  • A-ooga
  • The A-ooga is equal to two inside a hexagon in Steinhaus-Moser Notation. The term was coined by Matt Hudelson. It is also equal to mega in a pentagon, because Hexagon(2) = Pentagon(Pentagon(2)) = Pentagon(mega). Aarex Tiaokhiao gave this number another name, megision. A-ooga can be expressed as M(M(2,3),3), M(mega,3) or M(2,4) in Hyper-Moser Notation. In the up-arrow notation, A-ooga is greater than and comparable to \(2 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow ext{mega}\). Designating mega as \(M\) and using the general notation proposed by Susan Stepney, A-ooga can be bounded more precisely in Hyper-E notation: where
  • The A-ooga is equal to two inside a hexagon in Steinhaus-Moser Notation. The term was coined by Matt Hudelson. It is also equal to mega in a pentagon, because Hexagon(2) = Pentagon(Pentagon(2)) = Pentagon(mega). Aarex Tiaokhiao gave this number another name, megision. A-ooga can be expressed as M(M(2,3),3), M(mega,3) or M(2,4) in Hyper-Moser Notation. In the up-arrow notation, A-ooga is greater than and comparable to \(2 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow ext{mega}\). Designating mega as \(M\) and using the general notation proposed by Susan Stepney, A-ooga can be bounded more precisely in Hyper-E notation: \[E(\omega)\#(255+M+M[4]_{1}+M[4]_{2}+...+M[4]_{M-2}+M[4]_{M-1})\\ < ext{A-ooga} < \\ E(\omega+1)\#(255+M+M[4]_{1}+M[4]_{2}+...+M[4]_{M-2}+M[4]_{M-1})\] where \[E(\omega)\#(255)\\ < M < \\ E(\omega+1)\#(255),\] \[\\ \] \[E(\omega)\#(255+M)\\ < M[4]_{1} < \\ E(\omega+1)\#(255+M),\] \[\\ \] \[E(\omega)\#(255+M+M[4]_{1})\\ < M[4]_{2} < \\ E(\omega+1)\#(255+M+M[4]_{1}),\] \[... \] \[E(\omega)\#(255+M+M[4]_{1}+M[4]_{2}+...+M[4]_{M-3})\\ < M[4]_{M-2} < \\ E(\omega+1)\#(255+M+M[4]_{1}+M[4]_{2}+...+M[4]_{M-3}),\] \[\\ \] \[E(\omega)\#(255+M+M[4]_{1}+M[4]_{2}+...+M[4]_{M-2})\\ < M[4]_{M-1} < \\ E(\omega+1)\#(255+M+M[4]_{1}+M[4]_{2}+...+M[4]_{M-2}),\] \[\\ \] \[M[4]_{1} = M[3]_{M} = M[3][3][3]...[3][3][3], ext{with \(M\) [3]'s},\] \[\\ \] \[M[3]_{M} = (...(M \uparrow M) \uparrow (M \uparrow M)...) \uparrow ... \uparrow (...(M \uparrow M) \uparrow (M \uparrow M)...), \\ ext{with 2}\uparrow ext{M terms},\] \[\\ \] \[M[4]_{n} = M[4]_{n-1}[4]_{1} = M[4]_{n-1}[3][3][3]...[3][3][3], ext{with \(M[4]_{n-1}\) [3]'s and \(n \geq {2}\)},\] \[\\ \] \[\ (\omega) =\] \[E1992373902852015408770642294514701465291622352905945582973954623675\\ 7445592829019852096549871643037231579555867729029727837739722687243\\ 8336880416507588667030476849951479260448025007899692332294822776204\\ 2887136166511460608650162136031063640924782250697929301283423560589\\ 2457887360583787492777424798206285182369042469497447438158240050711\\ 3232450532054313721633555246142587482700641781836005501387677455593\\ 1578483285863884486949805462052104291419845570558513443720606455732\\ 3165937735931605786380378378018264857422432758696743477636091751483\\ 2673105953482929270180111281652263111505547081990876835247606662936\\ 93562405279021537.\]