  • Hobgoblins
  • Hobgoblins
  • The Hobgoblins are a crossbreed between the barbarians and Goblins, but they have little care about their ancestry, and care more about war and destruction. They make the the Goblins fight, as the goblins themselves don't like it much.
  • Hobgoblins sind lila-farbende Riesen, welche die Städte auf Kezan bewachen.
  • Hobgoblins worshiped the Lust God to whom they sacrificed virgins. Known hobgoblins are Boid, Phloid and Lloid.
  • Hobgoblins are ape-like mythical creatures.
  • Hobgoblins are a race of goblins, and their skin is orange instead of green. Due in part to their more martial culture, in the past some tended to pick on or harrass their tribal cousins. In comic #259, two hobgoblins named Kodrog the Slayer and Jim attempted to answer fanmail. In the same comic, we are shown that hobgoblin tongues are blue. A team of hobgoblins settled The Southern Mountains but they accepted Redcloak as their leader. Jirix is the most prominent Hobgoblin. He becomes Prime Minister of Gobbotopia in Comic 703.
  • Hobgoblins are the Chaos Dwarf team's most used players, and they are not too bad. Although their low AV leaves them exposed to injury, their cheap cost and their AG3 ball handling is important in a Chaos Dwarf lineup. Even with full positionals, a Chaos Dwarf team will still contain at least four Hobgoblins, who can pick up the ball, or lend block assists as necessary.
  • In MERP the term Hobgoblin is used analogous to Uruk or Uruk-Hai and is considered a Hobbitic slang word in some publications.However the Gamemaster has always to bear in mind that MERP considers all greater Orcs, even those breeds who appeared before the Black Uruks of Mordor, who first appeared TA 2475 in Ithilien, or the Isengard Uruks, who first appeared TA 3018, Uruks or Uruk-Hai, so in Game-terms the early Uruk-Hai must be considered predecessing bloodlines of which the later true Uruk-Hai were the perfection.
  • A young security guard must track down diminutive aliens who kill people even as they make their fantasies come true.
  • Their culture less than organized. They usually work for goblin tribes as squadron commanders, but there are also independent gangs of hobgoblins. The hobgoblins who work for goblin tribes are highly trained and vicious, wearing yellow armor and horned helmets, and wielding battle axes. They (like redcaps and trolls) serve the purpose of commanding goblin squadrons. The hobgoblins of independent gangs are inferior to their goblin serving fellows. They move from place to place as plundering nomads, often working with Goblins. They are wayward criminals as opposed to trained soldiers, and are often armed with simple weapons (although yellow is still their choice of clothing color).
  • Hobgoblins sind eine Mischung aus Orks und Goblins. Gegenüber niedrigstufigeren Spielern treten sie aggressiv entgegen. Für free-to-play (F2P) Spielern sind sie ein hervorragendes Trainingsobjekt, da sie oftmals gute Drops abgeben (etwa jeder 5. Hobgoblin droppt eine Limpwurtwurzel).
  • Hobgoblins are armored snakelike men. Dale, Tanu, and Coulter had to fight one guarding the artifact in the Inverted Tower of Rise of the Evening Star. And in Grip of the Shadow Plague several were guarding the black tree with the nail in the battle between light and dark creatures.
  • "...short, stocky, ugly little creatues..." Hobgoblins often appear as short, stocky, and usually mud-colored. They are unattractive to humans and most humanoids.
