  • In the Belly of the Beast
  • In The Belly Of The Beast
  • Recommended Level: 12 Party Size: 2 * Kill Clampton and retrieve Whitehoof's sword. * Return to Master Sergeant Whitehoof.
  • In the Belly of the Beast is the seventeenth episode of the sixth season of Castle.
  • In the Belly of the Beast is a book of letters written to Norman Mailer by Jack Abbott. Abbott was a forger and murderer and the letters were about what he considered an unjust prison system. Mary Loomis was reading In the Belly of the Beast when she stayed at the Bates House (Psycho II). Some time later, the book was seen rotting on the Bates property (Psycho III).
  • In the Belly of the Beast is the second mission in Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link. Chapter 3 - Dealing with the Devil With help from a mysterious accomplice, Jensen escaped the Hei Zhen Zhu and rendezvoused with his benefactor - Netanya Keitner, Base Commander of Rifleman Bank Station! Keitner's motives were anything but altruistic, however; she needed Jensen to investigate the disappearance of innocent detainees from Burke's detention camp. The carrot? Proof that Megan and the Sarif science team had been here... Your mission here is to get to the interrogation wing, entrance to which is on the top level of the prison block. The wing itself is unguarded but the high levels of the detention camp are.
  • The episode begins with The Chief and his wife on a date on the couch. Suddenly, a vacuum hose sneaks up behind The Chief. Justice tries to warn The Chief, but The Chief thinks he's trying to hit on his wife. The vacuum hose sucks up the Chief and traps him in a vacuum bag. The vacuum is controlled by none other than His Dishonor, the Mayor, who plans to use it against the Action League.
  • Hack and Slash, along with some viral binomes, take orders from Megabyte via VidWindow at Pearson's Data Dump. The log shows an old UNFORMAT Command has been discovered by Old Man Pearson. Megabyte has Hack and Slash rough up Pearson, and after a short search, a zero binome finds the UNFORMAT Command and it is turned over to Hack and Slash. Bob shows up and interferes. During the excitement, they drop UNFORMAT command whereupon Frisket eats it. Enzo returns to the Diner to greet a very relieved Bob and Dot and tells them all about how they outwitted Megabyte.
  • 6
  • 17
  • Mark Hoffmeier, Lane Raichert
  • Keyleth and Vax'ildan kissing before fighting Umbrasyl in
  • , One of: Splinter handle mace, Splinter handle cleaver, Splinter handle axe or Splinter shaft spear.
  • 16007.0
  • In the Belly of the Beast
  • Captured on board the Hei Zhen Zhu shortly after it set sail, Jensen was brutally interrogated by two Belltower officials, Pieter Burke and Netanya Keitner. His refusal to talk convinced them to leave him in chains until the ship docked at a Belltower base. Then someone interceded and disabled Jensen's restraints, He instantly set out to escape, wondering who freed him and why...
  • Jensen gained access to the detention camp's restricted Interrogation Wing and found signs that Burke was carrying out medical testing on many of the female detainees. But Keitner needed hard evidence to take to Interpol. Then Jensen witnessed Burke and two scientists accessing a secret elevator in the morgue. Gaining access to that elevator might provide the evidence he needs...
  • With help from a mysterious accomplice, Jensen escaped the Hei Zhen Zhu and rendezvoused with his benefactor - Netanya Keitner, Base Commander of Rifleman Bank Station! Keitner's motives were anything but altruistic, however; she needed Jensen to investigate the disappearance of innocent detainees from Burke's detention camp. The carrot? Proof that Megan and the Sarif science team had been here...
  • 1994-12-03
  • 2014-03-03
  • 2016-05-19
  • The thumbnail for , featuring Laura Bailey as Vex'ahlia.
  • Frisket after eating an UNFORMAT command
  • 4
  • 54
  • 16
  • In the Belly of the Beast
  • Chapter 2 - Blind Faith
  • Chapter 3 - Dealing with the Devil
  • Chapter 4 - An Eye for an Eye
  • 2233
  • 1.060000
  • Agent Pluto
  • Andrew W. Marlowe and David Amann
  • false
  • Recommended Level: 12 Party Size: 2 * Kill Clampton and retrieve Whitehoof's sword. * Return to Master Sergeant Whitehoof.
  • Hack and Slash, along with some viral binomes, take orders from Megabyte via VidWindow at Pearson's Data Dump. The log shows an old UNFORMAT Command has been discovered by Old Man Pearson. Megabyte has Hack and Slash rough up Pearson, and after a short search, a zero binome finds the UNFORMAT Command and it is turned over to Hack and Slash. Bob shows up and interferes. During the excitement, they drop UNFORMAT command whereupon Frisket eats it. When Bob enters the Diner, everyone is overwhelmed with his stench. He explains that he was at the Data Dump taking care of Hack and Slash. At that moment Frisket enters the Diner, looking very green. Dot immediately notices something is wrong and has Bob use Glitch to examine him. He finds that the UNFORMAT Command that Frisket swallowed is trying to reformat his stomach. He gives Frisket some medicine and the dog runs off. Frisket goes to meet Enzo at school, but on their way back they run into Megabyte who captures Frisket. Enzo goes along with them. Herr Doktor latches Frisket to an operating table so they may remove the UNFORMAT Command from Frisket's system. Enzo, appalled, does a yoyo trick that releases Frisket and the dog immediately overpowers Megabyte's men. Enzo and Frisket head for the ventilation system and slide down into the bowels of the Silicon Tor. They chance upon the armoury, where they use an inflatable raft machine to incapacitate some virals. Then they cut the power to the Tor, plunging Megabyte and his minions in darkness. Megabyte rushes to where Enzo and Frisket are, but Enzo cuts him off, flying an ABC very badly. With Frisket's help, Enzo outsmarts Megabyte and manages to escape. Just before they leave Frisket unloads what's left of the UNFORMAT Command and begins to feel better. Megabyte calls off the search for them after he steps in the remains of the command. Enzo returns to the Diner to greet a very relieved Bob and Dot and tells them all about how they outwitted Megabyte.
  • In the Belly of the Beast is the second mission in Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link. Chapter 3 - Dealing with the Devil With help from a mysterious accomplice, Jensen escaped the Hei Zhen Zhu and rendezvoused with his benefactor - Netanya Keitner, Base Commander of Rifleman Bank Station! Keitner's motives were anything but altruistic, however; she needed Jensen to investigate the disappearance of innocent detainees from Burke's detention camp. The carrot? Proof that Megan and the Sarif science team had been here... Your mission here is to get to the interrogation wing, entrance to which is on the top level of the prison block. The wing itself is unguarded but the high levels of the detention camp are. Second level is guarded by two security bots on patrol as well as two separate controlled laser grids. To eliminate them you can choose several tactics: * Brute force: EMP grenades, explosives or heavy weaponry are recommended. A rocket launcher acquired from Garvin Quinn's side quest is of great help. This is the hardest way of getting Ghost XP bonus. * Stealth action: the first level of the facility has three explosive barrels. Throwing them at bots and quickly hiding afterwards (or throwing them from the lower levels) can with some luck disable them. You won't get XP for destroying them this way, but it can help in getting Ghost XP bonus. * Stealth: open cameras on different levels have breakable doors that can be shot through, destroyed with Punch Through Walls aug or with explosives (explosive barrels, throwing crates, frag grenades etc). These ways lead to vertical ventilation shafts that can be traversed with high jumps aug. 2nd floor also has pockets where one can hide from patrolling bots. However the bots make hacking laser grids difficult, so cloaking is advised. Another option is to move the freely available crates into the way of the bots. Find the pinch points near where the lasers are (where the bot can't maneuver around an obstacle) and put a crate there. The bot will turn around, giving you enough time to finish your hacks. * Factory Zero stealth: when you go up, as soon as the bot there starts to move away from you, follow it as closely as you can. You will get through the laser grid as the bot temporarily turns it off to pass through. Then, hide in the open cell, allowing the bot to turn around and to go back past your cell. Then just waltz to the stairs leading up. When going back down from the third level, do the same thing, but it's important to take the left turn to follow the bot because only that side has two open cells - one before and another after the laser grid. The other side only has one cell before the grid, so you got nowhere to hide once you cross it. Obviously, it's not as important when going up because the camera before the grid will be after the grid then. * Hacking: lvl 4 security terminal inside the guard tower in center of the Prison Block can disable bots (with proper hacking augmentations, or the password from one of the guards on the ground floor). Third level holds two Typhoon Turrets that should be avoided. They are activated by crossing their laser sensors, so timing the movements helps avoid them easily. You can destroy them as well (an EMP grenade or several shots from heavy weaponry will do) but for this no XP is awarded. Chapter 4 - An Eye for an Eye Jensen gained access to the detention camp's restricted Interrogation Wing and found signs that Burke was carrying out medical testing on many of the female detainees. But Keitner needed hard evidence to take to Interpol. Then Jensen witnessed Burke and two scientists accessing a secret elevator in the morgue. Gaining access to that elevator might provide the evidence he needs... Returning to the main part of Belltower base at this point seems to add more guards (apparently Burke's commands were not just words). However all the security systems the player has already disabled (cameras, turrets, laser grids etc) remain offline. A thorough approach beforehand saves a lot of time and makes the mission easier. Burke's office can be reached through the door (high security, lvl 1 lock) or ventilation duct (little to no security, lvl 3 lock). If Jensen has Social Augment and used it successfully when meeting Keitner, he will know the codes for the front door. Quinn can be reached through the elevator (two more guards) or a ventilation shaft.
  • In the Belly of the Beast is the seventeenth episode of the sixth season of Castle.
  • The episode begins with The Chief and his wife on a date on the couch. Suddenly, a vacuum hose sneaks up behind The Chief. Justice tries to warn The Chief, but The Chief thinks he's trying to hit on his wife. The vacuum hose sucks up the Chief and traps him in a vacuum bag. The vacuum is controlled by none other than His Dishonor, the Mayor, who plans to use it against the Action League. Back at Action Headquarters, The Action League prepares to goof off. Thundergirl rides a roller skate, The Flesh tosses a paper airplane, and Stinky Diver tries to shoot it with his spear gun. Instead, he accidentally hits Meltman, who tells them that, since The Chief's not here, as senior member, he's in charge. The Flesh tells Meltman the only thing he can be in charge of is getting sodas. He, Stinky, and Thundergirl chant for soda, and Meltman reluctantly decides to get them. As soon as Meltman leaves, Justice arrives and tells The Flesh, Thundergirl, and Stinky that The Chief's gone missing. The league rushes off to find him. Meanwhile, Meltman is at the refrigerator, trying to get the sodas down with a long stick. All the while, complaining that the League doesn't appreciate him. When he does manage to get them down, they land on him. He returns to Action Headquarters with the sodas, only to find the League gone. He, thinking they ditched him, decides to quit, as he doesn't want to stay where he isn't wanted. He then kicks one of the soda cans, which squirts him backwards. The rest of the Action League continues searching for the Chief. The Flesh is in the kitchen, searching on foot, Thundergirl is searching the living room by flying to get an aerial view, and Stinky is searching the bathroom by swimming in a toilet. Just then, the Mayor's vacuum cleaner starts sucking them up one by one, starting with Stinky at the bathroom, and following with Thundergirl in the living room. The Mayor then tries sucking up The Flesh, only to find him too big and buff to fit in the vacuum hose, so he pushes a barbell at the Flesh, which splits him into pieces. He then sucks up the Flesh's pieces one by one. Inside the vacuum bag, the League has found the chief. Unfortunately, they can't get out of the vacuum bag, and only Meltman can save them. Meanwhile, a sad Meltman decides to cash his final paycheck at the bank. Just then, the Mayor's vacuum hose sucks up Meltman's money and even the bank manager. However, The Mayor won't stop there; his evil plan isn't complete unless he sucks up Meltman! The Narrator then asks the viewers if the Mayor will succeed in his evil plan, then tells the viewers to stay tuned for part 2. In the second act, Meltman runs away from the Mayor's vacuum cleaner. The vacuum chases him to the bathroom, where he climbs up a toilet plunger, runs across the toilet, and bounces off the handle, landing on a toilet paper roll. The Mayor then uses his vacuum to suck up the toilet paper as Meltman runs across it. The toilet paper quickly fills up the vacuum bag, robbing the rest of the league of precious oxygen. When the toilet paper runs out, the Mayor corners Meltman, and just as it looks like Meltman is done for, the toilet paper clogs up the vacuum hose, and causes the vacuum to malfunction. The vacuum explodes, destroying it and setting the rest of the League free. An escaped Chief asks the Mayor why he tried to suck up the League with his vacuum cleaner. The Mayor tells them that he's a neatnik. The League thank Meltman for saving them, and tell his he really should be in charge... in charge of getting them pizza, that is. They all chant for Pizza as the episode ends.
  • In the Belly of the Beast is a book of letters written to Norman Mailer by Jack Abbott. Abbott was a forger and murderer and the letters were about what he considered an unjust prison system. Mary Loomis was reading In the Belly of the Beast when she stayed at the Bates House (Psycho II). Some time later, the book was seen rotting on the Bates property (Psycho III).
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