  • Concentrate on the etiquette
  • From: [[]] If he can use the right fork for each course, he's almost there. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A modest success
Failure title
  • Oh dear
Failure description
  • The Louche Devil doesn't say anything offensive all evening. But he uses his soup spoon to eat his fish course, blows his nose on his napkin and drinks the contents of his fingerbowl. You have more work to do here.
From Card/Storylet title
  • A Society dinner with the Louche Devil
Success description
  • The devil negotiates the tricky regiment of cutlery with panache. He uses his napkin and even his fingerbowl appropriately. He makes one or two slightly off-colour comments, and some of the ladies seem a little nervous...
  • 14
  • 12
  • If he can use the right fork for each course, he's almost there.
  • From: [[]] If he can use the right fork for each course, he's almost there. [Find the rest of the story at ]