was published in 1810 by naturalist George Perry. Botanist Robert Brown wrote the first detailed scientific description of the koala in 1814, although his work remained unpublished for 180 years. Popular artist John Gould illustrated and described the koala, introducing the species to the general British public. Further details about the animal's biology were revealed in the 19th century by several English scientists. Because of its distinctive appearance, the koala is recognised worldwide as a symbol of Australia. Koalas are listed as of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The Australian government lists populations in Queensland and New South Wales as Vulnerable. The animal was hunted heavily in the early 20th century for its fur, and large-scale cullings in Queensland resulted in a public outcry that initiated a movement to protect the species. Sanctuaries were established, and translocation efforts moved to new regions koalas whose habitat had become fragmented or reduced. The biggest threat to their existence is habitat destruction caused by agriculture and urbanisation.
  • Koalas are not a type of bear, dispite peoples opinions. The eyes of the Koala can paralyze a victim if he/she looks into them directly. Their small size makes them the perfect choice to infiltrate our schools and abduct our children for testing. Koalas are the bears' most ruthless tacticians, formulating more than half of the bears' military operations as well as most of the plays for the Chicago Bears. They are also credited with the creation of Zombie Bears, all while secretly working alongside the council of doom to remove all true bears from existance. These furry little monstrosities are bound to play a crucial role in the Bear Uprising of 2012. They will also deploy their special-ops rhino forces during the responding strike of the Great Bear Uprising
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