  • MS-DOS
  • MS-DOS
  • MS-DOS
  • MS-DOS
  • MS-DOS
  • MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) 는 마이크로소프트가 IBM의 요청을 받아 개발한 IBM PC용 OS입니다.
  • MS-DOS (an acronym for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an operating system commercialized by Microsoft.
  • List below lists all (well, not yet) builds of MS-DOS.
  • Microsoft DOS (abbreviated to MS-DOS) is a single-tasking operating system, written for the IBM PC and compatibles from 1981 to 2000. It was originally designed for the 8086 architecture. There were many graphical shells (including Microsoft Windows) written for it.
  • MS-DOS is the Microsoft Disk Operating System, the most common operating system on PCs made in 1984. This article deals mainly with support for Hack and NetHack, in versions past and present, on MS-DOS. For a more general view, see the Wikipedia article on MS-DOS.
  • MS-DOS(Microsoft Disk Operating System) was Microsoft's version of IBM PC-DOS. IBM PC-DOS(PC-DOS) and Microsoft's MS-DOS are single-tasking, single user operating system driven by a command interpreter. PC-DOS was the primary operating systme for IBM PCs from the late 1980's to the mid 1990's and MS-DOS was the primary operating system for the clones of the IBM PCs during those years.
  • For years, Microsoft has satisfied customers who are annoyed by full feature sets, such as being able to avail themselves of two advertised features at the same time, by publishing slimmed-down editions of its operating systems (affectionately known as crippleware) under names like "Home Edition." MS-DOS is essentially a Dog House Edition, or perhaps a Duckblind Edition, of the popular but complicated Windows.
  • MS-DOS (pronuncia: [emmesse'dos]) è il nome di un sistema operativo di casa Microsoft. È stato il predecessore di Finestre. È il risultato dell'attento lavoro di un certo Bill, che afferma di averlo amorevolmente creato da zero, dandogli forma fin dalle prime righe di codice[citazione necessaria].
  • MS-DOS was Microsoft's branding of PC-DOS, the operating system they had originally designed for the IBM PC. IBM did not require exclusivity in their contract with Microsoft, so Microsoft was free to sell MS-DOS to PC clone manufacturers as well. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • MS-DOS (often abbreviated to DOS, short for Microsoft Disk-Based Operating Sytem) is a computer operating system by Microsoft. In the context of the Wolfenstein series, DOS was the original platform for the release of Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny.
  • MS-DOS (abréviation de Microsoft Disk Operating System) est un système d'exploitation DOS développé par Microsoft pour la première fois en août 1981 et conçu à la base pour l'IBM PC, puis finalement pour les Compatible PC. Du début des années 1980 jusqu'au début des années 1990, il a été le système d'exploitation le plus utilisé sur Compatible PC. Finalement, il a progressivement été remplacé par de nouveaux systèmes d'exploitation beaucoup plus évolués, notamment le système d'exploitation Windows. Son développement a été arrêté le 31 décembre 2001. Des jeux DOS étaient aussi développés pour le système d'exploitation MS-DOS, dont des jeux célèbres et aujourd'hui reconnues comme Pince of Persia, Wolfenstein 3D ou encore Sim City. Des jeux principalement éducatifs Super Mario ont vu le jour.
  • MS-DOS (short for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an operating system commercialized by Microsoft. It was the most commonly used member of the DOS family of operating systems and was the dominant operating system for computers during the 1980s. It was based on the Intel 8086 family of microprocessors, particularly the IBM PC and compatibles. It was gradually replaced on consumer desktop computers by operating systems offering a graphical user interface (GUI), in particular by various generations of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It was originally known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) and 86-DOS.
  • Le MS-DOS est l'une des 2 provinces du royaume maléfique de Windows. L'autre étant l'IPUP (Interface Pour Utilisateur Pourrie). Cette province attire le pauvre utilisateur dans une spirale infernale l'obligeant à taper des commandes qu'il ne connait pas (commande du genre <delete></delete>, recommandé par un utilisateur de Mac voulant rigoler un peu au dépend du pauvre utilisateur innocent).
