  • Interface
  • Interface
  • Interface
  • Interface
  • Interface
  • Interface
  • Interface
  • Interface
  • __FORCETOC__
  • 1: Character window 2: Target window 3: Mini Map 4: Chat window 5: Menu 6: Message/Information window 7: Quick Slot 1: Character's face. 2: Current Level. 3: Same species monster kill count (KILL-M system) 4: The current value of experience. If 100% on to the next level. 5: Character's name. 6: Hit Points (HP) are red. Mana Points (MP) are blue 7: Amount of money in your possession. 8: PK by his players and their players list to the PK. 9: The current value of experience. Visual instead of numbers
  • The interface, sometimes called the user interface (UI) or graphical user interface (GUI), of Warrior Epic is all the elements on the game screen that allow the player to interact with the game and allow the game to inform the player about events in the game. It is divided in serveral parts depending of the situation in the game, which are the Launcher, the Main Menu, the Manage Hall Menu, the In-game interface.
  • Interface es una canción por Norm y Chloe Categoría:Canciones Categoría:Canciones de 4ª Temporada Categoría:Canciones cantadas por Norm Categoría:Canciones cantadas por Luis Fernando Ríos Categoría:Canciones cantadas por Paloma Blanco
  • The interface, sometimes called the user interface (UI) or graphical user interface (GUI), of Guild Wars is all the elements on the game screen that allow the player to interact with the game and allow the game to inform the player about events in the game. To move or remove most elements of the interface, go to the interface tab of the options window. Some window elements in the interface can be freely moved and resized without going through the options.
  • The minimap is the section which shows a portion of the map around the player, including coloured dots, showing where people or items are, and icons, showing where features of the area are.
  • The interface is made up of many icons, bars and menus that can be easily navigated with the correct controls.
  • Did you mean: * User interface or * NCU Hacker Interface?
  • Interface ist das englische Wort für Benutzeroberfläche und ist die Schnittstelle zwischen Spieler und Spiel. Das Interface von Runes of magic bietet viele Basiseigenschaften und grundsätzliche Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, allerdings ist nicht viel Raum für spezielle Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten. Viele Informationen und Handlungen sind zudem nur umständlich oder über Umwege auszuführen. Daher bietet das Spiel die Möglichkeit, das Interface über Addons zu individualisieren. Kategorie:Addons
  • Cyborg mastermind and "second-tier" master villain.
  • This will let you change your clothes, change your title, view your abilities, collections, jobs, style cards, and everything else there is to know about your character.
  • An interface is a
  • frame|Mini-mapa; uma parte da interface.A Interface (HUDs em inglês, que significa Head Up Display) é simplesmente onde se encontram as ferramentas do jogo. Com ela, pode acessar seu Livro de magias, checar sua mochila, seus equipamentos, conversar com os amigos, visualizar o mapa, alterar as Configurações, correr e muito mais.
  • The Interface within "Too Human" is simple yet robust, creating an easy experience for users to navigate through the in-game menus. It is speculated that the interface was initially created to deal with potential technological issues, primarily to prevent burn-in on plasma televisions. The controls were created for longevity and simplicity, allowing gamers to play for long periods of time without finger/hand cramps. Controlling the game within combat and general navigation is effective. The left and right analog sticks are utilized for standard melee combat. Skills are used through the X (Battlecries), Y (Spiders), and RB (Ruiners) buttons. You Jump by pressing the A button, and Dodge Roll by pressing the B button. The HUD is spacious giving the user more room for in-game interactivity.
  • The Interface was a view to know what or how many
  • With the release of RuneScape 3, players are given the option to customise the layout of their interface. Most windows can be moved, resized, combined, and hidden. In addition to layout, players have the option to change a number of the more technical details such as keybinds and HUDs. __TOC__
  • right|300px Jedes Spiel hat ein Interface/Menu das dem Spieler Optionen bereitstellt. Eingangsinterface Ingameinterface Mapinterface Iteminterface
  • In het verleden kende SAP enkel een graphical user interface. Inmiddels kun je SAP ontsluiten in een portaal of via een Office applicatie. In 2010 komt SAP met een nieuwe gebruikersinterface met de naam NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC).
