  • Flashbelt slide show
  • At Flashbelt, a Flash conference in Minneapolis in June 2009, Hoss Gifford presented a session featuring graphic sexual imagery, drawings of penises (one ejaculating over a drawing of a face), and a flash application called the "Orgasmatron" which showed a woman's face which became increasingly excited and happy as the mouse pointer was moved over it. The blog post that really broke this story was Prude or Professional by Courtney Remes, an attendee at the conference.
  • At Flashbelt, a Flash conference in Minneapolis in June 2009, Hoss Gifford presented a session featuring graphic sexual imagery, drawings of penises (one ejaculating over a drawing of a face), and a flash application called the "Orgasmatron" which showed a woman's face which became increasingly excited and happy as the mouse pointer was moved over it. * Hoss's slides are available online. The first one is the killer. Single JPG here (NSFW). * Photo of Hoss with "cock" illustration (Flickr) * Orgasmatron part 1 and part 2 from a previous conference (yeah, he's presented this multiple times) The blog post that really broke this story was Prude or Professional by Courtney Remes, an attendee at the conference. Many responses to women's complaints about this presentation included explanations that that's just how "the Flash community" is; that's the personality of the developer who gave the talk and everyone accepts it (He's just like that); women shouldn't be too sensitive or prudish; it was humor.