  • Emperor Pirk calls Captain Fukov a brain-dead Soviet mutant
  • The CPP Kickstart, commanded by Emperor James B. Pirk, fired 20 lightballs at the Excavator. The lightballs hit the Excavator, but they were loaded with 12 oz. beer bottles. Emperor Pirk became very angry and shouted "FUKOOOOOV!" Captain Sergey Fukov, the commander of the CPP Kalinka, said "What?" Emperor Pirk said "What...was...your big idea...with these lightballs?" Captain Fukov said "Lightballs? What lightballs?" Emperor Pirk shouted "I told you to send over your lightballs, you brain-dead Soviet mutant!" Captain Fukov said "No, you asked for light beer."
  • The CPP Kickstart, commanded by Emperor James B. Pirk, fired 20 lightballs at the Excavator. The lightballs hit the Excavator, but they were loaded with 12 oz. beer bottles. Emperor Pirk became very angry and shouted "FUKOOOOOV!" Captain Sergey Fukov, the commander of the CPP Kalinka, said "What?" Emperor Pirk said "What...was...your big idea...with these lightballs?" Captain Fukov said "Lightballs? What lightballs?" Emperor Pirk shouted "I told you to send over your lightballs, you brain-dead Soviet mutant!" Captain Fukov said "No, you asked for light beer."