  • Letho
  • Letho
  • Letho
  • Letho
  • Letho di Guleta, conosciuto anche come il Regicida, è un witcher della Scuola della Vipera. I suoi più fedeli seguaci sono Auckes e Serrit, anch'essi regicidi e witcher della medesima scuola. Per un motivo inizialmente sconosciuto, quest'oscuro individuo stringe un allenza con l'elfo Iorveth e gli Scoia'tael, perché lo aiuti nel suo piano di uccidere i re dei Regni Settentrionali. Per convincerlo delle sue intenzioni, gli mostra una testa mozzata: quella di re Demawend di Aedirn e Sovrano della Valle di Pontar.
  • Letho of Gulet, also known as the Kingslayer, is a Witcher from the School of the Viper. He's the central main antagonist of the video game The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit, also Kingslayers and Witchers from the School of the Viper. For reasons which were initially unknown, he enlisted the help of Iorveth and the Scoia'tael to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms. To back his claim, this man showed Iorveth a head he claims belonged to Demavend, King of Aedirn and Sovereign of the Pontar valley.
  • [Source] Letho of Gulet, also known as the Kingslayer, is a witcher from the School of the Viper and the main antagonist in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit, also kingslayers and witchers from the School of the Viper. For reasons which were initially unknown, he enlisted the help of Iorveth and the Scoia'tael to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms. To back his claim, this man showed Iorveth a head he claims belonged to Demavend, King of Aedirn and Sovereign of the Pontar valley.
  • Dans le Chapitre I, Letho tente de trahir Iorveth en essayant de retourner l'un de ses adjudants contre lui. Cependant ce dernier refuse, alors Letho tue son entourage et laisse l'elfe être capturé par les gardes de Flotsam. Geralt arrivera à convaincre Iorveth que Letho a trahi la Scoia'tael et, ensemble, mettent au point une ruse pour permettre à Geralt de retrouver Letho. Durant cette rencontre les Stries Bleues de Roche interviennent mais Geralt et Letho se retrouvent à se batte entre eux. Letho bat Geralt mais explique à Geralt que ce dernier lui ayant déjà sauvé la vie, il décide de lui rendre le service et de ne pas le tuer. Sur ce il quitte la scène pour trouver et enlever Triss afin de la forcer à les téléporter tous les deux en Aedirn. Letho dit à Geralt que désormais ils sont qu
type of villain
  • Rival, Murderer, Assassin
  • kill the people .
  • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
  • Strong, sword, fight skills, manipulation
  • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
  • Letho of Gulet
  • Kingslayer
  • Visiting elven ruins.
  • Amber
  • The Kingslayer
  • Witcher, assassin
  • Bald
  • Kingslayer, Witcher of the School of the Viper
  • Letho of Gulet
  • Male
  • 200
  • Letho di Guleta, conosciuto anche come il Regicida, è un witcher della Scuola della Vipera. I suoi più fedeli seguaci sono Auckes e Serrit, anch'essi regicidi e witcher della medesima scuola. Per un motivo inizialmente sconosciuto, quest'oscuro individuo stringe un allenza con l'elfo Iorveth e gli Scoia'tael, perché lo aiuti nel suo piano di uccidere i re dei Regni Settentrionali. Per convincerlo delle sue intenzioni, gli mostra una testa mozzata: quella di re Demawend di Aedirn e Sovrano della Valle di Pontar.
  • Dans le Chapitre I, Letho tente de trahir Iorveth en essayant de retourner l'un de ses adjudants contre lui. Cependant ce dernier refuse, alors Letho tue son entourage et laisse l'elfe être capturé par les gardes de Flotsam. Geralt arrivera à convaincre Iorveth que Letho a trahi la Scoia'tael et, ensemble, mettent au point une ruse pour permettre à Geralt de retrouver Letho. Durant cette rencontre les Stries Bleues de Roche interviennent mais Geralt et Letho se retrouvent à se batte entre eux. Letho bat Geralt mais explique à Geralt que ce dernier lui ayant déjà sauvé la vie, il décide de lui rendre le service et de ne pas le tuer. Sur ce il quitte la scène pour trouver et enlever Triss afin de la forcer à les téléporter tous les deux en Aedirn. Letho dit à Geralt que désormais ils sont quittes et s'enfuit. Geralt apprendra plus tard que Letho est un sorceleur de l'École de la vipère. Geralt l'avait déjà rencontré lorsqu'il poursuivait la Traque Sauvage à la recherche de Yennefer. Il avait sauvé la vie de Letho après que ce dernier ait été gravement blessé par un monstre féroce. Letho travaille avec deux autres sorceleurs de l'École de la vipère, Auckes et Serrit, et ce sont ces deux-ci qui tentent d'assassiner le roi Henselt dans le Chapitre II. Geralt rencontre Letho une dernière fois dans l'Epilogue, après le combat avec Saesenthessis. Letho attends Geralt dans les ruines du Quartier temerien. Geralt peut lui poser des questions concernant ses intentions, la Traque Sauvage, Yennefer et d'autres évenements importants. Geralt peut alors choisir de laisser Letho partir ou de se battre à mort contre lui. Selon ce dernier choix, Letho peut partir pour de bon ou mourir en combat contre Geralt.
  • Letho of Gulet, also known as the Kingslayer, is a Witcher from the School of the Viper. He's the central main antagonist of the video game The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit, also Kingslayers and Witchers from the School of the Viper. For reasons which were initially unknown, he enlisted the help of Iorveth and the Scoia'tael to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms. To back his claim, this man showed Iorveth a head he claims belonged to Demavend, King of Aedirn and Sovereign of the Pontar valley.
  • [Source] Letho of Gulet, also known as the Kingslayer, is a witcher from the School of the Viper and the main antagonist in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit, also kingslayers and witchers from the School of the Viper. For reasons which were initially unknown, he enlisted the help of Iorveth and the Scoia'tael to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms. To back his claim, this man showed Iorveth a head he claims belonged to Demavend, King of Aedirn and Sovereign of the Pontar valley.
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