  • Canons of Honor
  • The Canons of Honor were a Mandalorian text of law and behavior. Evolving from the ancient religious laws followed by the Taung society that founded the Mandalorian culture, the Canons of Honor aimed at helping the ancient Mandalorian warriors attain glory and personal honor. The Canons' texts were extrapolated from the Resol'nare, the six central tenets of the Mandalorian culture. By following the tenets of the Resol'nare, with special emphasis placed upon loyalty to one's clan and engaging in combat, the laws of the Canons were satisfied, and a warrior earned honor.
  • Kanony honoru
  • Каноны чести
  • The Canons of Honor were a Mandalorian text of law and behavior. Evolving from the ancient religious laws followed by the Taung society that founded the Mandalorian culture, the Canons of Honor aimed at helping the ancient Mandalorian warriors attain glory and personal honor. The Canons' texts were extrapolated from the Resol'nare, the six central tenets of the Mandalorian culture. By following the tenets of the Resol'nare, with special emphasis placed upon loyalty to one's clan and engaging in combat, the laws of the Canons were satisfied, and a warrior earned honor. Over time, the observance of the Canons of Honor waned. The New Mandalorians, a peaceful sect of Mandalorian pacifists, rejected the warrior codes altogether following their rise in the aftermath of the Mandalorian Excision. The Canons were revived, however, following the ascent of Jaster Mereel to the role of Mand'alor, the traditional ruler of the Mandalorian clans. Mereel resurrected and modernized the tenets of the Canons of Honor when he established the Supercommando Codex, a new set of guidelines for Mandalorian behavior, stating that any Mandalorians who wished to fight were simply highly-paid soldiers, and should conduct themselves as honorable mercenaries.