  • Kaido
  • Kaido
  • Kaido
  • Kaido
  • Kaido
  • Kaido
  • Kaido
  • Kaido was a peasant who summoned an oni, becoming one of the leaders of the Yogo Rebellion.
  • Nama Kaido terdengar tak lama setelah Gekko Moriah mengambil bayangan Luffy's. gelar yonko tersebut terungkap pada saat topi jerami mengalahkan Gekko Moriah.
  • thumb|Portretul lui KaidoKaido - Regele Bestiilor (eng: Kaido, The King of the Beasts, jap: Hyakujū no Kaidō) face parte din Cei Patru Imperatori . Potrivit lui Trafalgar Law , Kaido este cunoscut ca fiind "cea mai puternică creatură din lume". Numele lui Kaido este menționat pentru prima dată de către Gekko Moriah , la scurt timp după ce Moria îi furase umbra lui Luffy . Abia după ce Moria este învins de Pălăriile de Paie aflăm că Kaido este un Imperator.
  • Kaido è uno dei quattro imperatori e il capitano dei Pirati delle cento bestie.
  • Kaido, auch als Hyakujū 1. * WEITERLEITUNG bekannt, ist einer der Yonkō. Er gilt zwei Jahre nach der Schlacht von Marineford als der stärkste lebende Pirat.
  • Kaido of the Beasts is the captain of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Yonko, the third to be mentioned by name, and the last one to debut; he is also known as the "Strongest Creature in the World". He and his crew currently occupy Wano Country. He was first referred to by Monkey D. Garp in Water 7 and then directly mentioned by Gekko Moriah shortly after he obtained Monkey D. Luffy's shadow; his title of Yonko was revealed just after the Straw Hat Pirates defeated Moriah.
  • Kaido (in Japanese: カイドウ Kaidō) is the captain of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Four Emperors in the New World. He is the one who killed Gekko Moriah's old crew. He also tried to attack Whitebeard but was stopped by Shanks. He is also considered to be the strongest creature in the world due to having an army of Beasts, and he himself is a beast. He hires Donquixote Doflamingo to make his army.
  • {{Character infobox - DxD Fanon|name = Kaido|Race = Human|Hair Color = Black|Equipment = Flame Shake|Status = Alive|image = Kaido=File:Kaido.png|-|"Blaze"=[[File:Blaze1.png|250px]]|Nicknames = Blaze (Alias)|Eye Color = Blue|Relatives = Marie (Girlfriend)|Affiliations = Yellow Diamonds (Leader; Formerly)Khaos Brigade|Ranking = Mid-Class Level}}'''Kaido''' is a recurring antagonist in Devil Reborn Redux. He is a former delinquent who once allied with the Stray Devil Eliade (albeit under coercion) in her plot to murder Shirou. He was later recruited into the Khaos Brigade after awakening his Sacred Gear, Flame Shake, having temporarily served under Kokabiel as part of a mission under the alias "Blaze". == Appearance == Kaido is a young man with mid-length black hair and blue eyes. He usually
  • Kaido is a skill with two main parts to it. The first part, comprising the lower abilities, consist of an assortment of defensive abilities that rely on bodily control, such as automatic mana regeneration, healing your limbs by force of will, and so on. The higher abilities relate to the use of Kai energy. After you have built up Kai energy by being near violent actions, you may use the Kai abilities, which are extremely powerful.
  • Kaido (カイドウ, Kaidō) surnommé "Kaido aux Cent Bêtes" est le capitaine de l'équipage aux Cent Bêtes ainsi que l'un des Quatre Empereurs, le troisième à être mentionné par son nom, et le dernier à faire ses débuts ; il est également connu comme étant "La Créature la Plus Puissante du Monde". Lui et son équipage occupent actuellement le Pays de Wa.
  • Kaido, «el de las Bestias» (百獣のカイドウ Hyakujū no Kaidō?) es el capitán de los Piratas de las Bestias y uno de los Cuatro Emperadores, los cuatro piratas que dominan el Nuevo Mundo, siendo el tercero de ellos en ser mencionado, y el último en hacer aparición; Kaido es conocido como «la Criatura más Poderosa del Mundo» (最強の生物 Saikyō no Seibutsu?). Él y su banda han ocupado el País de Wano.
