  • Cross-dressing, sexuality, and gender identity of Joan of Arc
  • Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d'Arc), a French revolutionary executed by the English for heresy in 1431, is a national hero of France and a Roman Catholic saint. Joan shunned the traditional roles and garb of women in her era for the lifestyle and dress of a soldier, ultimately providing a pretense for her conviction and execution. Whether her crossdressing and lifestyle have implications for her sexuality or gender identity is debated.
  • Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d'Arc), a French revolutionary executed by the English for heresy in 1431, is a national hero of France and a Roman Catholic saint. Joan shunned the traditional roles and garb of women in her era for the lifestyle and dress of a soldier, ultimately providing a pretense for her conviction and execution. Whether her crossdressing and lifestyle have implications for her sexuality or gender identity is debated.