  • New Horizon! Chapter 7
  • New Horizon! Chapter 7 - We're lost. Drake: It's too hot . . . Nova: No it's not . . . Drake: Damn . . . at this rate it'll be impossible to move. . . Nova: Oh? The mighty Paladin defeated by sunlight? hehehe Drake: . . . Where are we even going? Nova: I challenge you're manhood!! Over an arm wrestle!! If you win I'll tell you!! Drake: And if you win? What then? Nova: You'll show me your face!! Nova: Ready? Drake: So why are we here again? Nova: Because it's warm. Drake: . . . Why are we merely heading in a straight line? Nova: Simple really . . Drake: Oh? Drake: Aren't those usually mirages . . . Drake: Oh?
  • New Horizon! Chapter 7 - We're lost. Drake: It's too hot . . . Nova: No it's not . . . Drake: Damn . . . at this rate it'll be impossible to move. . . Nova: Oh? The mighty Paladin defeated by sunlight? hehehe Drake: . . . Where are we even going? Nova: I challenge you're manhood!! Over an arm wrestle!! If you win I'll tell you!! Drake: And if you win? What then? Nova: You'll show me your face!! Nova: Ready? Drake: So why are we here again? Nova: Because it's warm. Drake: . . . Why are we merely heading in a straight line? Nova: Simple really . . Drake: Oh? Nova: There is always a village in the center of the desert. Drake: Aren't those usually mirages . . . Nova: Well . . . We won't find a village in here either. King: *whimper* Drake: I have a question . . . Drake: Was that even there when we fell? Nova: Probably . . . Nova: We're lost aren't we . . . Drake: No . . Nova: Yeah . . . We've passed that same Sphinx several times!! You have a terrible sense of direction!! Drake: I'm following you idiot!! Drake: By the way . . wasn't King with us? Nova: I thought you had him . . . Drake: You can't even look after one dog. . . Nova: Oi Sphinx thingy!! Show us the way!! Drake: Stop talking to the statue!! Nova: Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- Sphinx: Bring it punk, I eat fieves like you for breakfast!! Drake: Don't encourage him you overfed idiot!! Nova: New plan. I beat you, you join us. Sphinx: Heh. You wish. Drake: Screw this . . . Nova: Float like a butterfly!! Sting like a bee!! Sphinx: There ain't no way you can beat me!! Drake: Guys . . . Nova: Pow!! Drake: Guys . . Sphinx: Die!! Nova and the Sphinx: Gomenasai. Drake: Start acting like huma- . . . . males. Hairball. Whats that thing approaching us. Sphinx: Sand Dolphins . . . Drake: Where did you last see King? Nova: In the spring with you when we fell. Drake: Hairball. Did you see a white dog? Sphinx: Yes, I did Tin can. Nova: And where did he go?! Sphinx: Three of the fieves from your group. Drake: We are not thieves. We are pirates. Theres a difference. Nova: Why's he saying thieves wrong? Drake: What? Nova: You know... Thieves is spelt thieves but he's saying "f" instead of "th" and it just sounds stupid!! Drake: . . . What? Nova: Come on. Imagine if someone was to write this as a story of our epic tale or something. How would they spell it? Their readers would think it's a mispelling or something!! Nova: These would make good camels. . . Drake: I agree . . . Nova: You were saying about thieves? Sphinx: Yeah I've been tracking the fieves group for a while. I've finally found their fortress. . . but three of the leader's have been following you . . . so I assumed it was an induction or something . . . Drake: Oh? Drake: Another Mythical Zoan huh? Nova: Have you seen a sphinx dash past you? Former Sphinx: Yeah . . Drake: So where is the fortress? Former Sphinx: I'll show ya. On sand dolphin's it won't be far away. Drake: So King is there huh . . . Former Sphinx: Yup . . we can't take the sand dolphins in there. . . they'll only get killed or in our way. . Drake: I see . . . Nova: I'll never forget you sandy . . . Drake: Oh here we go . . . Former Sphinx: Is he retarded? Drake: No. . he's random . . which is surprisingly effective at times. Anyway, I guess the plan is, invade the fortress, don't get killed. King: *wimper* ??????: Relax mutt . . . you'll be free soon enough . . . ???: Yeah . . . When you're owner's come for you . . we'll get em! And be rich!! Just their bounties will set us back for life!! Nova: So before this . . . What's your name Sphinxy? Former Sphinx: Oh yeah . . . I'm Leo!! Previous Chapter | Next Chapter