  • Run, Daihatsu Tanto!
  • It's about an elementary schooler, Daihatsu Tanto, the grandson of crazy inventor Daihatsu Meijin. Meijin "accidently" makes a new (and strange) machine in each chapter that his grandson uses, (usually for mischief) but nothing works well, and each invention is ultimately confiscated by Tanto's teacher, whom his grandfather is in love with.
  • It's about an elementary schooler, Daihatsu Tanto, the grandson of crazy inventor Daihatsu Meijin. Meijin "accidently" makes a new (and strange) machine in each chapter that his grandson uses, (usually for mischief) but nothing works well, and each invention is ultimately confiscated by Tanto's teacher, whom his grandfather is in love with.
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