  • M
  • カイドウ Kaidō
  • Los Cuatro Emperadores
  • Piratas de las Bestias
  • Piratas Bestias
  • カイドウ
  • männlich
  • カイドウ
  • カイドウ
  • BeastsPiratesColors
  • BestiasColores
  • PiratiDiKaido
  • カイドウ
  • Kaidō
  • * pirata; * capitano
  • 1
  • ,
  • 2
  • 10
  • 15
  • Hyakujū
type of villain
  • Enigmatic Villain
  • Kaidō
  • カイドウ
  • Kaido
  • 456
  • 481
  • 483
  • 533
  • 580
  • 595
  • 697
  • 698
  • 793
  • 795
  • 808
  • 818
  • 821
  • 824
  • Kaidō
  • #E49B0F
  • Marie
  • Raise a powerful army, start a war, kill Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar D. Water Law
  • Kaidō
  • Wano Country
  • Kaido
  • One Piece
  • 350
  • 373
  • 375
  • 434
  • 489
  • 511
  • 513
  • 623
  • 625
  • 736
  • 739
  • 757
  • 770
  • 779
  • Superhuman strength, inability to die
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 13
  • 14
  • 17
  • 19
  • 1012
  • Alive
  • lebendig
  • * ; *
  • Tesshō Genda
  • Island
  • Contact
  • Drake
  • Toughness
  • 30.0
  • c580
  • c818
  • c819
  • c821
  • c824
  • c808
  • c698
  • Hot Stuff
  • c725
  • c595
  • c594
  • Kaido
  • Deal
  • c793
  • Defeating Moriah
  • First Mention
  • Joker's worry
  • Kaido
  • Kaido
  • Shanks's Arrival
  • VsShanks
  • Yonko confirmed
  • c433
  • c456
  • c481
  • c533
  • c697
  • c724
  • c746
  • c808p4
  • c824p10
  • c824p10-12
  • c824p11-12
  • c824p13
  • Chapter 795; Episode 739
Hair Color
  • Black
  • Mid-Class Level
  • 5
  • FFFAF0
  • "Kaido aux Cent Bêtes"
  • "La Plus Puissante Créature du Monde"
  • 百獣
  • 373
  • 434
  • 489
  • 511
  • 534
  • 623
  • 625
  • 650
  • 655
  • 681
  • 736
  • 770
  • 771
  • Vivant
  • Kaido of the Beasts
  • Ruling his territory, attempting suicide
  • 556
  • #292030
  • #556B2F
  • 1
  • --05-01
  • Kaido.png
  • 61
  • 433
  • 456
  • 481
  • 513
  • 533
  • 594
  • 595
  • 697
  • 698
  • 724
  • 725
  • 727
  • 746
  • 793
  • 795
  • 808
  • 818
  • 819
  • 821
  • 824
  • Blaze
  • Kaido
  • 150
  • Khaos Brigade
  • Yellow Diamonds
  • 10
  • 17
  • Kaido
  • Flame Shake
Eye Color
  • Blue
  • Human
  • ffd800
  • #E49B0F
  • #ffd800
  • Kaido.jpg
  • --05-01
  • Capitán de los Piratas de las Bestias
  • 300
  • Tesshō Genda
  • *Kaido vs. le premier équipage de Gecko Moria = Victoire *L'Équipage aux Cent Bêtes vs. L'Équipage du Roux *Kaido vs. Eustass Kid = Victoire
  • --05-01
  • Kaido of the Beast,
  • 250
  • Kaido (カイドウ, Kaidō) surnommé "Kaido aux Cent Bêtes" est le capitaine de l'équipage aux Cent Bêtes ainsi que l'un des Quatre Empereurs, le troisième à être mentionné par son nom, et le dernier à faire ses débuts ; il est également connu comme étant "La Créature la Plus Puissante du Monde". Lui et son équipage occupent actuellement le Pays de Wa. Il a d'abord été mentionné par Monkey D. Garp à Water Seven, puis mentionné directement par Gecko Moria peu de temps après avoir obtenu l'ombre de Monkey D. Luffy ; son titre d'Empereur a été révélé juste après que l'équipage du Chapeau de Paille ait défait Moria.
  • Kaido was a peasant who summoned an oni, becoming one of the leaders of the Yogo Rebellion.