  • The Interface is the screen used to play RuneScape; it contains buttons to view specific information. Some parts of the interface can be quickly accessed by the use of the hotkeys noted below.
  • Ein Interface ist eine Schnittstelle, die sich an einem Computer oder Datenterminal befindet. Als Schnittstelle zwischen einem Menschen, beziehungsweise Lebewesen, und den Systemen eines Raumschiffs dient die Konsole. Auf Raumschiffen der Föderation dient das LCARS als Bedienungsprogramm für diese Form des Interface.
  • Das Interface von Tabula Rasa unterscheidet sich enorm von jenen anderer Online-Rollenspiele. Richard Garriott vertritt die Auffassung, dass die grafischen Oberflächen anderer MMORPGs oftmals zu kompliziert gestaltet sind und vom eigentlichem Spiel ablenken, weshalb Tabula Rasa ein sehr minimalistisches Interface aufweist.
  • The following is an explanation on what each part of the Chat Window does (using the image to the right): * All (Red): this will send a message to every player within your range. * @Whisper (Pink): this will send a message to a specific player. * Usage: @NAME Message - @[GM]Xtrm2Matt Hello! * $Trade (Blue): this will send a message to the player you are trading to. * Usage: $Hello! * #Party (Light Blue): this will send a message to all party members. * Usage: #Hello! * &Clan (Green): this will send a message to all clan members. * Usage: &Hello! * ~Ally (Yellow): this will send a message to all allied members on PvP maps. * Usage: ~Hello!
  • Information on what the interface of Rakion is. * Basic Interface * Stage Mode Interface * Battle Mode Interface * Team Death Match * Boss Mode * Golem Mode * Mouse + Keyboard Control * U.I. Guide * Socket System
  • Imagem:Interface_no_mar.jpg 21. Informação sobre Durabilidade da Vela, casco, Marinheiros e Pontos de SP 22. Quantidade de Provisão 23. Leque do Disparo dos Canhões 24. Tipos e quantidade dos canhões. Clique para mudar os tipos 25. Barra do Tempo de espera dos Canhões 26. Quantidade de Velas. Menos velas gastam menos provisões, mas tem a velocidade baixa.
  • ammoniak; Breen; cerebrale cortex; Deep Space 3; Doosodarians; USS Excelsior; Ferengi; God; USS Hera; interface sonde; La Forge, Ariana; Marijne VII; methaan; USS Noble; palio; poëzie; USS Raman; Starfleet academie; trekstraal; troposfeer; VISOR; Vulcan (planeet); Vulcan; warp bel; warp spoel; warp veld; zenuwstelsel.
  • Wie in allen Spielen gibt es auch in Fiesta Online ein sehr anschauliches Interface für eure Charaktere. In diesem Guide wollen wir euch die wichtigsten Anzeigen vorstellen. Das Interface ist recht eingängig, die Bugs stören allerdings oft deren Nutzung.
  • At the top portion of the screen there will be a picture of the planet you currently have selected, next to that is a drop down menu showing the name and coordinates of the planet. This field allows you to change your selection to another colonized planet. The order of the planets can be changed in the Options.
  • Interface (GUI) - to nakładka na grę dostarczająca wielu cennych informacji. W GW każdy element gui możemy edytować (F11 zakładka interface) - I właśnie to powinniśmy zrobić zaraz po zalogowaniu i wejściu do gry, gdyż przez standardowe rozmieszczenie elementów podczas potyczek tracimy cenny czas.
  • The interface of Shaiya is made up of graphics, icons, buttons and text. It follows a very familiar and user-friendly layout to most role-playing games (RPGs) and is used alongside different controls and commands to interact. Types of Interface The interface is different depending on the current game screen and what the player is allowed to do. The most complex screen is the General User Interface which is the main screen during gameplay. Please select a screen to view details about its interface.
