  • Caledonian Forest
  • Having bound the heroes to trees, Merlin approaches Emma to tell her that if she ever wants to see her loved ones again then she is to hand over the dagger and the Promethean spark to Arthur and Zelena, the former of which now controls him, at the Caledonian Forest. Emma arrives at the forest to pay the ransom, but when Zelena opens the box containing the spark, a magical booby-trap attacks her and ties her to a tree. In retaliation, Arthur orders Merlin to kill Mary Margaret, and so Emma pep talks him into resisting by reminding him that he's the most powerful good wizard who ever lived and if he can't resist the darkness then no one can. He manages to temporarily relinquish, giving Hook enough time to wriggle free and wrestle Excalibur from Arthur, receiving a cut to the neck in the proc
  • "Birth"
  • King Arthur 508 01.png
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  • Caledonian Forest
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  • Arthur, Zelena and Merlin face the Dark One.
  • Having bound the heroes to trees, Merlin approaches Emma to tell her that if she ever wants to see her loved ones again then she is to hand over the dagger and the Promethean spark to Arthur and Zelena, the former of which now controls him, at the Caledonian Forest. Emma arrives at the forest to pay the ransom, but when Zelena opens the box containing the spark, a magical booby-trap attacks her and ties her to a tree. In retaliation, Arthur orders Merlin to kill Mary Margaret, and so Emma pep talks him into resisting by reminding him that he's the most powerful good wizard who ever lived and if he can't resist the darkness then no one can. He manages to temporarily relinquish, giving Hook enough time to wriggle free and wrestle Excalibur from Arthur, receiving a cut to the neck in the process. Arthur escapes with Zelena, teleporting back to the castle, and Emma heals Hook's neck wound...although it later fatally wounds him, leading Emma to turn him into a Dark One. ("Birth")