  • MS-DOS is a really old computer, older than Mac and Windows. There is no desktop, so the only way to do stuff was typing stuff. TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE! It was released in 1981, when computers sucked. It was made by Microsoft, the same people who made Windows. But, as anyone knows, Windows is better than MS-DOS. Heck, even Alt 1.0 is better than MS-DOS. At least Alt 1.0 HAS A DESKTOP.
  • MS-DOS grew from a 1981 request by IBM for an operating system for its IBM PC range of personal computers. Microsoft quickly bought the rights to QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), also known as 86-DOS, from Seattle Computer Products, and began work on modifying it to meet IBM's specification. The first edition, MS-DOS 1.0, was launched in 1982. The version shipped with IBM's PCs was called PC DOS. Although MS-DOS and PC DOS were initially developed in parallel by Microsoft and IBM, the two products eventually went their separate ways.
  • DOS
working state
  • Discontinued
  • PC
support status
  • --12-31
  • Command Line
  • Command-line, text
  • MS-DOS
  • Système d'exploitation DOS de Microsoft
latest release version
  • 8
  • --09-15
  • Prince of Persia
  • Août 1981
source model
  • Closed Source
  • Close source; Certain versions made available since 2014
  • Fragment de l'interface graphique du lancement du système d'exploitation Microsoft MS-DOS.
  • Proprietary
kernel type
  • Monolithic
  • Windows XP Branch
  • Word 2008 Branch
  • Elixir Branch
  • GRiDLite Branch
  • "Legacy" trunk
  • Hyperion Branch
  • Osborne Vixen Branch
programmed in
  • Assembly
  • Clavier
  • DOS
  • August 1981
  • 2001-12-31
  • /
  • Chiffres inconnues
  • 2001-12-31
  • MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) 는 마이크로소프트가 IBM의 요청을 받아 개발한 IBM PC용 OS입니다.
  • MS-DOS (an acronym for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an operating system commercialized by Microsoft.
  • Le MS-DOS est l'une des 2 provinces du royaume maléfique de Windows. L'autre étant l'IPUP (Interface Pour Utilisateur Pourrie). Cette province attire le pauvre utilisateur dans une spirale infernale l'obligeant à taper des commandes qu'il ne connait pas (commande du genre <delete></delete>, recommandé par un utilisateur de Mac voulant rigoler un peu au dépend du pauvre utilisateur innocent). Effectivement, le MS-DOS fut inventé à la base par les concepteurs d'ordinateurs qui se sont basés sur un autre OS, le QD-OS ("Quick and Dirty Operating System", soit "Système d'exploitation vite fait mal fait" en français. Oui en effet ça laisse présager des choses.). Ces deux personnes étant aujourd'hui, pour ne pas les nommer, Apple et Microsoft. Et Microsoft a décidé de garder le MS-DOS tandis qu'Apple continue de bien rigoler car il n'utilise plus ce système depuis plus de 20 ans !
  • List below lists all (well, not yet) builds of MS-DOS.
  • MS-DOS grew from a 1981 request by IBM for an operating system for its IBM PC range of personal computers. Microsoft quickly bought the rights to QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), also known as 86-DOS, from Seattle Computer Products, and began work on modifying it to meet IBM's specification. The first edition, MS-DOS 1.0, was launched in 1982. The version shipped with IBM's PCs was called PC DOS. Although MS-DOS and PC DOS were initially developed in parallel by Microsoft and IBM, the two products eventually went their separate ways. During its life, several competing products were released for the x86 platform, and MS-DOS itself would go through eight versions, until development ceased in 2000. Ultimately it was the key product in Microsoft's growth from a programming languages company to a diverse software development firm, providing the company with essential revenue and marketing resources. It was also the underlying basic operating system on which early versions of Windows ran as a GUI.
  • Microsoft DOS (abbreviated to MS-DOS) is a single-tasking operating system, written for the IBM PC and compatibles from 1981 to 2000. It was originally designed for the 8086 architecture. There were many graphical shells (including Microsoft Windows) written for it.
  • MS-DOS is the Microsoft Disk Operating System, the most common operating system on PCs made in 1984. This article deals mainly with support for Hack and NetHack, in versions past and present, on MS-DOS. For a more general view, see the Wikipedia article on MS-DOS.
  • MS-DOS (abréviation de Microsoft Disk Operating System) est un système d'exploitation DOS développé par Microsoft pour la première fois en août 1981 et conçu à la base pour l'IBM PC, puis finalement pour les Compatible PC. Du début des années 1980 jusqu'au début des années 1990, il a été le système d'exploitation le plus utilisé sur Compatible PC. Finalement, il a progressivement été remplacé par de nouveaux systèmes d'exploitation beaucoup plus évolués, notamment le système d'exploitation Windows. Son développement a été arrêté le 31 décembre 2001. Des jeux DOS étaient aussi développés pour le système d'exploitation MS-DOS, dont des jeux célèbres et aujourd'hui reconnues comme Pince of Persia, Wolfenstein 3D ou encore Sim City. Des jeux principalement éducatifs Super Mario ont vu le jour. Ces titres ne sont des spin-offs et sont de nos jours souvent parodiés sur des sites comme YouTube, notamment pour des répliques jugées cultes de Mario (comme dans Mario Teaches Typing 2) ou pour un design jugé mauvais et une histoire modifiée par rapport à la "version console" (comme Mario is missing!). Ces jeux (en support MS-DOS et pas forcément "console") ne sont également sortis qu'aux États-Unis. Des rééditions (remakes) de jeux Super Mario sont également sortis pour MS-DOS et sont des rééditions des jeux d'arcade Super Mario, disponibles quelques mois avant la réédition de ces derniers.
  • MS-DOS is a really old computer, older than Mac and Windows. There is no desktop, so the only way to do stuff was typing stuff. TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE! It was released in 1981, when computers sucked. It was made by Microsoft, the same people who made Windows. But, as anyone knows, Windows is better than MS-DOS. Heck, even Alt 1.0 is better than MS-DOS. At least Alt 1.0 HAS A DESKTOP. File:Crushed-drink-can.jpg This article is a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help My English Wiki by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough, it could be placed into the acid lake.
  • MS-DOS(Microsoft Disk Operating System) was Microsoft's version of IBM PC-DOS. IBM PC-DOS(PC-DOS) and Microsoft's MS-DOS are single-tasking, single user operating system driven by a command interpreter. PC-DOS was the primary operating systme for IBM PCs from the late 1980's to the mid 1990's and MS-DOS was the primary operating system for the clones of the IBM PCs during those years.
  • For years, Microsoft has satisfied customers who are annoyed by full feature sets, such as being able to avail themselves of two advertised features at the same time, by publishing slimmed-down editions of its operating systems (affectionately known as crippleware) under names like "Home Edition." MS-DOS is essentially a Dog House Edition, or perhaps a Duckblind Edition, of the popular but complicated Windows.
  • MS-DOS (pronuncia: [emmesse'dos]) è il nome di un sistema operativo di casa Microsoft. È stato il predecessore di Finestre. È il risultato dell'attento lavoro di un certo Bill, che afferma di averlo amorevolmente creato da zero, dandogli forma fin dalle prime righe di codice[citazione necessaria].
  • MS-DOS (short for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an operating system commercialized by Microsoft. It was the most commonly used member of the DOS family of operating systems and was the dominant operating system for computers during the 1980s. It was based on the Intel 8086 family of microprocessors, particularly the IBM PC and compatibles. It was gradually replaced on consumer desktop computers by operating systems offering a graphical user interface (GUI), in particular by various generations of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It was originally known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) and 86-DOS. MS-DOS was originally released in 1981 and had eight major versions released before Microsoft stopped development in 2000. It was the key product in Microsoft's growth from a programming languages company to a diverse software development firm, providing the company with essential revenue and marketing resources. It was also the underlying basic operating system on which early versions of Windows ran as a GUI.
  • MS-DOS was Microsoft's branding of PC-DOS, the operating system they had originally designed for the IBM PC. IBM did not require exclusivity in their contract with Microsoft, so Microsoft was free to sell MS-DOS to PC clone manufacturers as well. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • MS-DOS (often abbreviated to DOS, short for Microsoft Disk-Based Operating Sytem) is a computer operating system by Microsoft. In the context of the Wolfenstein series, DOS was the original platform for the release of Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny.
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