  • Pregnant
  • Pregnant
  • Pregnant
  • Per eliminare questa creatura senza problemi è meglio mirare a braccia e gambe per neutralizzarla. Se si dovesse colpire il ventre, da esso scaturirebbero molti necromorfi dello Sciame e, negli ultimi capitoli, 2 infanti. Per evitare ulteriori rogne è pertanto consigliato di non sparare al ventre per risparmiare munizioni.
  • Pregnants are specialized Necromorphs. They are named due to the enormous sac that extrudes from their abdominal area, the contents of which are other, smaller forms of Necromorphs which burst forth when the sac is damaged.
  • Cette hideuse créature, semble porter dans son corps d'autres vermines, prêtes à surgir au moindre choc sur son ventre ! Nous attendons avec impatience le témoignage d'un survivant à ce qui pourrait être, l'une des plus horribles mise à bas. Elle ressemble beacoup au Slasher.
  • Some liberals like to perpetuate the myth that pregnancy is something "optional," like you can somehow turn back from being pregnant once you've started. This is just ridiculous, and a lie. Once you are pregnant, you are pregnant, until that baby comes out of your body. End of story. You see, pregnancy is like a gift from God. Whether you asked for this gift, or whether He sprung it on you as a total surprise, or even if He forced you to take the gift while you were screaming "get your frigging gift away from me," it doesn't matter. All pregnancies are wonderful, precious gifts.
  • It is possible for your character to become "pregnant", even if your character is male. (It's not really pregnancy, as you'll find - the current Japanese version says "parasitized" because they didn't appreciate the joke.) The pregnancy will show up on your character's feats screen. You will also receive periodic warnings along the lines of "your character pats their stomach uneasily.."
  • Pregnant
  • *Resembles a Slasher with a massive, swollen stomach, shorter legs, and wider, thicker blades.
  • *They typically charge and slash prey with their large blades. *Necromorph swarms are released when the stomach is damaged.
  • Some liberals like to perpetuate the myth that pregnancy is something "optional," like you can somehow turn back from being pregnant once you've started. This is just ridiculous, and a lie. Once you are pregnant, you are pregnant, until that baby comes out of your body. End of story. You see, pregnancy is like a gift from God. Whether you asked for this gift, or whether He sprung it on you as a total surprise, or even if He forced you to take the gift while you were screaming "get your frigging gift away from me," it doesn't matter. All pregnancies are wonderful, precious gifts. If your best friend gave you a gift, would you return it just because you don't like the style, or because you've already got one? No. Because that wouldn't be polite, now would it? If you wouldn't do that to a friend, why would you do it to a helpless little baby?? That's what I thought.
  • It is possible for your character to become "pregnant", even if your character is male. (It's not really pregnancy, as you'll find - the current Japanese version says "parasitized" because they didn't appreciate the joke.) The pregnancy will show up on your character's feats screen. You will also receive periodic warnings along the lines of "your character pats their stomach uneasily.." The "pregnancy" is actually an alien, which will burst its way out of your character, causing a bleed effect and generating an alien kid in your vicinity. The alien kid is hostile and will attack you, your pets, and any neutrals in the area. You will remain pregnant, even after "giving birth", so it may be best to get rid of it as soon as possible. On the other hand, it does give you easier access to aliens which may drop corpses that give good favor with Gods (be sure to have your cooler box). It is also possible for the alien to impregnate your pets or NPCs, leading to a long chain reaction of impregnation. Pregnancy is a reference to the Alien series, in which an alien offspring (called a chestburster) erupts from the victim's chest and grows up to become a very hostile predator, similar to the Alien created from pregnancy, which is also a reference. Elona+ has changed some of the alien parasite spawns into the same monster or a weaker NPC, who can also spread parasites. Elona+ has various creatures capable of impregnating an unfortunate adventurer in addition to the Alien monsters. These include Leucochloridium, Camouflaged imp, Heqet and Giant eater flower enemies. Eating a corpse left by one of the Meshera enemies will also cause pregnancy due to "parasite infection".
  • Per eliminare questa creatura senza problemi è meglio mirare a braccia e gambe per neutralizzarla. Se si dovesse colpire il ventre, da esso scaturirebbero molti necromorfi dello Sciame e, negli ultimi capitoli, 2 infanti. Per evitare ulteriori rogne è pertanto consigliato di non sparare al ventre per risparmiare munizioni.
  • Pregnants are specialized Necromorphs. They are named due to the enormous sac that extrudes from their abdominal area, the contents of which are other, smaller forms of Necromorphs which burst forth when the sac is damaged.
  • Cette hideuse créature, semble porter dans son corps d'autres vermines, prêtes à surgir au moindre choc sur son ventre ! Nous attendons avec impatience le témoignage d'un survivant à ce qui pourrait être, l'une des plus horribles mise à bas. Elle ressemble beacoup au Slasher.