  • Dwarf Star
  • Dwarf star
  • Dwarf Star is a unique ring from Diablo II. Besides its boost to Gold Find and Life, Dwarf Star is also valued for its Fire Absorb. With high fire resist equipment such as Infernostride and Bverrit Keep, a player can reduce Fire Damage taken to negligible levels.
  • A dwarf star was any star of average or low luminosity, mass, and size. In 2376, the USS Voyager encountered a planet that produced gravimetric readings similar to that of a collapsed dwarf star. (VOY: "Blink of an Eye") Among the obstacles found in the 2.3 billion kilometer Antarian Trans-stellar Rally, first held in 2377, included navigating dwarf star clusters. (VOY: "Drive")
  • The Dwarf Star is a powerful energy source in a containment sphere which was first seen in Special Delivery. It was originally to be auctioned by Psyphon, but ended up in Ben's deliveries by mistake, causing him to be targeted by several criminals. Eventually Ben confiscates it after defeating Psyphon as Toepick. In The End of an Era, the item was stolen and used by Exo-Skull, and then delivered to Maltruant, who merged it with the Anihilaarg so he could destroy the universe.
  • In stellar classification, a dwarf star is a name given to a type of star that has a specific measure of luminosity. When stars are referred to by their spectral color, the terms are combined, making variants of this classification such as red dwarfs and yellow dwarfs.
  • Dwarf star is a rare type of metal alloy that is extremely strong and powerful. It has been used by Ray Palmer in the creation of the A.T.O.M. Exosuit and the Steel suit. It can also be used to generate a blue energy in the form of energy blasts or shockwaves, which notably is used by the A.T.O.M. suit's weapons, while Quentin Turnbull developed bullets laced with the alloy that could cause massive explosions of blue energy on impact and even bypass Nate Heywood's enhanced durability to wound him.
  • Dwarf Star
  • Dwarf star
  • The Written Word
  • Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin
  • Xim Week: The Despotica
  • Kyle Katarn's Tale, Mission 5
  • Energy Source
  • Technology Enhancer
  • C3C14E
  • To create powerful weapons and suits that are extremely light
  • Argit
  • Psyphon
  • Maltruant
  • Exo-Skull
  • The Written Word
  • Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin
  • Xim Week: The Despotica
  • Kyle Katarn's Tale
  • fans/hyperspace/source/writtenword/index.html?page=7
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20040325web
  • default.asp?x=swminis/article/kylekatarnstale5
  • fans/hyperspace/source/ximweek04/index.html
  • Dwarf Star is a unique ring from Diablo II. Besides its boost to Gold Find and Life, Dwarf Star is also valued for its Fire Absorb. With high fire resist equipment such as Infernostride and Bverrit Keep, a player can reduce Fire Damage taken to negligible levels.
  • A dwarf star was any star of average or low luminosity, mass, and size. In 2376, the USS Voyager encountered a planet that produced gravimetric readings similar to that of a collapsed dwarf star. (VOY: "Blink of an Eye") Among the obstacles found in the 2.3 billion kilometer Antarian Trans-stellar Rally, first held in 2377, included navigating dwarf star clusters. (VOY: "Drive")
  • The Dwarf Star is a powerful energy source in a containment sphere which was first seen in Special Delivery. It was originally to be auctioned by Psyphon, but ended up in Ben's deliveries by mistake, causing him to be targeted by several criminals. Eventually Ben confiscates it after defeating Psyphon as Toepick. In The End of an Era, the item was stolen and used by Exo-Skull, and then delivered to Maltruant, who merged it with the Anihilaarg so he could destroy the universe.
  • In stellar classification, a dwarf star is a name given to a type of star that has a specific measure of luminosity. When stars are referred to by their spectral color, the terms are combined, making variants of this classification such as red dwarfs and yellow dwarfs.
  • Dwarf star is a rare type of metal alloy that is extremely strong and powerful. It has been used by Ray Palmer in the creation of the A.T.O.M. Exosuit and the Steel suit. It can also be used to generate a blue energy in the form of energy blasts or shockwaves, which notably is used by the A.T.O.M. suit's weapons, while Quentin Turnbull developed bullets laced with the alloy that could cause massive explosions of blue energy on impact and even bypass Nate Heywood's enhanced durability to wound him.