  • Néanmoins, l'utilisateur peut quand même être dérouté lorsqu'on qu'une mise à jour du jeu vient changer le fonctionnement de l'interface ou ajouter des élements. Et quand un élement d'interface nouvellement ajouté ne peut être déplacé, il y a fort à parier qu'il sera rendu personnalisable dans une mise à jour future. Actuellement, voici ce dont l'interface se compose : Plusieurs autres éléments d'interface ne sont accessibles qu'à partir du menu. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez vous référer à la page dédiée au menu.
  • There is already a "find ship" feature. Hit SHF-O to bring up the OOB screen. Find the ship you want on it, then click the colored dot by its name. This jumps the camera directly to that ship and closes the OOB screen. This is the main reason why there's an OOB screen. Having a list of all your ships and their current conditions is kinda useless if you can't find them easily . So, to answer your questions..... * individual ships * individual squadrons * the whole damned fleet b) How do I target individual ships. For guns, there are 2 ways you can do this:
  • One major component of the Interface was the ability to log onto the Net. Once online through the Interface, users were able to perform a wide range of tasks, from ordering replacement ID cards, to access to databases such as SafeTech's fingerprint database, to access to television and video broadcasts, both incoming and outgoing. One of the primary providers for the Interface was a company called Interface Operations, which was controlled by Chris Brynner in 2024.
  • The ribbon is the main bar where other interfaces can be opened up by the player. The buttons it contains are listed below: File:Ribbon.png Additionally, during special events, the group interface button turns to the following: RS3 Help Icon.png|RuneScape 3 Grouping System icon.png|Grouping System, before it got changed Customer Support Week button.png|Customer Support Week Christmas button.png|2015/2016 Christmas event Crablet Plunder icon.png|Crablet Plunder Birth by Fire button.png|Birth by Fire Deathbeard's Demise button.png|Deathbeard's Demise Sprites Be Gone button.png|2017 Valentine's Day event Agents of Fury button.png|Agents of Fury Gielinorian Giving button.png|Gielinorian Giving Aiding the Exile button.png|Aiding the Exile Build A Beach button.png|Build A Beach
  • Ashka flees to the school of Mek, and persuades master Ling to hand to her the trans-dimensional boat, indeed, Kathy and Mek take the interface in himself and land by mistake in the world of the immortals because Ashka with a flash had destroyed the control of the boat. In this world and the world of the moloch the interface remains unnoticed.
  • This section provides an introduction to the main Softimage interface. The UI of softimage evolved with a very basic design with buttons of dark colour in 2 side menus in SI3D till the XSI UI wich still maintains a minimal feeling. Softimage Ui will not attract with fancy colours toolbars, main goal was to have something less distracting on the sides that leaves max space in the viewport. That was asked by artists that wanted to focus on the center. Additionally in all this gray any colour on UI becomes easily identified this is used very inteliggently in IS. Options and tools come in floatting windows or can be embeded to viewports. The UI has like 10 basic layouts, some of them specializing of certain aspects of SI, meanwhile everything is heavily customizable.
  • La fenêtre de jeu affiche différentes sous-fenêtres et zones d'état La fenêtre d'interface minimale comporte: * Barre d'XP, Barre de béné et Barre d'outils (en bas) * Barre d'état du personnage * Identification de la Cible * Zone de messages et de chat * Barre de sorts (si des sorts sont actifs) * Zone d'état de groupe (si vous faites partie d'un Groupe) D'autres fenêtres peuvent être affichées/masquées à l'aide des commandes de l'interface ou des Raccourcis clavier. Les plus fréquemment affichées sont:
Main Character
  • Interface; Interface .jpg
  • Gambit, Deel I
  • 1993-10-04
  • 7
  • Liaisons
  • TNG
  • 2370
  • 703
  • 472151
  • Interface Geordi and Probe.jpg
  • Pamela Leighton; Pamela Leighton .jpg
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • TNG
  • Interface
wikipage disambiguates
  • __FORCETOC__
  • There is already a "find ship" feature. Hit SHF-O to bring up the OOB screen. Find the ship you want on it, then click the colored dot by its name. This jumps the camera directly to that ship and closes the OOB screen. This is the main reason why there's an OOB screen. Having a list of all your ships and their current conditions is kinda useless if you can't find them easily . In the RJW game, everybody wanted control over torps, especially so they could keep from shooting them until they thought it was a good time. Putting the whole TF on torpedoes free puts you back in the RJW situation . Now, putting the whole TF on gun target free is a good idea, at least at night. BTW, did you know that gun target free, when given to whole divisions or the TF at once, will cause an automated distribution of fire? The TF Org screen is divided into 3 parts. The left-hand column is basically a list of all TFs present in the current map hex. The large central area shows the arrangements of the divisions within one of these TFs (opens with the top TF's divisions, but mousing over the others changes the display to show their divisions). The right-hand columns shows the individual ships within the currently selected division. When a TF's divisions first appear in the large central area, the division closest to the upper left corner is selected, and its ships appear in the right-hand column. Clicking on a different division shows its ships in the right-hand column. You can do different things in each area of the TF Org screen, as outlined below. The further to the right you are in the screen, the more stuff you can do, and the general operation is to drag stuff from a position towards the right into a new position towards the left. Everything you see in this column is a TF. All you can do here is drag 1 TF icon onto another. This merges the TFs by moving all the divisions from the TF you dragged into the other TF. These divisions go into default positions in the destination TF, so you'll have to rearrange the divisions in the central area after you do this. Everything you see in this area is a division, even if that division is only 1 ship. You can move divisions around within this area, which changes the overall arrangement of the TF. You can also drag divisions out of the central area and into a different TF icon in the left-hand column. This transfers the division to the new TF, in a default location. Everything you see in this column is a ship. You can drag ships up and down within this column, which changes their order within the selected division. You can drag ships onto a division icon in the central area, which removes the ship from its current division and adds it as the last ship in the destination division. You can drag a ship to a blank space in the central area, which creates a new division containing only the ship you dragged. And you can drag a ship all the way into the left column. If you drag it onto a TF icon, you create a new division containing only that ship, which is then put into the target TF in a default position. And if you drag a ship into a blank spot in the left column, you create a new TF, which contains a new division in a default location, which contains only the dragged ship. So, to answer your questions..... To merge a single ship into a TF, you have several options. If it's truly a single ship, then it will be in a TF all by itself, which contains a division containing only that ship. Because it's in a TF, you can drag it into another TF in the left-hand column. Or you can bring up that ship's TF in the central area and drag its division onto the desired TF in the left-hand column. Or you can drag the ship itself all the way from the right-hand column onto the desired TF icon in the left-hand column. If you drag a ship out of a division, I'm assuming you put it on a blank spot in the central area. When you did that, you created a new division with just that ship in it. In the central area, you can't merge divisions by dragging one onto another. Thus, to get the ship back in its original position, you need to select its division in the central area, which will make the ship appear in the right-hand column. Then drag the ship from the right-hand column onto the division where you want it. This will make it the last ship in the target division, and its separate division icon in the central area will vanish. * individual ships * individual squadrons * the whole damned fleet Yup, unfortunately at present TFs are only separate things on the campaign map. In a battle, all your ships are considered one TF for the duration of the battle, although they revert to separate TFs afterwards. Thus, you can only select things as you describe above. In huge battles in single player, you have to use the pause key a LOT. They also take a lot of time, so you'll also likely have to save at some point and continue playing it later, due to real life constraints. b) How do I target individual ships. For guns, there are 2 ways you can do this: * Select your ship, move the cursor over the desired target, and hit Q * Select your ship, move the cursor over the desired target, right-click, and select the "Target Ship" button. At present, there is no hotkey for torp targeting, so only the right-click method works for them. Then you select "Target Ship (Torpedo)".
