  • Black Bomb
  • Black Bomb
  • Black Bomb
  • Black Bomb (ブラックボム dosł. Czarna Bomba?) to transformacja jeża Sonica pojawiająca się w grze Sonic Lost World. Jest to Moc Koloru zasilana przez Czarnego Wispa i jego energię Hyper-go-on. W tej formie, Sonic zamienia się w toczącą bombę.
  • Black Bomb es una transformación utilizada por Sonic the Hedgehog en la versión de Wii U de Sonic Lost World. Se trata del Color Power del Black Wisp. Si bien en esta forma, Sonic se transforma en una bomba gigante que puede hacerse explotar. A diferencia de otros Color Powers esté solo esta disponible mediante Miiverse. También puede ser recompensado al jugador al completar el contenido exclusivo de DLC Nightmare, que está disponible en Deadly Six Bonus Edition de Sonic Lost World.
  • Fighting Black Bombs can be a difficult task, where possible it's best to shoot them down as soon as possible, as far away as possible. Missile Launchers are probably the best unit to use, given their likelihood to OHK them and their good range. Spreading out the troops much possible will reduce the amount of possible damage inflicted. In sea battles, they do lots of damage to expensive ships. In air battles, they also damage expensive units (but watch out for enemy Fighters though). Try to use them when you know you can inflict at least 25,000G worth of damage with them.
  • BlackBomb.jpg
Row 4 info
  • Negro
Row 1 info
  • Sonic Lost World
Row 4 title
  • Color
Row 2 info
Row 1 title
  • Primera Aparición
  • Sonic Lost World
Row 5 info
  • Rojos
Row 2 title
  • Usuarios
  • *Wywoływanie wybuchów i eksplozji *Używanie Hyper-go-on
  • -bVGxpDApu0
Row 5 title
  • Ojos
Row 3 info
  • El Hyper-go-on del Black Wisp
Row 3 title
  • Causa de la transformación
  • N/A
Box Title
  • Black Bomb
  • 45
Special Commands
  • Explode
Weapon One
  • N/A
Weapon Two
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Accessory
  • 9
  • 3
  • Creates an explosion and flame.
  • 25000
Image File
  • 250
  • 1
  • 1
  • Energia Hyper-go-on pochodząca z Czarnych Wispów
Postać baza
  • tak
  • Black Bomb (ブラックボム dosł. Czarna Bomba?) to transformacja jeża Sonica pojawiająca się w grze Sonic Lost World. Jest to Moc Koloru zasilana przez Czarnego Wispa i jego energię Hyper-go-on. W tej formie, Sonic zamienia się w toczącą bombę.
  • Fighting Black Bombs can be a difficult task, where possible it's best to shoot them down as soon as possible, as far away as possible. Missile Launchers are probably the best unit to use, given their likelihood to OHK them and their good range. Spreading out the troops much possible will reduce the amount of possible damage inflicted. Using Black Bombs well can be also be difficult, as they have low fuel and a very high cost. It is more viable to go for a more permanent option (such as tanks and artillery) should potential users be low on funds. Black bombs are most effective when players possess airports close to the enemy, and has the enemy surrounded or at least concentrated in one place. A black bomb or two can instantly transform a difficult battle into a steamroll when used properly. In sea battles, they do lots of damage to expensive ships. In air battles, they also damage expensive units (but watch out for enemy Fighters though). Try to use them when you know you can inflict at least 25,000G worth of damage with them.
  • Black Bomb es una transformación utilizada por Sonic the Hedgehog en la versión de Wii U de Sonic Lost World. Se trata del Color Power del Black Wisp. Si bien en esta forma, Sonic se transforma en una bomba gigante que puede hacerse explotar. A diferencia de otros Color Powers esté solo esta disponible mediante Miiverse. También puede ser recompensado al jugador al completar el contenido exclusivo de DLC Nightmare, que está disponible en Deadly Six Bonus Edition de Sonic Lost World.