  • Speciesism
  • Speciesism was a belief that one species was inherently superior to another or all species.
  • An especially prevalent type of speciesism was Humanocentrism. A notable Human speciesist was Count Dooku, who considered all non-pure Human lifeforms to be disgusting and inferior. In response to such sentiments, aliens sometimes formed anti-Human sentiments. Although the Galactic Emperor Palpatine himself was not speciesist, he nonetheless encouraged its use in the Empire implicitly due to viewing it as making his control over the Galaxy much easier. In contrast, speciesism was a foreign concept to the Ebruchi, since they lacked roots and rejected mythology.
  • Spezismus
  • A Traveler's Journals of Ralltiir
  • legends
  • 20030102
  • Xenophobia
  • Ксенофобия
  • A Traveler's Journals of Ralltiir
  • Especismo
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030102ralltiirintro
  • Speciesism was a belief that one species was inherently superior to another or all species.
  • An especially prevalent type of speciesism was Humanocentrism. A notable Human speciesist was Count Dooku, who considered all non-pure Human lifeforms to be disgusting and inferior. In response to such sentiments, aliens sometimes formed anti-Human sentiments. Although the Galactic Emperor Palpatine himself was not speciesist, he nonetheless encouraged its use in the Empire implicitly due to viewing it as making his control over the Galaxy much easier. Indeed, at its height, the Galactic Empire was notable for its many speciesist policies and attitudes to certain worlds with Non-Human populations. On planets such as Eriadu, the homeworld of the Tarkin family, the Empire legitimized the enslavement of non-Humans. By the time of the reign of Emperor Roan Fel, however, such policies had ended, as evidenced by the presence of non-Human stormtroopers. Although the Empire was very notorious for its speciesist views, there were at least some traces of speciesism within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, such as Princess Leia Organa's referring to the Wookiee Chewbacca as "a walking carpet" during her rescue from the Death Star. In contrast, speciesism was a foreign concept to the Ebruchi, since they lacked roots and rejected mythology.
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