  • Fire-Forged Friends
  • Whether hostile to each other, indifferent, or strangers, two or more different outfits must fight on the same side. All the way up to an Enemy Mine situation. Afterwards, they are no longer hostile and perhaps even actual friends. If they continue as enemies, they are Friendly Enemy. Bonus points if: The Power of Trust often comes into play, since they often must trust the other not to stab them In the Back. Overlap with Band of Brothers is considerable, but in this trope, they need never to work together again, and that one, they do not have be friendly, just reliable.
  • Whether hostile to each other, indifferent, or strangers, two or more different outfits must fight on the same side. All the way up to an Enemy Mine situation. Afterwards, they are no longer hostile and perhaps even actual friends. If they continue as enemies, they are Friendly Enemy. Bonus points if: * they save each other's lives in the heat of battle; * they fight as Back-to-Back Badasses; * one says It Has Been an Honor; * one insists that No One Gets Left Behind, or that the other's is a Greater Need Than Mine; * one must give the other a weapon; * they become True Companions. The Power of Trust often comes into play, since they often must trust the other not to stab them In the Back. Borderline cases when Redemption Equals Death, since the friendship could have broken up after the fighting ended. Still, expect the survivor to refuse to let the other die alone, and often a Meaningful Funeral or To Absent Friends follows, especially if it involved a long period of time and hiatuses in the actual fighting -- a campaign or a war rather than a battle. May occur after Let's You and Him Fight, and lead to Lighthearted Rematch. May also lead to exchanging plot-significant objects, or just an Odd Friendship. In a military situation, when this occurs between a superior and his juniors, may lead to their speaking With Due Respect. When mistrust is manifested after this trope, Remember That You Trust Me often ensues. Other hazardous or even mere strenuous activities can also develop a kind of this; the closer it comes to as dangerous as war, like an attempt to escape through a jungle full of man-eating beasts and other dangers, the more it will resemble it. Overlap with Band of Brothers is considerable, but in this trope, they need never to work together again, and that one, they do not have be friendly, just reliable. When these fire-forged friends belong to opposite genders, expect them to take it to the next level. Truth in Television to a very large extent, as many people who served in any military force can testify, even more so if they are war veterans. Contrast Defeat Means Friendship, Kill Me Now or Forever Stay Your Hand, A Friend in Need, Blood Brothers. Compare Relationship-Salvaging Disaster. Examples of Fire-Forged Friends include: