  • Amero
  • By 2020 the US dollar will be turned inside out, like the pockets of a hobo, causing the old greenback to be reviled. Then and there operation Big Short Change will bare fruit with new Amero money being shoved down our collective throats by the World Bank. But this grande finale will be preceded by events leading up to the Big Short Change which unfold in three easy steps: First NAFTA will develop into the North American Union (NAU) - the economic and monetary union of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Next Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro will be terminated by law-abiding US assassins and/or CIA sponsored Cancer cells so the North American Union can join with the South as the American Union (AU). Then the American Union will be combined with the European Union (EU) and the Oriental Union
  • 5456160
  • 2012-03-17
  • By 2020 the US dollar will be turned inside out, like the pockets of a hobo, causing the old greenback to be reviled. Then and there operation Big Short Change will bare fruit with new Amero money being shoved down our collective throats by the World Bank. But this grande finale will be preceded by events leading up to the Big Short Change which unfold in three easy steps: First NAFTA will develop into the North American Union (NAU) - the economic and monetary union of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Next Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro will be terminated by law-abiding US assassins and/or CIA sponsored Cancer cells so the North American Union can join with the South as the American Union (AU). Then the American Union will be combined with the European Union (EU) and the Oriental Union (OU) -- after forsaking the eugenically emptied but resource rich waste lands of Africa -- ultimately leading to the New World Order AKA the United States of Earth, with a common currency called the Euro Amero.