  • Temporal Trapping
  • The user can send and trap anyone in another time, for example, they can send another 300 years into the past and victim cannot return to the present. This can also work if sending the target into the future.
  • This ability can only be used to teleport others through time and space, not oneself. When it is used to send someone through time, he or she will be unable to return, even if that person has an ability like time and space manipulation or time travelling, or even possesses this ability. Other characters will also be unable to reverse the effects of this ability, unless they have the ability themselves.
Row 1 info
  • Trap others in time.
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
ability to
  • trap others in time
Box Title
  • Temporal Trapping
  • Unnamed Villain Cameron Petrelli-Parkman
  • Temporal Trapping
  • Weeping Angels species of quantum-locked humanoids.
  • Unable to teleport back
  • 400
  • black
  • The user can send and trap anyone in another time, for example, they can send another 300 years into the past and victim cannot return to the present. This can also work if sending the target into the future.
  • This ability can only be used to teleport others through time and space, not oneself. When it is used to send someone through time, he or she will be unable to return, even if that person has an ability like time and space manipulation or time travelling, or even possesses this ability. Other characters will also be unable to reverse the effects of this ability, unless they have the ability themselves.