  • 1: Character window 2: Target window 3: Mini Map 4: Chat window 5: Menu 6: Message/Information window 7: Quick Slot 1: Character's face. 2: Current Level. 3: Same species monster kill count (KILL-M system) 4: The current value of experience. If 100% on to the next level. 5: Character's name. 6: Hit Points (HP) are red. Mana Points (MP) are blue 7: Amount of money in your possession. 8: PK by his players and their players list to the PK. 9: The current value of experience. Visual instead of numbers
  • The interface, sometimes called the user interface (UI) or graphical user interface (GUI), of Warrior Epic is all the elements on the game screen that allow the player to interact with the game and allow the game to inform the player about events in the game. It is divided in serveral parts depending of the situation in the game, which are the Launcher, the Main Menu, the Manage Hall Menu, the In-game interface.
  • Interface es una canción por Norm y Chloe Categoría:Canciones Categoría:Canciones de 4ª Temporada Categoría:Canciones cantadas por Norm Categoría:Canciones cantadas por Luis Fernando Ríos Categoría:Canciones cantadas por Paloma Blanco
  • At the top portion of the screen there will be a picture of the planet you currently have selected, next to that is a drop down menu showing the name and coordinates of the planet. This field allows you to change your selection to another colonized planet. The order of the planets can be changed in the Options. To the right, there are fields showing the amount of resources available on your current planet. The first three, Metal, Crystal, and Deuterium show the current amount available to spend. The last one shows the amount of Energy available and total. Additional resources such as Dark Matter can be found through Expeditions or can be purchased through Ogame via Paypal, Credit Card, Phone Call, SMS, and Moneybookers. The top frame is viewable in almost all view screens. It is not available in the Empire View, or the Galaxy View.
  • The interface, sometimes called the user interface (UI) or graphical user interface (GUI), of Guild Wars is all the elements on the game screen that allow the player to interact with the game and allow the game to inform the player about events in the game. To move or remove most elements of the interface, go to the interface tab of the options window. Some window elements in the interface can be freely moved and resized without going through the options.
  • Ashka flees to the school of Mek, and persuades master Ling to hand to her the trans-dimensional boat, indeed, Kathy and Mek take the interface in himself and land by mistake in the world of the immortals because Ashka with a flash had destroyed the control of the boat. In this world and the world of the moloch the interface remains unnoticed. Back in the Land of the Dragon Lord the both are arrested by the barbarians, and Ashka flees with the interface in Kathys world, however, lands in the world of the other Morgans. By a prank of two boys Kathy and Josh Ashka can follow, and find out that she has already sold some of the jewels, and now tries to sell the interface to Bane, however, she is cheated, and she receives no money and the interface is also away. With Kathy and Josh she tries to find Bane, and they accept the help of the other Morgans. Several times the interface goes by all kinds of hands, however, finally, they get to return with the interface to the Land of the Dragon Lord and to release Aya, because exclusively her face fits in the interface. With the prime oracle Mek tries to insert the interface again when he has also created it, nevertheless, hope dwindles again fast, because the oracle does not answer. Then, nevertheless, there is a sign of itself, and the sun crystal opens, and supplies the oracle again with strength.
  • One major component of the Interface was the ability to log onto the Net. Once online through the Interface, users were able to perform a wide range of tasks, from ordering replacement ID cards, to access to databases such as SafeTech's fingerprint database, to access to television and video broadcasts, both incoming and outgoing. One of the primary providers for the Interface was a company called Interface Operations, which was controlled by Chris Brynner in 2024. Channel 90 of the Interface featured news broadcasts, whereas Channel 178 provided retinal scan services. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I") Restrictions that applied to the Interface included the government's ability (and common procedure) to cut Interface access off for outgoing broadcasts during hostage situations. Additionally, overriding such a government block constituted a violation of an owner/operator's Interface operating license. During the Bell Riots of 2024, several hostages were taken in the Administrative Building in Sanctuary District A, where the hijackers attempted to use their access to the Interface to announce their demands, but were cut off mid-announcement. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II")
  • This section provides an introduction to the main Softimage interface. The UI of softimage evolved with a very basic design with buttons of dark colour in 2 side menus in SI3D till the XSI UI wich still maintains a minimal feeling. Softimage Ui will not attract with fancy colours toolbars, main goal was to have something less distracting on the sides that leaves max space in the viewport. That was asked by artists that wanted to focus on the center. Additionally in all this gray any colour on UI becomes easily identified this is used very inteliggently in IS. Options and tools come in floatting windows or can be embeded to viewports. The UI has like 10 basic layouts, some of them specializing of certain aspects of SI, meanwhile everything is heavily customizable. The Softimage interface is composed of several toolbars and panels surrounding the viewports that display the elements in your scene. NOTE:The image above shows the default layout. You can choose other layouts from the View Layouts menu, or create your own layouts as described in the Customizing Softimage guide.
