  • Episode 677
  • Hey buzzcrew, About that Denver free WiFi and having no right to complain because it is free: Its *not* free! Every time you fly into any airport, you get hit with a fee that subsidizes the cost of running that airport. I’m sure that Denver is taking some of that fee to pay for the WiFi connection to a backbone and associated costs. So yeah, I DO have the right to complain. VPN might be a work around, but why make users go through that trouble? This is just another example of the nanny state we live in. My 1 cent (adjusted for the weak dollar). Barry Stubbs
Episode Title
  • HD VMD FTW 2.0
mp3 link
Episode Date
  • 2008-03-10
notes link
  • None
Episode Number
  • 677
  • 2165.0
  • Hey buzzcrew, About that Denver free WiFi and having no right to complain because it is free: Its *not* free! Every time you fly into any airport, you get hit with a fee that subsidizes the cost of running that airport. I’m sure that Denver is taking some of that fee to pay for the WiFi connection to a backbone and associated costs. So yeah, I DO have the right to complain. VPN might be a work around, but why make users go through that trouble? This is just another example of the nanny state we live in. My 1 cent (adjusted for the weak dollar). Barry Stubbs