  • Butterick 7155
  • Butterick 7155; ©1954; Wardrobe for Popular Dolls: (A) Contrast dress with frilly apron effect. (B) Rick-rack trimmed contrast dress with apron skirt. (C) Cute coat and hat couple. (D) Shirt and jeans set. (E) Tailored pajamas. (F) Ribbon-beaded petticoat. (G) Frilly panties. Suitable for Toni, Toni Walker, Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Mary Hartline, Sara Ann and Princess Mary dolls. Reissued for 18 inches dolls in 2014 as B6150.
  • Butterick 7155; ©1954; Wardrobe for Popular Dolls: (A) Contrast dress with frilly apron effect. (B) Rick-rack trimmed contrast dress with apron skirt. (C) Cute coat and hat couple. (D) Shirt and jeans set. (E) Tailored pajamas. (F) Ribbon-beaded petticoat. (G) Frilly panties. Suitable for Toni, Toni Walker, Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Mary Hartline, Sara Ann and Princess Mary dolls. Reissued for 18 inches dolls in 2014 as B6150.