  • Fu-tu-re
  • Fu-tu-re
  • "Fu-tu-re" (ミ•ラ•イ Mi-ra-i?) is one of the ending theme songs for the Japanese version of Sonic X. It was used for episodes 1-13. During the show's original run, it was used from April 6, 2003 to June 29, 2003. An instrumental version of the song is played in the ending credits of the French dub of Sonic X.
  • "Fu-tu-re" (ミ•ラ•イ Mi-ra-i ) es uno de los temas de cierre en la versión japonesa del anime Sonic X, este tema es usado desde el episodio 1 hasta el episodio 13 de la serie, hizo su debut el 06 de abril de 2003.
  • "Fu-tu-re" (ミ•ラ•イ Mi-ra-i?) is one of the ending theme songs for the Japanese version of Sonic X. It was used for episodes 1-13. During the show's original run, it was used from April 6, 2003 to June 29, 2003. An instrumental version of the song is played in the ending credits of the French dub of Sonic X.
  • "Fu-tu-re" (ミ•ラ•イ Mi-ra-i ) es uno de los temas de cierre en la versión japonesa del anime Sonic X, este tema es usado desde el episodio 1 hasta el episodio 13 de la serie, hizo su debut el 06 de abril de 2003.