  • [[Datei:Hobgoblinwolfsreiter (Grafik).JPG|thumb|Hobgoblin-Wolfsreiter der Chaoszwerge© Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1992-2012]] [[Datei:Ghazak Khan.jpg|thumb|left|Ghazak Khan - der Schrecken des Ostens, Hobgoblin-Söldnergeneral aus den Horden des Hobgobla Khan© Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012]] Hobgoblins sind die vierte Grünhautrasse der Warhammerwelt. Sie sind dünn, fies und gemein wie Goblins, doch größer als diese und weitaus hinterhältiger. Sie sind verschlagene Gesellen, und werden nach dem Großen Aufstand der Schwarzorks von allen anderen Grünhäuten gemieden und gejagt. Das einzige Volk, das noch regelmäßig mit ihnen zusammenarbeitet sind die Chaoszwerge, deren Lakaien, Sklavenaufseher und Kriegssklaven sie sind. Hobgoblins sind ausgesprochen billige Krieger, und werden von d
  • Hobgoblins are a metavariant of Orks. Most hobgoblins are of Arabic or Central Asian descent. They are shorter and of slighter build than other Orks. They tend to have a greenish tint of skin, sharper teeth, pointed chins, and dark eyes. While widely rumored to be quick-tempered and possessing a vindictive sense of honor, this may be a cultural bias rather than genetic predisposition. However, a joint study by the Charles University (Prague) and the Atatürk Polytechnic Institute (Istanbul) point to high levels of steroid hormones that may point to a biochemical source of aggressiveness.
  • 23
  • 3
  • 3
  • Eine hässlige Kreatur die mit einem Speer bewaffnet ist.
max hit
  • 30
  • Nein
Always Drops
  • Knochen
Attack style
  • Zermalmen, allerdings benutzen die mit den Speeren Stich-Attacken
  • Level 1
  • Ja
immune to poison
  • Nein
  • 40000
  • Rick Sloane
  • Be careful what you wish for... You just might get it!
Music By
  • Alan DerMarderosian
  • Tom Bartlett, Paige Sullivan, Steven Boggs, Kelley Palmer, Billy Frank, Daran Norris
  • Black
  • None
  • 7
  • 92.0
  • Rick Sloane
  • Very unattractive
  • None
Release Date
  • 1988-07-14
  • United States
  • Hobgoblins
  • Hobgoblin
  • Hobgoblin
  • Humanoid
  • Schlitzen
  • 29
  • English
  • Goblin
  • Nein
  • 6
  • Rick Sloane
  • 91.4
  • Hobgoblins
  • Human
  • Rick Sloane Productions
  • American Cinema Marketing
  • Kintaria
  • 280
  • Brown
  • Pretty much anything
  • Unrated
  • 15000.0
  • Rick Sloane
  • Rick Sloane
  • Felidae Silvestris
  • West Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA
  • The Hobgoblins are a crossbreed between the barbarians and Goblins, but they have little care about their ancestry, and care more about war and destruction. They make the the Goblins fight, as the goblins themselves don't like it much.
  • Hobgoblins sind lila-farbende Riesen, welche die Städte auf Kezan bewachen.
  • Hobgoblins worshiped the Lust God to whom they sacrificed virgins. Known hobgoblins are Boid, Phloid and Lloid.
  • Hobgoblins are ape-like mythical creatures.
  • Hobgoblins are a race of goblins, and their skin is orange instead of green. Due in part to their more martial culture, in the past some tended to pick on or harrass their tribal cousins. In comic #259, two hobgoblins named Kodrog the Slayer and Jim attempted to answer fanmail. In the same comic, we are shown that hobgoblin tongues are blue. A team of hobgoblins settled The Southern Mountains but they accepted Redcloak as their leader. Jirix is the most prominent Hobgoblin. He becomes Prime Minister of Gobbotopia in Comic 703.
  • Hobgoblins are the Chaos Dwarf team's most used players, and they are not too bad. Although their low AV leaves them exposed to injury, their cheap cost and their AG3 ball handling is important in a Chaos Dwarf lineup. Even with full positionals, a Chaos Dwarf team will still contain at least four Hobgoblins, who can pick up the ball, or lend block assists as necessary.
  • In MERP the term Hobgoblin is used analogous to Uruk or Uruk-Hai and is considered a Hobbitic slang word in some publications.However the Gamemaster has always to bear in mind that MERP considers all greater Orcs, even those breeds who appeared before the Black Uruks of Mordor, who first appeared TA 2475 in Ithilien, or the Isengard Uruks, who first appeared TA 3018, Uruks or Uruk-Hai, so in Game-terms the early Uruk-Hai must be considered predecessing bloodlines of which the later true Uruk-Hai were the perfection.
