  • Love Martyr/Playing With
  • Basic Trope: A character stays with their significant other despite their major, major flaws. * Straight: Alice is dating Bob, who is violent, abusive, and drinks like a fish. She stays with him because she truly loves him. * Exaggerated: Bob beats Alice bloody and has nearly killed her on more than one occasion, but she sticks with him. * Downplayed: Bob is kind of a jerk, but Alice stays with him. * Justified: Bob really does have a very deeply Hidden Heart of Gold, and Alice is trying to bring that out of him. * Alice has incredibly poor self-esteem and thinks she can't do any better. * One or both grew up in a household where their parents were going through a similar situation, so they think it's normal. * Bob is forcing Alice to stay through bribery, blackma
  • Basic Trope: A character stays with their significant other despite their major, major flaws. * Straight: Alice is dating Bob, who is violent, abusive, and drinks like a fish. She stays with him because she truly loves him. * Exaggerated: Bob beats Alice bloody and has nearly killed her on more than one occasion, but she sticks with him. * Downplayed: Bob is kind of a jerk, but Alice stays with him. * Justified: Bob really does have a very deeply Hidden Heart of Gold, and Alice is trying to bring that out of him. * Alice has incredibly poor self-esteem and thinks she can't do any better. * One or both grew up in a household where their parents were going through a similar situation, so they think it's normal. * Bob is forcing Alice to stay through bribery, blackmail, and/or intimitation. * Alice and Bob are in an Arranged Marriage and if she leaves him, her family will disown her. * Alice's parents arranged the matched and brainwashed her into overlooking all of Bob's faults no matter how severe. * Inverted: Bob is a saint, but Alice refuses to stay with him because she thinks she doesn't deserve him. * Subverted: Alice puts up with some of Bob's shenanigans, but leaves after things get too hairy. * Double Subverted: Then she comes back after a while, because she feels like Bob needs her. * Parodied: Bob threatens Alice with a switchblade, beats her silly, and drinks until he blacks out, but she just ignores it for the sake of love...until he leaves the toilet seat up. * Zig Zagged: ??? * Averted: Alice leaves after the first sign that Bob appears to be evil. * Enforced: "Like, OMG! This fanfic about Bob and Alice is gonna be soooo good! I'll just have her say that she loves him when she gets beaten!" * Lampshaded: "Let me guess, you love him, right? That's why you keep letting him do that?" * Invoked: ??? * Exploited: Bob is truly a horrible person, but he makes sure to undermine Alice's self-esteem to the point where she feels like she can't do any better. * Defied: "If you hit me again, I'm gone. I don't care if we're dating." * Discussed: ??? * Conversed: ??? * Played For Drama: It almost always is. "Why are you going back to Love Martyr? That's a horrible page!" "No it's not! You just haven't seen the real page, beneath the surface!"