  • Nama Kaido terdengar tak lama setelah Gekko Moriah mengambil bayangan Luffy's. gelar yonko tersebut terungkap pada saat topi jerami mengalahkan Gekko Moriah.
  • thumb|Portretul lui KaidoKaido - Regele Bestiilor (eng: Kaido, The King of the Beasts, jap: Hyakujū no Kaidō) face parte din Cei Patru Imperatori . Potrivit lui Trafalgar Law , Kaido este cunoscut ca fiind "cea mai puternică creatură din lume". Numele lui Kaido este menționat pentru prima dată de către Gekko Moriah , la scurt timp după ce Moria îi furase umbra lui Luffy . Abia după ce Moria este învins de Pălăriile de Paie aflăm că Kaido este un Imperator.
  • Kaido is a skill with two main parts to it. The first part, comprising the lower abilities, consist of an assortment of defensive abilities that rely on bodily control, such as automatic mana regeneration, healing your limbs by force of will, and so on. The higher abilities relate to the use of Kai energy. After you have built up Kai energy by being near violent actions, you may use the Kai abilities, which are extremely powerful. Weathering - Increase your ability to weather damage.Vitality - Call upon a rush of adrenaline to heal you.Sturdiness - Standing firm against attempts to move you.Toughness - Increased resistance to physical attacks.Deaf - Blocking out sound by force of will.Hearing - Restoring your hearing.Clotting - Reduce the level of your bleeding.Regeneration - Regain health through strength of mind.Sight - Restoring your sight.Blind - Blinding yourself to prevent optical damage.Resistance - Reduce the damage taken from magical attacks.Nightsight - Gain the ability of infravision.Fitness - Controlling your breathing.Restoration - Healing damaged limbs by force of will.Projectiles - Avoiding many projectiles.Dodging - Avoiding attacks from the sky.Constitution - Maintaining your intestinal equilibrium.Splitting - Constant meditation by splitting your consciousness.Breathing - Holding your breath.Consciousness - The ability to stay conscious at all times.Immunity - Immunity from most poisons.Boosting - Increasing your rate of regeneration.Transmute - Instantly convert mana into health.Numbness - Delaying the effects of damage.KaiTrance - Entering the mystical Kai Trance.KaiChoke - Crush a victim's windpipe remotely.KaiCripple - Cripple your target completely.KaiHeal - Healing yourself with Kai energy.KaiBanish - Temporarily banish your victim from time itself.KaiBoost - Increase your receptiveness to Kai energy.Enfeeble - Unleash a massive blast of kai energy at your opponent.Deliverance - Grant your enemies release from this mortal coil.
  • Kaido, «el de las Bestias» (百獣のカイドウ Hyakujū no Kaidō?) es el capitán de los Piratas de las Bestias y uno de los Cuatro Emperadores, los cuatro piratas que dominan el Nuevo Mundo, siendo el tercero de ellos en ser mencionado, y el último en hacer aparición; Kaido es conocido como «la Criatura más Poderosa del Mundo» (最強の生物 Saikyō no Seibutsu?). Él y su banda han ocupado el País de Wano. Es uno de los antagonistas centrales de la Saga de Dressrosa y la Saga de los Cuatro Emperadores, siendo insinuado por primera vez por Monkey D. Garp en Water 7 y mencionado directamente por Gekko Moriah justo después de conseguir la sombra de Luffy. Su título de Emperador Pirata fue revelado después de la derrota de Gekko Moriah por parte de los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja.
  • Kaido è uno dei quattro imperatori e il capitano dei Pirati delle cento bestie.
  • Kaido, auch als Hyakujū 1. * WEITERLEITUNG bekannt, ist einer der Yonkō. Er gilt zwei Jahre nach der Schlacht von Marineford als der stärkste lebende Pirat.
