  • Town planner
  • These days Town Planners are far nicer creatures than you might imagine; Town Planners are focused on building a better future and reducing bad things like global warming and riparian vegetation. One exciting new development in town planning is the use of roundabouts instead of traffic lights! E.g The growing metropolis of Cairns in far North Queensland, Australia. Cairns has revolutionised the road traffic by removing traffic congesting Traffic Lights. By removing all traffic lights Cairns has seen a dramatic improvement in traffic flow and overall driver well being (statistics not available), some say that the proliferation of round-abouts in this city has caused local motorists to wear out their car tyres sooner than usual. However out of every negative there is a positive.. the new tyr
  • These days Town Planners are far nicer creatures than you might imagine; Town Planners are focused on building a better future and reducing bad things like global warming and riparian vegetation. One exciting new development in town planning is the use of roundabouts instead of traffic lights! E.g The growing metropolis of Cairns in far North Queensland, Australia. Cairns has revolutionised the road traffic by removing traffic congesting Traffic Lights. By removing all traffic lights Cairns has seen a dramatic improvement in traffic flow and overall driver well being (statistics not available), some say that the proliferation of round-abouts in this city has caused local motorists to wear out their car tyres sooner than usual. However out of every negative there is a positive.. the new tyres needed to sustain the vehicles in Cairns may very well come from the poor country of Brazil. Since Rubber Tree Sapping is an environmentally sustainable livelihood in this country, fewer poor farmers will resort to logging their forests and converting the land to pasture for methane farting cattle. This article will describe the various individuals who are drawn to the Planning profession, and their unique style and work ethic that they bring to the job. __TOC__