  • Cloud Ichitaka
  • Cloud was born on Coruscaunt in a large apartment building in the upper levels of the city. His father, Iroquois was a Starfighter designer, and his mother, Rebecca was a local cantina owner. Cloud spent most of his time on his data terminal, where he picked up most of his technical skills. At age 12 his home was attacked by the empire, hearing that his dad was building new starfighters for the New Republic. His father died but Cloud's mother was at the cantina unaware of what was happening. During the attack, a mysterious Jedi Knight came in and fought the imperials, knowing of the attack through the force. He witnessed Cloud being shot in the neck, but somehow the wound healed. Cloud grabbed his fathers DL-44 and shot the last Stormtrooper. The jedi checked Cloud's midichlorian count, wh
  • The New Jedi Order
  • Light Blue
  • 30
  • The Jedi Order, The New Empire
  • Black
  • Cloud Ichitaka
  • 6
  • Human
  • Coruscant
  • Male
  • 12
  • Cloud was born on Coruscaunt in a large apartment building in the upper levels of the city. His father, Iroquois was a Starfighter designer, and his mother, Rebecca was a local cantina owner. Cloud spent most of his time on his data terminal, where he picked up most of his technical skills. At age 12 his home was attacked by the empire, hearing that his dad was building new starfighters for the New Republic. His father died but Cloud's mother was at the cantina unaware of what was happening. During the attack, a mysterious Jedi Knight came in and fought the imperials, knowing of the attack through the force. He witnessed Cloud being shot in the neck, but somehow the wound healed. Cloud grabbed his fathers DL-44 and shot the last Stormtrooper. The jedi checked Cloud's midichlorian count, which was about the level of a normal iniciate. Cloud's mother agreed to have Cloud taken to the Jedi Academy, saying that his great grandfather was once a jedi, and that he should continue that legacy.