  • Happiness.exe
  • Happiness.exe is a disease that only Robot Weegees can receive. When this is received, they would receive a virus like this "Happiness.exe". Soon enough, the victim would blow up, and be unrevivable, the victim who died won't go to GeeHeaven, GeeHell, or the Void, instead during afterlife they will see an image of Trollface.exe for the rest. If you have this disease, you should take off your robot parts quickly. There is no way to escape the afterlife. There is only one way to escape, take off your robotic parts before you die. There is also a VERY risky way to bring them back. You must go into the Trolliverse Isles and beg for Pureegee to revive The fakegee. However, Pureegee may NOT agree and destroy you on the spot. Nobody currently tried to convince him. Happiness.exe cannot be perform
  • Happiness.exe is a disease that only Robot Weegees can receive. When this is received, they would receive a virus like this "Happiness.exe". Soon enough, the victim would blow up, and be unrevivable, the victim who died won't go to GeeHeaven, GeeHell, or the Void, instead during afterlife they will see an image of Trollface.exe for the rest. If you have this disease, you should take off your robot parts quickly. There is no way to escape the afterlife. There is only one way to escape, take off your robotic parts before you die. There is also a VERY risky way to bring them back. You must go into the Trolliverse Isles and beg for Pureegee to revive The fakegee. However, Pureegee may NOT agree and destroy you on the spot. Nobody currently tried to convince him. Happiness.exe cannot be performed on Spyware Protected or Malware Protected Robot Parts. If you have this virus, and you keep the robotic parts on for a month, you will become a Weegee.exe Clone. It's more of a virus than a disease.