  • T'au
  • T'au was discovered and categorised by the Adeptus Mechanicus' Explorator vessel Land's Vision a few thousand standard years before the emergence of the Tau as a space-faring race in the 39th Millennium. Before the Imperium of Man could cleanse the planet of the then-primitive Tau population, a freak Warp Storm occurred and effectively sealed the planet and the surrounding region off from contact with the rest of the galaxy. In the few thousand standard years since, the Tau underwent very rapid technological evolution, emerging as a highly technologically advanced starfaring race just as the Warp Storm dissipated in the 39th Millennium. T'au is a warm, dry and arid world. Preference for worlds with climates like that of T'au drives Tau colonization towards certain planets and away from oth
  • T'au was discovered and categorised by the Adeptus Mechanicus' Explorator vessel Land's Vision a few thousand standard years before the emergence of the Tau as a space-faring race in the 39th Millennium. Before the Imperium of Man could cleanse the planet of the then-primitive Tau population, a freak Warp Storm occurred and effectively sealed the planet and the surrounding region off from contact with the rest of the galaxy. In the few thousand standard years since, the Tau underwent very rapid technological evolution, emerging as a highly technologically advanced starfaring race just as the Warp Storm dissipated in the 39th Millennium. T'au is a warm, dry and arid world. Preference for worlds with climates like that of T'au drives Tau colonization towards certain planets and away from others.