  • Grasp the vine
  • From: [[]] It is as thick as your wrist. It should be safe. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • That's not a vine
  • it could go either way.
Failure title
  • Treacherous thing
Failure description
  • You tug on the vine a few times. It feels secure, so you put your weight on it and lean forward. Quick as a change of heart, the vine slackens and you lose your grip; you land with a splash in the mudpool. The vine hangs innocently where it was.
From Card/Storylet title
  • A green vine
Success description
  • It moves when you grasp it. A snake's head appears beside you. "Excuse me," it hisses. Your apology is profuse. Mollified, the snake becomes chatty. He asks you if you've any news of the Fingerkings. The Fingerkings? […]
  • It is as thick as your wrist. It should be safe.
  • From: [[]] It is as thick as your wrist. It should be safe. [Find the rest of the story at ]