  • Strawberry Bavarian Creme Elegante
  • Fresh ruby red strawberries give your taste buds a treat. The juice is sweet and tantalizing. Even the aroma of fresh berries excites the palate and prepares the way for a great adventure in eating. Try this recipe as you partake of a fruit that is luscious, beautiful in color, and heavenly in any menu plan. Enjoy!
  • Fresh ruby red strawberries give your taste buds a treat. The juice is sweet and tantalizing. Even the aroma of fresh berries excites the palate and prepares the way for a great adventure in eating. Try this recipe as you partake of a fruit that is luscious, beautiful in color, and heavenly in any menu plan. Enjoy! * Contributed by ©Arleen M. Kaptur March 2002, Author of books and articles on living a simple, rustic lifestyle - and getting the most from each and every day. Excerpt from strawberry/chocolate Recipes by Arleen M. Kaptur * Arleen Kaptur may be contacted at * to view more of her articles.