  • Friend to Psychos
  • For your average bloodthirsty maniac, the greatest challenge they face will be making sure Johnny Law doesn't catch up with them. They'll have to take great care covering up the evidence of their crimes and either fleeing or fighting when the cops or the Vigilante Man show up. Whatever the case, expect the Friend to Psychos to be responsible for throwing the police off the trail, disposing of bodies, giving the psycho a place to hide, and fighting The Hero when they come to take the psycho down. Compare Psycho Supporter, where the friend is just as nuts as his or her boss. Examples:
  • For your average bloodthirsty maniac, the greatest challenge they face will be making sure Johnny Law doesn't catch up with them. They'll have to take great care covering up the evidence of their crimes and either fleeing or fighting when the cops or the Vigilante Man show up. All this becomes a lot easier when they've got a Friend to Psychos on their side. This friend is someone who, while not a homicidal maniac themselves, helps a maniac get away with their rampages. It could be there's some sort of family connection between friend and psycho. Or maybe the maniac is a Psycho for Hire, and their employer doesn't want one of their best workers rotting in jail. Or it could just be that they think this particular psychopath is a really nice guy; they might even be in love. Whatever the case, expect the Friend to Psychos to be responsible for throwing the police off the trail, disposing of bodies, giving the psycho a place to hide, and fighting The Hero when they come to take the psycho down. Compare Psycho Supporter, where the friend is just as nuts as his or her boss. Examples: