  • Razorgors
  • Still, such is their appetite and fearsome metabolism that they are able to gobble down a knight in full plate mail and his barded horse in a matter of seconds. Such is the beast's bloody-minded temperament that it will fight and kill almost any creature it comes across, ravenously consuming the flesh of its victim with gluttonous delight. It is a widely held belief by the tribes of the woods that Razorgor have two natural states: a digestive torpor that sets in after they have gorged themselves, and blind, unthinking rage, which is by far the more common of the two.[1a]
  • Still, such is their appetite and fearsome metabolism that they are able to gobble down a knight in full plate mail and his barded horse in a matter of seconds. Such is the beast's bloody-minded temperament that it will fight and kill almost any creature it comes across, ravenously consuming the flesh of its victim with gluttonous delight. It is a widely held belief by the tribes of the woods that Razorgor have two natural states: a digestive torpor that sets in after they have gorged themselves, and blind, unthinking rage, which is by far the more common of the two.[1a]