  • 893
  • 893
  • 893
  • El número (893) es el número natural que sigue al 892 y precede al 894. Categoría:Números
  • Simone ist überraschend entspannt, obwohl Richard den Zuschlag für das Grundstück bekommt. Genüsslich konfrontiert er Simone mit dieser Tatsache. Was Richard nicht weiß: Johannes Schulte ist ein Schauspieler, den Simone engagiert hat, um Richard hinters Licht zu führen. Richard feiert seinen vermeintlichen Sieg über Simone mit Celine. Im Überschwang schlägt er ihr vor, ihre Beziehung öffentlich zu machen, doch Celine ist dieser Schritt noch zu früh. Richard ist zunächst enttäuscht, feiert aber dennoch mit Celine, dass ihm das Zentrum bald alleine gehört. Richard ahnt aber noch nicht, dass er einem Betrug aufgesessen ist. Katja bereut nicht, dass sie Annette getröstet hat, statt zum Vorlaufen zu gehen. Sie hofft dabei auf Richards Verständnis, doch Richard lässt sie abblitzen: Durch ihr Nic
  • The unknown man greets Carolyn at the Blue Whale, and introduces himself as her father, Paul Stoddard. Carolyn is shocked at what Paul has told her, and furious as she realizes that Maggie set up the entire rendevous. Paul asks for 5 minutes of her time, but Carolyn wants nothing to do with him, remembering what he did to her mother, Elizabeth. Paul explains that he left Collinsport 20 years ago because of Jason McGuire's scam, in which McGuire paid him a large sum of money to pretend Elizabeth murdered him, the proceeds of which he used to live a successful life in California. But, missing his daughter, he decided to come back. Carolyn, realizing all he has been through, decides to let him stay in Collinsport.
  • 893
  • 1969-11-03
  • 882
  • 1969
  • 1969-11-28
  • 893
  • Simone ist überraschend entspannt, obwohl Richard den Zuschlag für das Grundstück bekommt. Genüsslich konfrontiert er Simone mit dieser Tatsache. Was Richard nicht weiß: Johannes Schulte ist ein Schauspieler, den Simone engagiert hat, um Richard hinters Licht zu führen. Richard feiert seinen vermeintlichen Sieg über Simone mit Celine. Im Überschwang schlägt er ihr vor, ihre Beziehung öffentlich zu machen, doch Celine ist dieser Schritt noch zu früh. Richard ist zunächst enttäuscht, feiert aber dennoch mit Celine, dass ihm das Zentrum bald alleine gehört. Richard ahnt aber noch nicht, dass er einem Betrug aufgesessen ist. Katja bereut nicht, dass sie Annette getröstet hat, statt zum Vorlaufen zu gehen. Sie hofft dabei auf Richards Verständnis, doch Richard lässt sie abblitzen: Durch ihr Nichterscheinen hat Katja bewiesen, dass sie nicht zuverlässig ist. Während Katja ihrer verpassten Chance nachtrauert, erfährt Ben durch Annette, den Grund des Fernbleibens.
  • El número (893) es el número natural que sigue al 892 y precede al 894. Categoría:Números
  • The unknown man greets Carolyn at the Blue Whale, and introduces himself as her father, Paul Stoddard. Carolyn is shocked at what Paul has told her, and furious as she realizes that Maggie set up the entire rendevous. Paul asks for 5 minutes of her time, but Carolyn wants nothing to do with him, remembering what he did to her mother, Elizabeth. Paul explains that he left Collinsport 20 years ago because of Jason McGuire's scam, in which McGuire paid him a large sum of money to pretend Elizabeth murdered him, the proceeds of which he used to live a successful life in California. But, missing his daughter, he decided to come back. Carolyn, realizing all he has been through, decides to let him stay in Collinsport. At the antique shop, a small baby has appeared in the cradle. He has not cried or made a sound since he arrived. Megan says he will stay with the baby all night, and Philip needs to go to the Old House to get furniture from Barnabas. Initially he does not want to leave the shop, but Megan convinces him otherwise. Megan also informs him there is something else he must do, and he knows what it is. Carolyn and Paul are at the front door of Collinwood. Paul thanks her for meeting with her. Carolyn asks him to come inside and meet with Elizabeth, but he says he doesn't have the courage at this point in time. While they are talking, the front door begins to open, but not all the way. Paul asks if there is another place other than Collinwood they can meet at. Carolyn suggest the antique shop as a place where he can leave her messages. He leaves, and Carolyn goes back into the house where she is frightened by David. Carolyn is upset at him for spying, and David mistakes the man as her new boyfriend. David asks who he is, but Carolyn won't reveal his identity. Later that night, Philip shows up at Collinwood, just having left the Old House. Philip offers Carolyn a full-time job at the antique shop. She asks if they really do actually need someone, and Philip tells her they do. Carolyn arrives at the antique shop the next day for her first full day of work. Megan comes downstairs holding a baby. Carolyn asks several questions, to which Megan hesitantly responds that the baby's name is Joseph and he belongs to her sister, and she is currently vacationing in Canada, so she and Philip are babysitting. Carolyn apologizes for her behavior the previous day, but Megan says not to worry about it, and leaves the room. David and Amy arrive at the store and look around. Shortly thereafter, Paul shows up at the store. Carolyn panics initally, but is able to get him to leave the room, despite David appearing to recognize him from the night before. Carolyn manages to get David and Amy to leave. Paul returns, and wonders what all of the commotion was about. Carolyn explains that David saw them together last night, and he still doesn't know who Paul is. Paul then gathers that Carolyn still hasn't told Elizabeth that he is back in town. Carolyn makes up a lie to buy herself time, and tells Paul she will speak with Elizabeth later that night. That night, Megan is closing up the antique shop when Philip enters the room, and discovers the Leviathan Book is missing, and says they must find it quickly. Back at Collinwood, Amy asks David why he stole the Leviathan Book from the antique shop, and David says he "had to." Since Carolyn said Roger would have to pay for anything David damaged, he took the book because he ripped a page out of it. Amy tells him to return it to the antique shop, but David says he is not sure if he will. At the antique shop, Philip and Megan are frantically searching for the Leviathan Book, but they soon realize that someone has stolen it. Megan becomes furious and says they must find the book and then kill whoever has taken it. Megan then stops herself, and asks why she would say something like that. Philip says everything is different now. Megan agrees, saying they serve "him" now. Both of them agree to track down whoever took the Leviathan Book and kill them.
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