  • Argentina (Caroline Era)
  • It is also a partner in the South Atlantic Co-Dominion with the Federated Kingdom. This situation has been much criticised, as it is seen as an alliance between a liberal democracy and a Fascist junta. None of the governments of the FK has made any attempt to criticise or bring pressure to bear on Argentina to improve their human rights record and the perceived window of opportunity is now past due to the decline of oil, a resource which led to the alliance in the first place. The Federated Kingdom's response to this question is simply that the regime would become more oppressive if they withdrew from the arrangement, but since the regime is generally regarded as one of the world's worst, it is hard to imagine how this could be so.
  • It is also a partner in the South Atlantic Co-Dominion with the Federated Kingdom. This situation has been much criticised, as it is seen as an alliance between a liberal democracy and a Fascist junta. None of the governments of the FK has made any attempt to criticise or bring pressure to bear on Argentina to improve their human rights record and the perceived window of opportunity is now past due to the decline of oil, a resource which led to the alliance in the first place. The Federated Kingdom's response to this question is simply that the regime would become more oppressive if they withdrew from the arrangement, but since the regime is generally regarded as one of the world's worst, it is hard to imagine how this could be so.