  • Heim Rada
  • Heim Rada is a location found in Dark Cloud 2. It is the 5th area visited by the Blackstone One. Heim Rada is a flat area at the base of a volcano and is the future location of the Gundorada Workshop. This is a key area in the future as it is where the rebel's fortress, Paznos, will be built. Until the rain of embers is stopped, wooden georama items cannot be placed. If they are, leaving and returning to the area will reveal a pile of ashes where your house or cart used to be.
  • Heim Rada is a location found in Dark Cloud 2. It is the 5th area visited by the Blackstone One. Heim Rada is a flat area at the base of a volcano and is the future location of the Gundorada Workshop. This is a key area in the future as it is where the rebel's fortress, Paznos, will be built. Until the rain of embers is stopped, wooden georama items cannot be placed. If they are, leaving and returning to the area will reveal a pile of ashes where your house or cart used to be.