  • Interface (GUI) - to nakładka na grę dostarczająca wielu cennych informacji. W GW każdy element gui możemy edytować (F11 zakładka interface) - I właśnie to powinniśmy zrobić zaraz po zalogowaniu i wejściu do gry, gdyż przez standardowe rozmieszczenie elementów podczas potyczek tracimy cenny czas. Od lewej strony: - Lista dyskrytów - czyli lista serwerów lustrzanych - Efekty działające na postać - czyli wszystkie hexy, postawy itp aktualnie działające na nas - Pasek doświadczenia - pokazuje aktualny poziom. Im bardziej zapełniony, tym bliżej do nast. lvl - Mapa (włączamy ją przyciskiem [U] ) - pokazuje aktualne położenie. Możemy ją dowolnie przesówać oraz powiększać. Jest to mniejsza wersja mapy spod [M] - Wskazówki - jeśli dopiero zaczynamy przygodę z GW w tym oknie będą pojawiały się cenne wskazówki dotyczące gry. - Rozmowa - po naciśnięciu [~] pojawia się okno rozmowy z zakładkami - Info o celu - Pokazuje nick/nazwę aktualnie atakowanej postaci/potwora - Przycisk handlu - daje nam możliwość handlowania z innymi graczami. - Umiejętności przeciwnika - umiejętność którą aktualnie używa przeciwnik, który jest naszym celem (może to być atak, hex, okrzyk etc) - Pasek żywotności [HP] oraz energii (many [MP] ) - pokazuje ile mamy aktualnie HP/MP. Czas regeneracji zależny jest od klasy postaci. Gdy pasek HP spada do 0 - umieramy - Pasek umiejętności - czyli nasz aktualny build. Zawiera on (może zawierać) okrzyki, hexy, postawy, umiejętności itp. Możemy używać max 9 umiejętności podczas wyprawy, a zmieniać tylko w miastach lub osadach. - Kompas - Czyli skarbnica wiedzy :) Mamy tutaj informacje o wszystkich osobach/potworach w zasięgu ~~55metrów, jak również ukształtowanie terenu. Okrąg w centrum kompasu to centrum zagrożenia - zasięg słuchu bestii - Jeśli jakiś potwór znajdzie się w tym okręgu zaczyna nas atakować. Strefa zagrożenia wynosi 33 metry. - Formacja drużyny - pokazuje ilość oraz stan członków drużyny (ang. Party members). W tym oknie możemy również zapraszać innych do drużyny.
  • The minimap is the section which shows a portion of the map around the player, including coloured dots, showing where people or items are, and icons, showing where features of the area are.
  • The interface is made up of many icons, bars and menus that can be easily navigated with the correct controls.
  • Did you mean: * User interface or * NCU Hacker Interface?
  • Interface ist das englische Wort für Benutzeroberfläche und ist die Schnittstelle zwischen Spieler und Spiel. Das Interface von Runes of magic bietet viele Basiseigenschaften und grundsätzliche Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, allerdings ist nicht viel Raum für spezielle Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten. Viele Informationen und Handlungen sind zudem nur umständlich oder über Umwege auszuführen. Daher bietet das Spiel die Möglichkeit, das Interface über Addons zu individualisieren. Kategorie:Addons
  • The interface of Shaiya is made up of graphics, icons, buttons and text. It follows a very familiar and user-friendly layout to most role-playing games (RPGs) and is used alongside different controls and commands to interact. Types of Interface The interface is different depending on the current game screen and what the player is allowed to do. The most complex screen is the General User Interface which is the main screen during gameplay. Please select a screen to view details about its interface. * Updater Screen * Log In Screen * Server Select Screen * Faction Select Screen * Character Select Screen * Character Creation Screen * Loading Screen * General User Interface
  • Cyborg mastermind and "second-tier" master villain.
  • This will let you change your clothes, change your title, view your abilities, collections, jobs, style cards, and everything else there is to know about your character.
  • An interface is a
  • frame|Mini-mapa; uma parte da interface.A Interface (HUDs em inglês, que significa Head Up Display) é simplesmente onde se encontram as ferramentas do jogo. Com ela, pode acessar seu Livro de magias, checar sua mochila, seus equipamentos, conversar com os amigos, visualizar o mapa, alterar as Configurações, correr e muito mais.
  • The Interface within "Too Human" is simple yet robust, creating an easy experience for users to navigate through the in-game menus. It is speculated that the interface was initially created to deal with potential technological issues, primarily to prevent burn-in on plasma televisions. The controls were created for longevity and simplicity, allowing gamers to play for long periods of time without finger/hand cramps. Controlling the game within combat and general navigation is effective. The left and right analog sticks are utilized for standard melee combat. Skills are used through the X (Battlecries), Y (Spiders), and RB (Ruiners) buttons. You Jump by pressing the A button, and Dodge Roll by pressing the B button. The HUD is spacious giving the user more room for in-game interactivity.
  • The Interface was a view to know what or how many
  • With the release of RuneScape 3, players are given the option to customise the layout of their interface. Most windows can be moved, resized, combined, and hidden. In addition to layout, players have the option to change a number of the more technical details such as keybinds and HUDs. __TOC__
  • right|300px Jedes Spiel hat ein Interface/Menu das dem Spieler Optionen bereitstellt. Eingangsinterface Ingameinterface Mapinterface Iteminterface
  • In het verleden kende SAP enkel een graphical user interface. Inmiddels kun je SAP ontsluiten in een portaal of via een Office applicatie. In 2010 komt SAP met een nieuwe gebruikersinterface met de naam NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC).
  • The Interface is the screen used to play RuneScape; it contains buttons to view specific information. Some parts of the interface can be quickly accessed by the use of the hotkeys noted below.
  • Ein Interface ist eine Schnittstelle, die sich an einem Computer oder Datenterminal befindet. Als Schnittstelle zwischen einem Menschen, beziehungsweise Lebewesen, und den Systemen eines Raumschiffs dient die Konsole. Auf Raumschiffen der Föderation dient das LCARS als Bedienungsprogramm für diese Form des Interface.
  • Das Interface von Tabula Rasa unterscheidet sich enorm von jenen anderer Online-Rollenspiele. Richard Garriott vertritt die Auffassung, dass die grafischen Oberflächen anderer MMORPGs oftmals zu kompliziert gestaltet sind und vom eigentlichem Spiel ablenken, weshalb Tabula Rasa ein sehr minimalistisches Interface aufweist.
  • The following is an explanation on what each part of the Chat Window does (using the image to the right): * All (Red): this will send a message to every player within your range. * @Whisper (Pink): this will send a message to a specific player. * Usage: @NAME Message - @[GM]Xtrm2Matt Hello! * $Trade (Blue): this will send a message to the player you are trading to. * Usage: $Hello! * #Party (Light Blue): this will send a message to all party members. * Usage: #Hello! * &Clan (Green): this will send a message to all clan members. * Usage: &Hello! * ~Ally (Yellow): this will send a message to all allied members on PvP maps. * Usage: ~Hello!
  • Information on what the interface of Rakion is. * Basic Interface * Stage Mode Interface * Battle Mode Interface * Team Death Match * Boss Mode * Golem Mode * Mouse + Keyboard Control * U.I. Guide * Socket System
  • Imagem:Interface_no_mar.jpg 21. Informação sobre Durabilidade da Vela, casco, Marinheiros e Pontos de SP 22. Quantidade de Provisão 23. Leque do Disparo dos Canhões 24. Tipos e quantidade dos canhões. Clique para mudar os tipos 25. Barra do Tempo de espera dos Canhões 26. Quantidade de Velas. Menos velas gastam menos provisões, mas tem a velocidade baixa.
