  • Gregor's Mat
  • During the sporing season the individual amoebas that make up a Mat will combine to form a single super-organism that may reach several square kilometers in size (the largest was 6,700 km2). They will remain in this state for weeks before dispersing or attenuating. However, some Mats may last for months. Mats will, in this state, show emergent behavioral properties beyond that of individual amoebas, but they are not considered sapient or even sub-sapient.
  • During the sporing season the individual amoebas that make up a Mat will combine to form a single super-organism that may reach several square kilometers in size (the largest was 6,700 km2). They will remain in this state for weeks before dispersing or attenuating. However, some Mats may last for months. Mats will, in this state, show emergent behavioral properties beyond that of individual amoebas, but they are not considered sapient or even sub-sapient.