  • Norton virus
  • Norton Virus, or "Norton Virus" was created in the future by Skynet employees Steve Jobs and Bill Gates (grand-nephews of Peter Norton or something like that.) It was intended to deliver to computer users their greatest ultimatum: To allow their computers to be virus-free, and running smooth, OR To live in a world that is virus-fabulous, with a computer running like Windows Vista. The program's general purpose has been broadened to also pertain to improving upon the Privacy Violation aspects of the malware aggregate and porn search engine Google.
  • Norton Virus, or "Norton Virus" was created in the future by Skynet employees Steve Jobs and Bill Gates (grand-nephews of Peter Norton or something like that.) It was intended to deliver to computer users their greatest ultimatum: To allow their computers to be virus-free, and running smooth, OR To live in a world that is virus-fabulous, with a computer running like Windows Vista. But studies have shown the above to be crap. As the name suggests, Norton virus is a type of Influenza that leaves patients in critical condition. Upon insertion into any of the computer drives, the computer recoils into a state of shock like Gollum upon loss of his ring. The program's general purpose has been broadened to also pertain to improving upon the Privacy Violation aspects of the malware aggregate and porn search engine Google.