  • Millionduplex
  • A millionduplex is equal to 10101,000,000 = 1010106, or E6#3 in Hyper-E notation. It is equal to one followed by a maximusmillion (also known as millionplex) zeros. A millionduplex is the boundary between class 3 and class 4 numbers in Robert Munafo's idea - see class for more. Aarex Tiaokhiao calls this number goob-holplex.
  • A millionduplex is equal to 10101,000,000 = 1010106, or E6#3 in Hyper-E notation. It is equal to one followed by a maximusmillion (also known as millionplex) zeros. A millionduplex is the boundary between class 3 and class 4 numbers in Robert Munafo's idea - see class for more. Aarex Tiaokhiao calls this number goob-holplex.