  • Tutorial: Old Station/Plot Details
  • 1.0
  • Keyboard Movement Or use the arrow keys or the "WASD" keys to steer your character. Close this tutorial box and try it!
  • Well, you go through the Sewer. But there are Animated in there.
  • Target Selection Click your mouse on the trash can. You'll know it's selected when it lights up.
  • A couple of plungers? Yeah...that's how it starts. 'Oh look! Aren't those things cute?' But then it's all 'Ack! Lookout! The teeth! It hurts!' and I don't want to hear that down here!
  • Heh. Well, not yet. First you need to learn to focus your ring. Try thinking about *only* that trash can over there. Your ring does the rest!
  • Leaving the Train To leave the train, just close this tutorial box, and click on the doors after they unlock at the station.
  • That's no surprise. Using those rings is *mostly* about funneling the energy through the ring, but it does take effort on your part to keep the energy in control as it passes through you.
  • There's no one else on the train but you, friend. It says so right here on my clipboard. You're the only passenger.
  • It was just a couple of plungers. They're gone now.
  • As a matter of fact, I do. Here...put this on!
  • But...bu... what abou...well, okay...
  • Come on over here. Let's talk for a sec.
  • Looks great on you! That's a Solar Rays ring. You can point it at a target and focus solar energy at your target in a powerful flare of light!
  • Hey there!
  • Hey there! Is everything okay over here?
  • I know. They seem to hate us, attacking on sight.
  • That's right! And stay sharp. This area of the Sewers is fairly tame, but anything can happen.
  • It's not a problem, [name]. Since everything's gotten so screwy, we just want everyone to be as prepared as possible.
  • Stamina This is your Stamina meter. When it is full, you have lots of energy to use your rings. But when it's empty, you won't be able to use your rings until you recover some Stamina.
  • Oh, you can't go that way anymore. They've sealed off the doors at the top of the escalator.
  • See what I mean?!?
  • Someone has!
  • The doors unlock as the train slides to a stop.
  • The platform is kind of dim...
  • The train is slowing...
  • I'm going to help you out a bit though. First...when you're tired, you should take a breather and kneel down for a bit. It'll make you feel a lot better.
  • You found a new Power-up!
  • You found a new Solar Rays ring!
  • You're a natural!
  • Thanks. My name is Frank. Can you believe what's been going on?
  • You bet. There's one more thing. The Town Council lets me pass out these Superchargers. They're useful things you can use when you're hurt or winded too badly. It's like a shot in the arm to get moving again.
  • A lot in other places, but only a few near here. I'm guessing you don't have one of those rings, do you?
  • When you a Kneeling, you take three times as much damage if hit. So only Kneel in a safe place.
  • The rings draw their power from the same source that powers the Animated, and that lets us use their own energy source against them! It works when nothing else seems to and we can fight back this way!
  • Hello I'm Cindy Donovinh with a Gaia 9 Action News late breaking story. It looks like fierce battles have broken out all over Gaia. Please stay tuned.
  • You'e got it going now! You can probably feel the energy ready to pour out of the ring. So, let it go, like opening your hand and releasing the wind.
  • that you mention it...I did feel a bit winded.
  • Rage Ranks Click and hold your mouse button to push rage into your Rage Meter. Every rank you build past puts more power into your ring!
  • Nope. But listen, Dani's a Barton Regular guard and she's just through that door and around the corner. Talk to her and she'll steer you where you need to go next.
  • Fantastic! You just learned the "basic" way to use your ring. But as you fight, you build up a kind of Rage you can focus through the ring for even more power.
  • Anyway, since you've used a ring before, maybe you've noticed how tired you got after using it?
  • Moving From Area to Area It's time to learn from area to area now. If you're using keystrokes to move, then you can just keep moving against a screen edge and you'll move to the next area if it's not blocked. If you're using the mouse to move, then move the mouse to the edge of the game screen. Once the cursor becomes a gold arrow, just click to move to that point and into the next area.
  • You're being attacked! Use your ring to defend yourself! You defeated the weird plunger-things. Now, if you could just find a light switch...
  • Mouse Movement Left-click a screen location to move to that spot.
  • Worked up? Worked UP?!? Just let me turn this TV on. Just look at the news! LOOK!!!
  • Superchargers The Supercharger PowerUp item restores Stamina AND Health at the same time. So if either of those two things is low, just click on the Supercharger icon on the PowerUp Tray. This is a small pack of Superchargers, so it has 10 uses. After you use all ten, it will disappear.
  • Yeah. I mean...who'd have thought? Inanimate objects coming to life and attacking us like this?
  • G-Corp came to the rescue! Labtechs showed up with handfuls of these strange, powerful rings to use against the Animated. Just in the nick of time!
  • Well, it looks like the train's stopping at the Barton Town platform. I'm going to head back and grab a few things. Good luck to you, friend.
  • The train's main doors open and you exit the train.
  • Starting a Conversation Anyone with a word balloon over their head is someone that wants to talk to you, and if that balloon has a '!!!' in it, then that character has a task they would like you to do. Click on them or the balloon to start a conversation.
  • Kneeling To kneel, either click the "Kneel/Stand" button on your Action Bar, or hit "K". WARNING!
  • PDA Map Feature You have a Personal Data Assistant with you. Your PDA is very handy and has a Map feature in it. To open your PDA, click the PDA icon on the Action Bar. Then when the PDA opens up, click the 'Local Map' button at the top of the PDA. You are the gold dot. Your goal is the red flag.
  • Well...instead of just releasing the energy, try holding it in and letting it build for a bit, kind of like back-pressure in a garden hose when you kink it. Then, let it go, and...BLAM!
  • I'm Conductor Barry. I'm in charge of this Train Station!
  • So...I have a few things to finish here at the Station. You'll have to head on into the Sewers and climb one of the ladders there to get up to Town.
  • Barry
  • Frank
  • Gaia 9 Action News
  • notice
  • ring
  • tutorial
  • powerup
name alt
  • Cindy Donovinh
  • Barry
  • Frank
  • Npc cindy