  • A young security guard must track down diminutive aliens who kill people even as they make their fantasies come true.
  • Hobgoblins are a metavariant of Orks. Most hobgoblins are of Arabic or Central Asian descent. They are shorter and of slighter build than other Orks. They tend to have a greenish tint of skin, sharper teeth, pointed chins, and dark eyes. While widely rumored to be quick-tempered and possessing a vindictive sense of honor, this may be a cultural bias rather than genetic predisposition. However, a joint study by the Charles University (Prague) and the Atatürk Polytechnic Institute (Istanbul) point to high levels of steroid hormones that may point to a biochemical source of aggressiveness. Hobgoblins have an average height of 1.80 meters and average weight of 98 kilograms.
  • Their culture less than organized. They usually work for goblin tribes as squadron commanders, but there are also independent gangs of hobgoblins. The hobgoblins who work for goblin tribes are highly trained and vicious, wearing yellow armor and horned helmets, and wielding battle axes. They (like redcaps and trolls) serve the purpose of commanding goblin squadrons. The hobgoblins of independent gangs are inferior to their goblin serving fellows. They move from place to place as plundering nomads, often working with Goblins. They are wayward criminals as opposed to trained soldiers, and are often armed with simple weapons (although yellow is still their choice of clothing color).
  • Hobgoblins sind eine Mischung aus Orks und Goblins. Gegenüber niedrigstufigeren Spielern treten sie aggressiv entgegen. Für free-to-play (F2P) Spielern sind sie ein hervorragendes Trainingsobjekt, da sie oftmals gute Drops abgeben (etwa jeder 5. Hobgoblin droppt eine Limpwurtwurzel).
  • [[Datei:Hobgoblinwolfsreiter (Grafik).JPG|thumb|Hobgoblin-Wolfsreiter der Chaoszwerge© Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1992-2012]] [[Datei:Ghazak Khan.jpg|thumb|left|Ghazak Khan - der Schrecken des Ostens, Hobgoblin-Söldnergeneral aus den Horden des Hobgobla Khan© Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012]] Hobgoblins sind die vierte Grünhautrasse der Warhammerwelt. Sie sind dünn, fies und gemein wie Goblins, doch größer als diese und weitaus hinterhältiger. Sie sind verschlagene Gesellen, und werden nach dem Großen Aufstand der Schwarzorks von allen anderen Grünhäuten gemieden und gejagt. Das einzige Volk, das noch regelmäßig mit ihnen zusammenarbeitet sind die Chaoszwerge, deren Lakaien, Sklavenaufseher und Kriegssklaven sie sind. Hobgoblins sind ausgesprochen billige Krieger, und werden von den Chaoszwergen zu Hauf eingesetzt. Es gibt zwei verschiedene Lager in der Gesellschaft der Hobgoblins: * die Hobgoblins des Chaoszwergenreichs in den Ländern der Finsternis, sowie * die Hobgoblins des Hobgobla Khan in den Östlichen Steppen. Die letzteren sind KEINE Sklaven - dafür aber notorische Plünderer, Kriegstreiber und Söldner, die für jeden kämpfen, der diese verräterischen Kreaturen an der Seite seiner Truppen duldet (wie beispielsweise Chaosbarbaren, manche Herrscher der Untoten, die Druchii oder die Skaven)...
  • Hobgoblins are armored snakelike men. Dale, Tanu, and Coulter had to fight one guarding the artifact in the Inverted Tower of Rise of the Evening Star. And in Grip of the Shadow Plague several were guarding the black tree with the nail in the battle between light and dark creatures.
  • "...short, stocky, ugly little creatues..." Hobgoblins often appear as short, stocky, and usually mud-colored. They are unattractive to humans and most humanoids.
is Races of
is Species of