  • {{Character infobox - DxD Fanon|name = Kaido|Race = Human|Hair Color = Black|Equipment = Flame Shake|Status = Alive|image = Kaido=File:Kaido.png|-|"Blaze"=[[File:Blaze1.png|250px]]|Nicknames = Blaze (Alias)|Eye Color = Blue|Relatives = Marie (Girlfriend)|Affiliations = Yellow Diamonds (Leader; Formerly)Khaos Brigade|Ranking = Mid-Class Level}}'''Kaido''' is a recurring antagonist in Devil Reborn Redux. He is a former delinquent who once allied with the Stray Devil Eliade (albeit under coercion) in her plot to murder Shirou. He was later recruited into the Khaos Brigade after awakening his Sacred Gear, Flame Shake, having temporarily served under Kokabiel as part of a mission under the alias "Blaze". == Appearance == Kaido is a young man with mid-length black hair and blue eyes. He usually wears a red bandanna over his head and is usually dressed in his wrinkled student uniform. As "Blaze", he wore black robes, boots, and gloves, wearing a white half-mask over the top half of his face. == Personality == Kaido has a rough and vulgar personality albeit with more principles than most delinquents, showing more honor and camaraderie with his friends and subordinates. He is usually passive and wise-cracking similarly to Shirou, proving to be lighthearted even in otherwise serious situations. He can even prove to be outright friendly towards others. He possesses a terrible grudge against Shirou for injuring his girlfriend, Marie, having shattered her arm which led to her depression and subsequent suicide attempt, and has an incredible desire to kill Shirou, having even agreed to work under Eliade after she murdered several of his friends in order to send him to his demise. However, in situations unrelated to Shirou, he possesses a strong sense of morals, refusing to engage in illicit activities such as murder or theft. He also has a strong distaste for cold-blooded murderers such as Freed, referring to him as "disgusting". A person of gray morality, Kaido desires nothing more than to make Shirou suffer for what he's done and avenge Marie. == History == Kaid used to be a delinquent and the leader of a popular gang, the Yellow Diamonds. After meeting and falling in love with a young pianist who would inevitably become his girlfriend, Marie, he turned his group in a more positive direction, proving to be more vigilantes than thugs. Their first major target: The Demon King of Kuoh, Shirou Fujimura. However, despite their overwhelming number advantage, Kaido and his group were beaten mercilessly by Shirou, who had been incredibly agitated to the point he continued beating Kaido even after he was downed. In order to protect Kaido, Marie intervened, cutting Shirou with a pocket knife. In a blind rage, Shirou beat her to the ground, continuing until after he shattered her arm. The resulting injury damaged the nerves in Marie's arm, preventing her from ever being able to play the piano properly again. In a fit of depression, she engaged in a suicide attempt which would fail and result in the loss of her legs. As a result, from fury, guilt, and grief, Kaido developed an intense grudge against Shirou and desires nothing more than his painful, gruesome death. == Powers & Abilities == '''Skilled Combatant:''' Kaido has proven himself to be a skilled combatant, able to combine physical prowess with his Sacred Gear's abilities in order to rival that of Shirou and Kiba. '''Immense Speed:''' As a result of training from the Khaos Brigade, Kaido is able to match the speed of a Knight. '''Immense Strength:''' As a result of training from the Khaos Brigade, Kaido is able to injure even a Devil in hand-to-hand combat. == Equipment == '''Flame Shake''': Kaido's Sacred Gear which allows him to conjure and manipulate fire. He has shown a fair proficiency in its use, able to rival even the ice properties of Shirou's Canis Regalia. * '''Hitodama:''' Kaido conjures a dozen balls of fire bearing golden yellow eyes and impish grins that continue flying through the air until they have been destroyed or hit their target. * '''Yamata-no-Orochi:''' Kaido conjures eight, serpent-like tendrils that whip about, burning anything they come into contact with. == Trivia == [[Category:Bamafelix]] [[Category:Fanon Sacred Gear users]] [[Category:Fanon Humans]] [[Category:Devil Reborn Redux]]
  • Kaido of the Beasts is the captain of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Yonko, the third to be mentioned by name, and the last one to debut; he is also known as the "Strongest Creature in the World". He and his crew currently occupy Wano Country. He was first referred to by Monkey D. Garp in Water 7 and then directly mentioned by Gekko Moriah shortly after he obtained Monkey D. Luffy's shadow; his title of Yonko was revealed just after the Straw Hat Pirates defeated Moriah.
  • Kaido (in Japanese: カイドウ Kaidō) is the captain of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Four Emperors in the New World. He is the one who killed Gekko Moriah's old crew. He also tried to attack Whitebeard but was stopped by Shanks. He is also considered to be the strongest creature in the world due to having an army of Beasts, and he himself is a beast. He hires Donquixote Doflamingo to make his army.
is Leader of
is Combatientes of
is capitano of
is Affiliation of
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