  • Wheeltonne
  • Wheeltonne was the 4th most-populous city of Lobott with a population of 180,000. The city sat on the mouth of the River Anasic on the Gut Sea. The city was finded by Blood Children worshippers of Billow the Slave, a nameless child. All of its citizens were transformed into tallmen after the appearance of the Wheeltonne Lychgate over Wheeltonne.
  • Wheeltonne was the 4th most-populous city of Lobott with a population of 180,000. The city sat on the mouth of the River Anasic on the Gut Sea. The city was finded by Blood Children worshippers of Billow the Slave, a nameless child. All of its citizens were transformed into tallmen after the appearance of the Wheeltonne Lychgate over Wheeltonne.