  • The ribbon is the main bar where other interfaces can be opened up by the player. The buttons it contains are listed below: File:Ribbon.png Additionally, during special events, the group interface button turns to the following: RS3 Help Icon.png|RuneScape 3 Grouping System icon.png|Grouping System, before it got changed Customer Support Week button.png|Customer Support Week Christmas button.png|2015/2016 Christmas event Crablet Plunder icon.png|Crablet Plunder Birth by Fire button.png|Birth by Fire Deathbeard's Demise button.png|Deathbeard's Demise Sprites Be Gone button.png|2017 Valentine's Day event Agents of Fury button.png|Agents of Fury Gielinorian Giving button.png|Gielinorian Giving Aiding the Exile button.png|Aiding the Exile Build A Beach button.png|Build A Beach During the 2017 Valentine's Day event, everything under Community became pink: Friends (Sprite Be Gone).png Friends Chat (Sprite Be Gone).png Clan Chat (Sprite Be Gone).png Grouping System (Sprite Be Gone).png Twitch Stream (Sprite Be Gone).png Emotes (Sprite Be Gone).png During the Agents of Fury event, everything under Community became orange: Friends (Agents of Fury).png Friends Chat (Agents of Fury).png Clan Chat (Agents of Fury).png Grouping System (Agents of Fury).png Twitch Stream (Agents of Fury).png Emotes (Agents of Fury).png
  • ammoniak; Breen; cerebrale cortex; Deep Space 3; Doosodarians; USS Excelsior; Ferengi; God; USS Hera; interface sonde; La Forge, Ariana; Marijne VII; methaan; USS Noble; palio; poëzie; USS Raman; Starfleet academie; trekstraal; troposfeer; VISOR; Vulcan (planeet); Vulcan; warp bel; warp spoel; warp veld; zenuwstelsel.
  • La fenêtre de jeu affiche différentes sous-fenêtres et zones d'état La fenêtre d'interface minimale comporte: * Barre d'XP, Barre de béné et Barre d'outils (en bas) * Barre d'état du personnage * Identification de la Cible * Zone de messages et de chat * Barre de sorts (si des sorts sont actifs) * Zone d'état de groupe (si vous faites partie d'un Groupe) D'autres fenêtres peuvent être affichées/masquées à l'aide des commandes de l'interface ou des Raccourcis clavier. Les plus fréquemment affichées sont: * Barre(s) de compétences (barres de raccourcis) * Mini-carte (Radar) Fenêtres liées à la Barre d'outils * Fenêtre Boutique * Inventaire * Fenêtre Stats * Fenêtre Compétences * Fenêtre Talent Inné * Fenêtre Quête * Fenêtre Guilde * Fenêtre Option Autres fenêtres/informations * Position du joueur * Fenêtre But de la Quête
  • Néanmoins, l'utilisateur peut quand même être dérouté lorsqu'on qu'une mise à jour du jeu vient changer le fonctionnement de l'interface ou ajouter des élements. Et quand un élement d'interface nouvellement ajouté ne peut être déplacé, il y a fort à parier qu'il sera rendu personnalisable dans une mise à jour future. Actuellement, voici ce dont l'interface se compose : * Le menu * La barre de compétences * La barre des armes * La barre d'énergie (bleue, juste au dessus de la barre de compétence) * La barre de vie (rouge, à côté de la barre d'énergie) * La barre d'expérience (verte, à haut à gauche de l'écran) * La fenêtre de conversation * La boussole * La fenêtre d'équipe * La liste de sélection de région (en ville seulement) Plusieurs autres éléments d'interface ne sont accessibles qu'à partir du menu. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez vous référer à la page dédiée au menu.
  • Wie in allen Spielen gibt es auch in Fiesta Online ein sehr anschauliches Interface für eure Charaktere. In diesem Guide wollen wir euch die wichtigsten Anzeigen vorstellen. Das Interface ist recht eingängig, die Bugs stören allerdings oft deren Nutzung.
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