  • Getting to know Summerset
  • From: [[]] The people of Benthic and Summerset Colleges rarely mix socially. One could frequent the expensive taverns and coffee houses that attract the College's members, if one were of a mind. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Making headway
Failure title
  • This shall not be
  • 85
Failure description
  • Your table has not been reserved. The sommelier is […] brusque. The registrar has an urgent appointment elsewhere. The Correspondence symbols denoting bankruptcy swim to your mind. You push them back down. No. Today is but the tiniest of bumps. […]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Summerset days
Success description
  • Your opinions are sought in the restaurants and coffee houses. […] Many of the academics here consider you a dangerous maniac, but you are definitely making progress. Having access to one of the lesser wine cellars doesn't hurt, either.
  • The people of Benthic and Summerset Colleges rarely mix socially. One could frequent the expensive taverns and coffee houses that attract the College's members, if one were of a mind.
  • From: [[]] The people of Benthic and Summerset Colleges rarely mix socially. One could frequent the expensive taverns and coffee houses that attract the College's members, if one were of a mind. [Find the rest of the story at ]