  • Episode 1146 (10th January 1972)
  • Emily has moved into the camera shop flat with Auntie May. Ernie is completing his assignment in Holland. Emily offers to go to evening classes with Elsie to occupy her evenings and gets a sharp retort from her. Annie wants to give Billy the £2,000 she got from the insurance company when Jack died but he refuses it. Len returns and Maggie tells him about Alan and Elsie’s split. Billy shows a man round the garage. Alan tries to get answers from him about his money but gets nothing. Lucille and Lorraine Binks ask Emily for photos of them so they can get go-go dancing gigs at other venues aside from the Aquarius but, shocked, she refuses and suggests they ask Ray. Ernie returns, with a beard. Emily is surprised and delighted to see him. Lucille and Lorraine agree to let Ray be their agent. Le
  • 1146
  • 1972-01-05
  • 1972-01-10
script editor
Production code
  • 1972-01-12
  • 1972
  • Emily has moved into the camera shop flat with Auntie May. Ernie is completing his assignment in Holland. Emily offers to go to evening classes with Elsie to occupy her evenings and gets a sharp retort from her. Annie wants to give Billy the £2,000 she got from the insurance company when Jack died but he refuses it. Len returns and Maggie tells him about Alan and Elsie’s split. Billy shows a man round the garage. Alan tries to get answers from him about his money but gets nothing. Lucille and Lorraine Binks ask Emily for photos of them so they can get go-go dancing gigs at other venues aside from the Aquarius but, shocked, she refuses and suggests they ask Ray. Ernie returns, with a beard. Emily is surprised and delighted to see him. Lucille and Lorraine agree to let Ray be their agent. Len is distant with Elsie. Ernie tells Emily he wasn’t tempted to stay in Holland and wanted to come back and see her though he feels his horizons were enlarged by his foreign experiences. He isn’t pleased to hear that Auntie May is living with Emily. Len refuses to console Elsie. He tells her she brings it on herself and she's hurt him enough in the past. Alan wants to know from Annie why Billy is avoiding him. She counsels patience. Ernie wonders how long they’re going to be stuck with Auntie May, especially when they’re married. Billy tells a furious Alan he's sold the garage and the buyer is bringing in his own staff.