  • I Want to Be a Real Man
  • This is the character who is always trying to be the Ideal Man, usually by being brave, responsible or chivalrous. He sometimes has some kind of inferiority complex due to an overbearing older sibling or father. Is sometimes heard shouting about being a man at the top of his lungs while posing dramatically on a rock (bonus points for crashing waves or a sunset). Generally on their way to being a Badass of some form. Occasionally has an Ill Girl younger sister or Keet little brother. Oh, and never mention any child-like or cute attributes he might have.
  • This is the character who is always trying to be the Ideal Man, usually by being brave, responsible or chivalrous. He sometimes has some kind of inferiority complex due to an overbearing older sibling or father. Is sometimes heard shouting about being a man at the top of his lungs while posing dramatically on a rock (bonus points for crashing waves or a sunset). Generally on their way to being a Badass of some form. Occasionally has an Ill Girl younger sister or Keet little brother. Oh, and never mention any child-like or cute attributes he might have. Compare with the The Idiot From Osaka, Hot-Blooded and Badass, contrast Emo (in any of its forms), often overlaps with Loser Protagonist. Also heavily overlaps with I Just Want to Be Badass given that the concepts of Badass and manly are frequently interconnected. Not to be confused with I Wanna Be the Guy, which is more Macho Masochism than it is manliness. Or Become a Real Boy, which is not about seeking manliness but humanity. Examples of I Want to Be a Real Man include: