  • Britain (Samrat)
  • The Commonwealth of Great Britain and Ireland, commonly known as Britain, is the center of power of the United Commonwealth. The nation was at the center of establishing the United Commonwealth in the xxxxs with the Royal Family as the head of state and the Prime Minister the head of government. The British Isles have had a long and illustrious history since the first pre-historic man stepped onto the land until the first colonies were established in America all the way up to the modern age.
  • The Commonwealth of Great Britain and Ireland, commonly known as Britain, is the center of power of the United Commonwealth. The nation was at the center of establishing the United Commonwealth in the xxxxs with the Royal Family as the head of state and the Prime Minister the head of government. The British Isles have had a long and illustrious history since the first pre-historic man stepped onto the land until the first colonies were established in America all the way up to the modern age.