  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack
  • The 3-CD set is bundled with the soundtrack for Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, although not mentioned in the title. The soundtrack also contains additional tracks from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, rather than their being released on a separate CD, as was the case with Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. Discs one and two contain tracks from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, while tracks 1 to 13 on disc three are music from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, tracks 14 to 20 are from Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, and tracks 21 to 27 are from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Final Mix. Tracks from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded are now in pure orchestrated form, instead of being digitized, as they are in the original game releases.
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Soundtrack, sorti le 2 février 2011 au Japon, est un album réunissant les musiques de l'épisode PSP Birth by Sleep et des 2 épisodes DS 358/2 Days et Re:coded. Celles-ci sont composées par Yoko Shimomura, et quelques pistes de Takeharu Ishimoto et Tsuyoshi Sekito.
  • Yoko Shimomura,
  • Kaoru Wada,
  • Tsuyoshi Sekito,
  • Hirosato Noda,
  • Takeharu Ishimoto,
  • Keiji Kawamori
  • 2011-02-02
  • 3800.0
n° catalogue
  • SQEX-10213~5
  • 13915.0
  • Square Enix
  • Yoko Shimomura,
  • Tsuyoshi Sekito
  • Takeharu Ishimoto,
  • 3
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Soundtrack, sorti le 2 février 2011 au Japon, est un album réunissant les musiques de l'épisode PSP Birth by Sleep et des 2 épisodes DS 358/2 Days et Re:coded. Celles-ci sont composées par Yoko Shimomura, et quelques pistes de Takeharu Ishimoto et Tsuyoshi Sekito. Cette compilation se démarque de ses prédécesseurs par l'absence quasi-totale de morceaux apparus dans les épisodes précédents de la série (à l'exception du traditionnel Dearly Beloved, présent en trois versions différentes), faisant la part belle aux musiques exclusives de ces trois opus. En ce qui concerne les génériques d'introduction et de fin chantées par Utada Hikaru, ils ne sont pas non plus inclus.
  • The 3-CD set is bundled with the soundtrack for Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, although not mentioned in the title. The soundtrack also contains additional tracks from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, rather than their being released on a separate CD, as was the case with Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. Discs one and two contain tracks from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, while tracks 1 to 13 on disc three are music from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, tracks 14 to 20 are from Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, and tracks 21 to 27 are from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Final Mix. Tracks from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded are now in pure orchestrated form, instead of being digitized, as they are in the original game releases.