  • Sweet's talisman
  • Sweet's talisman was a mystical artifact in the form of a necklace that could be employed to summon the demon "Sweet". It also acted as a beacon for him to track his summoner. Xander Harris used it to perform an invocation and left it in the Magic Box, where it was then taken by Dawn Summers. One of Sweet's henchmen kidnapped Dawn after she put the talisman around her neck and took her to Sweet, who also believed Dawn had invoked him.
  • Sweet's talisman was a mystical artifact in the form of a necklace that could be employed to summon the demon "Sweet". It also acted as a beacon for him to track his summoner. Xander Harris used it to perform an invocation and left it in the Magic Box, where it was then taken by Dawn Summers. One of Sweet's henchmen kidnapped Dawn after she put the talisman around her neck and took her to Sweet, who also believed Dawn had invoked him.